Hello, all! (´。• ω •。`)
So, to keep it brief, I suppose... Has anyone ever considered implementing a basic seniority/day count system for RP Repository? Like, a little count on your profile keeping track of all the days you've logged in, and also showing your last login date, too. It seems like it would be especially handy for being able to tell who's active and who isn't.
I've prepared for you an artist's rendition of what it could look like, as well:

...Or, something like that, anyway.
Thank you very much!
So, to keep it brief, I suppose... Has anyone ever considered implementing a basic seniority/day count system for RP Repository? Like, a little count on your profile keeping track of all the days you've logged in, and also showing your last login date, too. It seems like it would be especially handy for being able to tell who's active and who isn't.
I've prepared for you an artist's rendition of what it could look like, as well:

...Or, something like that, anyway.

Thank you very much!
I would shoot the last login date down immediately, for this reason:
- Impatient people will see the last login date and will pester someone for rp replies. Things that take some sweet time will end up being rushed. I personally take an hour to reply to some rps and a week to reply to others, according to how nice my muse is being. Having a last login date will have others think that you are ignoring them/avoiding them even if you're not.
this is a personal opinion based on experience.
~~~that aside, the seniority thing does look a little fun to me. I know fanfiction has little icons next to someone's username to denote how long they've been on the site (bamboo shoots for two weeks, silver medal for a year, couch for two+months, etc).
However, I feel as if it's unnecessary, and I personally think Kim has more important things to do.
- Impatient people will see the last login date and will pester someone for rp replies. Things that take some sweet time will end up being rushed. I personally take an hour to reply to some rps and a week to reply to others, according to how nice my muse is being. Having a last login date will have others think that you are ignoring them/avoiding them even if you're not.
this is a personal opinion based on experience.
~~~that aside, the seniority thing does look a little fun to me. I know fanfiction has little icons next to someone's username to denote how long they've been on the site (bamboo shoots for two weeks, silver medal for a year, couch for two+months, etc).
However, I feel as if it's unnecessary, and I personally think Kim has more important things to do.
Seniority sounds fun, but I'd prefer if it was just, "how long this person has been on RPR" and not how many times they've logged in. The last login date would bother me if it wasn't optional, it was was available, but optional? Then maybe. I personally have my own set up on my profile where I put down the date myself and a message about what's going on that day, if I am posting or not, and have a weekly RP response time note every week. So, personally for me I wouldn't want to use the last login. Also because I keep my phone logged in 100% of the time. I think the currently online, and just checking someones activity, and messaging them is good enough personally.
Oh, wow, I didn't intend on sparking a discussion so fast. >~< *flustered*
I appreciate your input, and I can see your point about a last login date perhaps causing some problems. Maybe it could be an option whether to show it or not? Though, I guess we sort of already have that with the option to show people if you're online.
Anyways, this was my first suggestion, so apologies if my idea was redundant. n/////n
Thanks again.
I appreciate your input, and I can see your point about a last login date perhaps causing some problems. Maybe it could be an option whether to show it or not? Though, I guess we sort of already have that with the option to show people if you're online.
Anyways, this was my first suggestion, so apologies if my idea was redundant. n/////n
Thanks again.

Just a quick tidbit about the established idea.
You can drop into your settings and see there's an "established" date for your account. You're free to post that up on your own to show how long you've been on RPR
Some accolades have a hover over feature that tell you the year they received it and what for.
It's also possible to simply update your profile on a daily basis manually about which days you logged in and make a little update box for yourself, so to speak.
Playing with bbcode can be a lot of fun and you might be surprised what you can do with it.
You're welcome to PM me and I can do my best to help out designing something with bbcode for what you're looking for if you need some help fiddling and tweaking things. ^-^
You can drop into your settings and see there's an "established" date for your account. You're free to post that up on your own to show how long you've been on RPR
Some accolades have a hover over feature that tell you the year they received it and what for.
It's also possible to simply update your profile on a daily basis manually about which days you logged in and make a little update box for yourself, so to speak.
Playing with bbcode can be a lot of fun and you might be surprised what you can do with it.

You're welcome to PM me and I can do my best to help out designing something with bbcode for what you're looking for if you need some help fiddling and tweaking things. ^-^
Ah, good point~ 
That's quite alright, however. I just thought I'd drop my 2¢ into the suggestion box. x3
I appreciate your reply, though.

That's quite alright, however. I just thought I'd drop my 2¢ into the suggestion box. x3
I appreciate your reply, though.

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