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Forums » Looking for RP » Country Creation and Governing RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


If you are interested in setting up and establishing your own fictional country and governing it through the course of its history alongside several other players interested in the same scenario then this is the group for you.

Country Name:
Official Country Name:
Capital: (If Any)
Territory Layout: (Peninsula? Island? Landlocked? Etc.)
Landtype: (Flatlands? Swamp? Dessert?)
Current Leader:
Political Landscape: (The Right-Left Wing spectrum is a decent reference.)
Government Type: (Democratic? Autocratic? Etc.)
Government System: (How does your nation create and enforce laws?)
Political Parties: (If Any)
Developed Status:(Third-First World)
Economic System:
Trade Assets and Available Resources:
Imported Resources:
Diplomatic Status: (How open are they to an alliance? Immigration Policy? Etc.)
Inner Threats and Counters That Keep Them From Overthrowing the Government:
Extra: (Flag? National Language? Etc.)

Country Name: Yulgra

Official Country Name: The Democratic Commonwealth of Yulgra

Capital: Belmore. A massive metropolis that is the center of power and influence of Yulgra, not only politically but also in science, technology and other forms of advancement. The whole city is a sprawling landscape of buildings with an intricate transportation system, almost every citizen living in an apartment and within easy access to the top of the line luxuries and resources of the country.

Population: 2,709,004,372

Territory Layout: Yulgra has it's southern and western borders connected to the neighboring countries with the ocean meeting the northern and eastern borders.

Landtype: The large country covers a landscape with a variety of natural grasslands, forests, and rainforests among the many cities.

History: The earliest humans to arrive in Yulgra were the tribes of Niltr, nomads who followed deer through their immigration paths. Once they reached the eastern borders they settled along the river that provided fertile planting grounds and emptied into the ocean where they also fished. For the first few hundred years, the citizens lived in simple lives changing very little from their original tribe ancestors, and simply developed a sense of culture from having a permanent location of settlement. After about seven hundred years the civilization now known as the Iltnu were spread out among an expansive territory governed by a Council of Elders trusted to judge each member and their work fairly to reward them accordingly. For years the citizens didn't question the elders due to their reverence for those of greater age but during the 'Reveal of Treasury', their hoarding of resources was revealed which led to the 'Revolution of the Skilled'. The Council of Elders were removed and replaced with a leader who passed the test of qualification created by the leaders of the warriors, scholars, artists, healers, farmers, and priests. The nation was renamed Yelnu, in honor of this reformation for it was the Iltnu word for 'Great' which stood for a few decades until infighting of altering the test and making it impossibly difficult for anyone that didn't belong to their faction. This caused 'The War of Factions' in which the scholars, healers, and artists formed the faction called the 'Cerw'while the warriors, farmers, and priests formed the 'Reqh'. Despite the Reqh initially winning out and spearheading forward the 'Cerw' used their clever tactics to trick them. The Cerw renamed the nation to Yulfrx to better reflect the enlightened state they were planning to bring about, as they set up the principles of democracy, diplomacy, intellect, and acceptance they considered key principals in a successful civilization. For years this kept the nation at peace and out of a war, as well as prepared them for the influx of different races and nations they came across who they treated warmly. Through this way they gained many allies who defended them against potential enemies so long as they provided sustenance for their armies. This made Yulfrx an epicenter for cultures and ushered in the 'Cultural Revolution' in which various cultures mixed to form an advanced civilization. This revolution led up to the modern day, and with their language morphing into their modern version as well as becoming a highly developed nation they renamed themselves as 'The Democratic Commonwealth of Yulgra' with the rest of the world seeming to refer to them simply as 'Yulgra'.

Current Leader: Councilor Alexander Hylux

Political Landscape: Democratic Socialism. The citizens have a great amount of freedom socially and politically but have no access to guns and hatred or intolerant motivated speech is not tolerated. It is a primary priority for the government to provide free healthcare and education as well as enforce laws that make sure minimum wage and welfare meet the standard of living. Secularism is strictly enforced due to the influence of the Cerw earlier in their history.

Government Type: Representative Democracy

Government System: Parliament is the primary government department in Yulgra, composed of 250 seats occupied by Representatives elected into office. The party with most votes thus assigns their political leader the position of Councilor who delegates debates among the party and is the public representative to the world and citizens. Bills are written by the Representatives and then passed by a majority vote. The Scholars are a political branch in charge of contextualizing the laws passed by Parliament and set up the national budget which the Parliament then has to vote for approval. Each Scholar is elected to their position. Any law that is required to be enforced is done so by the Department of Yulgran Law Enforcement manned mainly by computer and robot operators from control centers in the department. Each official can be elected for an indefinite amount of terms. Representatives are elected every six years, and councilors can change during each change of term as assigned by their party. Scholars are elected every twelve years.

Political Parties: United Movement, the most influential party in Parliament with 135 seats who advocate for the collective good and benefit of the citizens. Their main goal is to bring about changes as the majority of citizens request them and setting a long-term plan to progress the prevalence of socialism until they can progress towards communism.

Leaf Party, the primary political ally to United Movement as they both consider the long-term maintenance of the natural world critical to maintaining their nation. Occupy 55 seats in Parliament.

