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Forums » Looking for RP » Space Empire RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ulyre (played by Vodok)

Within the great expanse of the universe, there exists a variety of species who each operate a Space Empire whether democratically or theocratically. So long as there is a species looking to expand their territory in space behind it. One of these is the Cogniut.

Empire Name: The Commonwealth of Cognit Planets

Planets (Territory):
7(5 within their home solar system and 2 in the neighboring solar system they are terraforming.)
Velcis (Homeworld)
Mining bases on their asteroid belts. Metals and water.
2 Clean Energy Factory planets. Both in Home System
2 Farming Planets. 1 in Home System. 1 in a neighboring system.
2 Research Planets. 1 in Home System. 1 in a neighboring system.

Councilor Ship (Flagship)
10 Research vessels
7 Exploration vessels
5 Terraforming vessels

Empire Strengths:
Scientists (Highly Technologically Advanced)
Diplomatic (Can handle peaceful relationships easily and smoothly as long as there are no ideology conflicts)
Generous (Happy to provide large amounts of trade material to allies)
Telepathic (Psionic powered individuals)

Empire Weaknesses:
Passive (Non-Aggressive. Lack of Military Fleet with only planetary defenses)
Delicate (Squishy species that require specific environments, and takes a lot of terraforming time and resources)
Isolationist (The Cogniut value independence to the point it is difficult for them to accept help from allies until absolutely desperate)
Arrogant (Lack tact when it comes to what they consider illogical in other species such as religion or hunting)

Please use this template when creating your empire and use your character to represent your species.
Empire Name:
Empire Strengths:
Empire Weaknesses:

I will be supervising the progress of your empire and make sure you handle it in a fair and balanced method to keep it interesting among all the players. I have set up my species so that they will constantly be the empire with the least amount of territory, but don't be afraid to call me out if they seem too powerful.
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 100%
Far future, perhaps galactic teleporters and fast terraforming
Combat 40%
Unrest may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat may be summarized.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Kissix (played by DearCharlie)

I'm not quite sure as to how this will go, but I'm glad to apply regardless~
(Please tell me if they aren't up to standards or are too powerful)

Empire Name: The Conquistador of Hyponix Planets
Planets(Territory): 10 (4 within home solar system, 6 in a neighboring, conquered solar system, 2 of which require terraforming.)
  • Hypo (Homeworld)
  • 3 Commanding/Mainly military developing/training planets (two within home system)
  • 2 Energy producing planets (one per system)
  • 2 Farming/Food producing planets (one per solar system)
  • 1 Research planet (within other solar system)
  • 2 Planets being currently terraformed. Planned to become 1 military planet and one research planet.
  • 1 Flagship
  • 2 Terraforming Vessels
  • 13 Attack ships (weaponry)
  • 5 Exploration vehicles
Empire Strengths: Empire Weaknesses:
  • Better at fighting rather than befriending
  • Better at fighting rather than manipulating
  • Hyper
  • Focuses on expansion rather than upgrading defenses and weapons (not as high tech, though can fend and conquer most).
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

They seem like a good species to me. I accept the application. If you'd like we can begin or wait for more players.
Kissix (played by DearCharlie)

It's only been, like, a day. I suggest giving it time.
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

Very well.
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

((This group has been pushed quite far back due to the lack of activity. Would you like to start iff with just the two of us?))
Kissix (played by DearCharlie)

((I'm fine with 1x1. Though, you're gonna have to explain to me how this'll go.))
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

((Alright, the RP posts should consist of the progression of your Empire, and character interactions will happen through the civilization's leaders and other citizens.))
Kissix (played by DearCharlie)

((Would you like me to send a PM?))
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

Kissix wrote:
((Would you like me to send a PM?))
((To request more specific information?))
Kissix (played by DearCharlie)

((Nu, for 1x1. Unless you'd prefer to wait.))
((Btw, although this is most likely ded, I wanted to say that I'm moving Kissix here.))
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

((The group is still open to anyone who wants to join.))
Kyana Sunstrider (played anonymously)

This sounds awesome and fun. If someone wants to let me know whenever this starts up I'd love to hop in somewhere. Just let me know!
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

((Create your forms, then you can begin immediately after my approval is provided.))
Kyana Sunstrider (played anonymously)

I'm a bit green on this site, what do I need to do?
Ulyre wrote:
((Create your forms, then you can begin immediately after my approval is provided.))
(( What is the (sorry for the bad pun) format? XD ))
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

At the beginning of the topic you will see my first post. There is my species and their empire conveyed through a form presenting their information. Included is a template of that form that is the information you need to present for me to decide whether it's a species in a suitable level to begin the RP with. You can use mine as an example if you wish.
Ulyre (played by Vodok) Topic Starter

TardisCatTwo wrote:
Ulyre wrote:
((Create your forms, then you can begin immediately after my approval is provided.))
(( What is the (sorry for the bad pun) format? XD ))
On my first post, after my species and their empire information you will see the template.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Space Empire RP (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus