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Forums » Looking for RP » Kingdom of Ash (fantasy rip) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Lucifer Errat (played by Skipbab)

And he's gonna wake up in a stack of hay on some random ass farm.
Rip :P
Lucifer Errat (played by Skipbab)

And his satchel is going in a pig pen.
Carmen Ashdown (played by RayneLillac) Topic Starter

And all the pigs have wiggled in and ate his soup supply
Lucifer Errat (played by Skipbab)

A normal pig is too fat to even wiggle down into his satchel. Maybe a piglet could, but then it would fall down around three meters, doubt it would survive.
Carmen Ashdown (played by RayneLillac) Topic Starter

Idk I seen that babe movie with the piglet seemed pretty smart
Lucifer Errat (played by Skipbab)

I don't think that a piglet can crawl down a vertical ladder.
Lucifer Errat (played by Skipbab)

Wait, what were the name of the country we are in?
Lucifer Errat wrote:
Are we still on the same day as Lucifer came to the castle?

This is a freeform/paraform RPG so time seems irrelevant. Everyone just randomly started using headers like "Meanwhile" or "Earlier that day", "Previously" etc. And so far that seems to be working so nobody has tried to systemize it yet. If you have a proposal for an IC timeline, PM the GM (RayneLillac), and maybe we can start one. In the meantime, I'm still busy multitasking ATM so my posts may be spontaneous and not consistent. But I am still editing the roster and working on a text-based descriptive map of the kingdom. If I don't post an update at any point, don't fret. Just tell everyone to use improv (improvised RPing) until all the issues are settled. :)
Here are the directions and locations of the kingdoms/countries on the map I have written so far:

Far North - Tundra (frozen desert; uninhabited)
North - ?
Center- Kingdom of Ash (mountainous; center of the map)
Far West - ?
West - ?
Far East - ?
East- Kingdom of Ash (sparse woodlands; formerly Kingdom of Estvikt)
South - Wilderness (hills, valleys and forests; currently unruled)
Far South - Desert (hot and arid; lifeless and uninhabited)

Here are the directions and locations of the places/lands within the Kingdom of Ash on the map I have written so far:

Far North - Montra (royal graveyard; tombs, crypts, the Ashdown Mausoleum)
North - Mareshoe Mountains (goldmines, shafts and quarries)
Center - Castle Ashdown (largest citadel in all the kingdom; center of map)
East - Forest (dense hills)
Far East - Relbregh's Tower (largest palace in the kingdom), Castle Estvikt (second largest castle in the kingdom)
West - Travelers Inn (rest stop on King's Pass)
Far West - ?
South - Wilderness (scattered woodlands; valleys, creeks)
Far South - ?
Miscellaneous- River (runs vertically across the whole kingdom), Kings Pass (dirt wagon trail; runs horizontally across the whole kingdom)

Here are the places within Castle Ashdown on the map that I have written so far:

- The Keep
- The Main Gate
- The Stables
- The Gardens
- The Courtyard
- The Royal Court
- The Watchtower
- The Dungeons
- The Latrine
- The Kitchen
- The Dining Hall
- The Ball Room
- The Throne Room
- The Council Chambers
- The King's Study
- The Museum
- The King's Statue Garden
- The Monastery
- The Barracks
- The Draw Bridge
- The Archery Range
- The Queen's Pond Gardens
- The Water Well
- The King's Tavern
- The Bastions
- The Royal Palace
- The Wind Mill
- The Guest Chambers
- The Wine Cellar
- The Vintage Room
- The Main Hall
- The King's Chamber
- The Queen's Bird Forest
- The Balcony
- The Bell Tower
- The Moat
- The East Gate
- The West Gate
- The Winding Stairwell
- The Waiting Room
- The Lounge
- The Secret Passages
- The Wood Depot
- The Armoury
- The Grainery
- The Water Tower
- The Dog Cages
- The Stockade
- The Torture Chambers
- The Castle Attic
- The Main Wall
- The Inner Wall
- The Market
- The Dressing Room
- The Bath House
- The Sewer Drain

I'm assuming that this is being used as an OOC thread for an RP elsewhere. This forum is supposed to be used for players that are looking for a game to join, and although that's what this started out as, I think there needs to be an official OOC thread for this. As this is going, it's starting to clog up the forums.
I do agree with Cool Shortie, we should have separate OOC forum and also I posted sorry about the wait haven't been around the computer last little bit
Lucifer Errat (played by Skipbab)

Yes, we need that.

I can set one up fairly easily, if you want. I'll just make another thread in the RP Discussion forum, and then you guys can kick it off from there?
Carmen Ashdown (played by RayneLillac) Topic Starter

Yeah sorry about that I ca close this one aswell

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Kingdom of Ash (fantasy rip) (closed)

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