Firstly, I really don't like introductions. In fact, I didn't even want to do this! But, alas, even though I can skip it, I shouldn't. It's like starting a quest with a sword/bow/spell/etc instead of nothing; a small advantage is better than no advantage.
So let's just dive into it, I suppose. What else can we do? [Aside from skip it, of course!]
I'm Molimo [Mall-ah-moe], but I've been called a lot of things. My personal favorite is "Cleric Malaria" though that one is something of an inside joke.
I have been roleplaying for roughly half my life. All the times I haven't been roleplaying, I've been writing. It's something of a compulsion, and I'm past the point where I could quit. In a way, this is just a way to sate the hunger; I've been gone from roleplaying for some time. [All of my friends left the last place I was and I'm too much of a coward to make new friends. But I guess that must be a lie since here we are.]
As to writing... yes. I'm a writer. Not an author, not yet, but perhaps soon. My friend and I have been working on a book for the past four years. Yeah, I know co-writing is a lot harder, but not to me. To me it's just roleplaying with a lot more structure. Even better, we work well together. We're currently on our... fourth or fifth rendition of the novel, and I'm positive this one will be our last. To put it into perspective, our first rendition [*shudders*] involved lots of time travel, evil multi-dimensional creatures, and the solution was to put said multidimensional creature into his own dimension.
There's a lot of reasons we've been working on the book for so long, but that's reason number one. We don't like to talk about it. The latest rendition has seen an entirely new cast of protagonists, which was perhaps the best thing we could have done for it. I expect it'll be finished later this year.
You know, now that I'm saying all of that, it kinda feels... pathetic. Too bad I told myself I wouldn't stop myself from rambling. I could have avoided all of that.
Anyway, fantasy roleplaying is my personal favorite, but I also enjoy science fiction. If I could find a way to combine the two concepts into a singular unit... I'd probably write a book. Another book. Hmm. I guess that can go on my list. Eh, why not?
And, look at me. Rambling again. It's like I've never made an introduction post before. (I have, don't worry.) Let's see... I have three dogs, six birds (There is a seventh, and she's a Red Tail Hawk. But it's not really a pet, so I don't really count her) , several fish, and two gerbils. I would also like a cat, but that's not really... it probably wouldn't work out very well.
I liked basically every subject in school and I currently work in a laboratory. You'd think that sounds cool, and it is, but I don't really... have much to do... >.< If I had more, I'd absolutely love it. Instead I run out of things to do halfway through my week and then I just get really, really bored. Oh well, what can you do?
I'm going to cut this introduction off here now. I've already said a lot, perhaps too much. It's also pretty late. Early, I suppose. Either way, I wanted to be asleep by now. And here I am. Writing an introduction I've been putting off for three days. Gooooooood jooooooob, Molimo.
EDIT: Whoa, formatting. Cool your jets there, okay?
Firstly, I really don't like introductions. In fact, I didn't even want to do this! But, alas, even though I can skip it, I shouldn't. It's like starting a quest with a sword/bow/spell/etc instead of nothing; a small advantage is better than no advantage.
So let's just dive into it, I suppose. What else can we do? [Aside from skip it, of course!]
I'm Molimo [Mall-ah-moe], but I've been called a lot of things. My personal favorite is "Cleric Malaria" though that one is something of an inside joke.

As to writing... yes. I'm a writer. Not an author, not yet, but perhaps soon. My friend and I have been working on a book for the past four years. Yeah, I know co-writing is a lot harder, but not to me. To me it's just roleplaying with a lot more structure. Even better, we work well together. We're currently on our... fourth or fifth rendition of the novel, and I'm positive this one will be our last. To put it into perspective, our first rendition [*shudders*] involved lots of time travel, evil multi-dimensional creatures, and the solution was to put said multidimensional creature into his own dimension.
There's a lot of reasons we've been working on the book for so long, but that's reason number one. We don't like to talk about it. The latest rendition has seen an entirely new cast of protagonists, which was perhaps the best thing we could have done for it. I expect it'll be finished later this year.
You know, now that I'm saying all of that, it kinda feels... pathetic. Too bad I told myself I wouldn't stop myself from rambling. I could have avoided all of that.
Anyway, fantasy roleplaying is my personal favorite, but I also enjoy science fiction. If I could find a way to combine the two concepts into a singular unit... I'd probably write a book. Another book. Hmm. I guess that can go on my list. Eh, why not?
And, look at me. Rambling again. It's like I've never made an introduction post before. (I have, don't worry.) Let's see... I have three dogs, six birds (There is a seventh, and she's a Red Tail Hawk. But it's not really a pet, so I don't really count her) , several fish, and two gerbils. I would also like a cat, but that's not really... it probably wouldn't work out very well.
I liked basically every subject in school and I currently work in a laboratory. You'd think that sounds cool, and it is, but I don't really... have much to do... >.< If I had more, I'd absolutely love it. Instead I run out of things to do halfway through my week and then I just get really, really bored. Oh well, what can you do?
I'm going to cut this introduction off here now. I've already said a lot, perhaps too much. It's also pretty late. Early, I suppose. Either way, I wanted to be asleep by now. And here I am. Writing an introduction I've been putting off for three days. Gooooooood jooooooob, Molimo.

EDIT: Whoa, formatting. Cool your jets there, okay?
Hello and welcome to RPR Molimo.
Your book really sounds like a fantastic work of art you have been busy on, and four years is a long time, so once you finish up, tell us all and we might all give it a read. Literature is a beautiful thing, so getting to read a book an author/s have been working on for a long time, ten to one, its going to be a brilliant book.
Anyways, keep up with the RPR family and have a great stay within this amazing forum. You will enjoy it here.
that I know.
Your book really sounds like a fantastic work of art you have been busy on, and four years is a long time, so once you finish up, tell us all and we might all give it a read. Literature is a beautiful thing, so getting to read a book an author/s have been working on for a long time, ten to one, its going to be a brilliant book.
Anyways, keep up with the RPR family and have a great stay within this amazing forum. You will enjoy it here.

Hey Molimo, welcome to RPR!

Hey there! Introductions may be a necessary evil, but I'd say you did just fine.
I suggest heading over to the Looking for RP forum so that you can find good people to plot with!

Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.

Welcome to RPR! I'm super glad you've joined us here!
I really recommend checking out the Looking For RP boards, and I definitely recommend hitting up the OOC Chat as a place to get to know some of your fellow roleplayers!
Thank you SO MUCH for coming to us and helping us make our community great!
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