Technocracy Party. The most right winged party of Parliament occupying 40 seats, and advocate for the privatization of technology companies and laboratories but do provide support for bills that bolster technological and scientific development in Yulgra.

Anarchy Party. 20 members of Parliament who are considered the most troublesome, loud and violent but still happily provide support to bills that increase personal freedom even the long-established ban on guns.

Developed Status: First World

Economic System: Socialism. The Scholars create a state-operated budget overseen by the Parliament which must be accepted by the citizens. There is a consistent focus on investing in education and healthcare as well as focusing special technology on their budget for their science and technology industries. Their tax system is set to tax citizens nearly the exact amount to make sure their payments are equal save for those with more education which they deem fair since all education is provided for free. The United Movement party works closely with the Anarchist party to move these responsibilities onto the people steadily in order to truly embrace communism one day.

Trade Assets and Available Resources: Robotics. (Most valuable)
IT Technology
Electric Cars
Solar Panels
Compact Nutrition Food Pellets
Assorted Fruits (Least Valuable)

Imported Resources: Wheat (Common Imports)
Leather Products
Nickel Metal
Assorted Vegetables
Radar Technology
Defensive Missles (Rare Imports)

Diplomatic Status: Yulgra is an openly diplomatic nation willing to be allied with any nation unless they are deemed a threat to International Security, are in wars with close allies, possess WMD's, don't uphold environmental protection laws or actively oppress their citizens. They hold an open immigration policy, and speedy citizenship applications. Yulgra will choose peace over war whenever possible, and serve better as resource providers as opposed to actual fighters which makes them a wealthy nation as well due to their highly valued exports.

Inner Threats and Counters That Keep Them From Overthrowing the Government: Requ. Yulgra nationalists who radically adhere to the principals of the Reqh and wish to use the technology and resources of the nation to enforce Fascist policies to spread globally. Due to the long-standing influence of the Cerw and general upbringing of citizens by their parents, a mindset of tolerance and progression is enforced.

Union of Agricultural Revolutionaries. With the Leaf Party maintaining strict policies on the preservation of natural landscapes all farmers are required to harvest and operate within Green buildings, city structures specialized for growing crops. This has frustrated traditional farmers who can no longer use the expansive fields, but there aren't enough to actually pose a threat especially against the robotic peacekeepers.

Unallied Anarchists. More intense anarchists compared to the political party only kept reigned in by the representation of the official Anarchy Party.

Extra: The nation's flag is a purple background with a navy colored triangle on it, and an eye within it with a brain on top.

The most common language in Yulgra is Inyeu.

National Anthem is titled, 'Strive to be Wise'.

Their Defense department and laborers are composed of nearly exclusively robotic mechanisms including flying drones and dexterous bipedals.

The current goal of their space program is to find a way to colonize planets.

If this RP goes on for long enough these nations will advance into space.

I will serve as the moderator to make sure each nation progresses in a balanced manner, and maintain balance if nations go to war with one another. I fully expect everyone else to make sure my nation progresses in a balanced manner as well.
Country: Askines

Official Country Name: Social
Republic of the Askines

Capital: Divi, sprawling trade city divided into the old and new quarters. Lower class people mainly of the Harkaitzin ethnic group live in the old quarter. Many of the old quarters buildings are from the days of Ostrijinian rule. The new quarter is inhabited by the high class, officials, and business executives of Askines. The architecture is very modern and clean compared to the jumbled alleyways and streets of the old quarter.

Population: 1,456,738,094

Territory Layout: Neighbored by countries to the west and north and bordered by the ocean to the east and south.

Land Type: Large country with a large mountain range in the north and west regions. Fertile, mineral rich soil in the central regions. Forests consume most of the east and the south is mostly a flat grassland. Beaches on the south and east coasts.

History: Askines was first inhabited by the nomadic tribes of the Jorna and Dumas in the north and east respectively. The Jorna developed their first settlement about 150 years later at the base of the largest mountain in present day Askines, Jorna Mountain (named after the tribe who settled there) but the the Jornans it was “Zeni Holt” or Holy Mountain. They believed that their god lived at the top of this mountain and he provided them with the water they needed to grow crops and sustain life. Meanwhile the Dumas were still a wandering tribe. The Jornans started to advance at a rapid pace throughout 200 years and were creating steel weapons while the Dumas were still stuck in their version of the Bronze Age. The Jornans had started building an empire spanning most of modern day north Askines, conquering minor tribes throughout the mountains. When scholars first wrote of the Dumas they described them as “brutes” and “savages”. The Jornans began a slow campaign against the Dumas. After a long two years of fighting the Dumas were conquered. Since the Jornans did not know the land as well as the Dumas it took them a while to conquer them. The Dumas were put to work as slaves for the Jornans. The Jornans prospered for many years, not exploring the south and west regions of modern day Askines because they did not believe they had the right to pass over the river that cuts modern day Askines in two. For they believed that it was their god who layed that there as if to say they could not go further. Across the river a civilization had started on the river called the Ostrijinians. The Ostrijinians knew of the Jornans and wished to conquer them but we’re dealing with warring clans within their empire that took up most of southern and eastern modern day Askines. The Ostrijinians called the Jornans land “Harkitz” which meant hell land and called the Jornans “Gevled” which meant disgusting people. The Ostrijinians believed they were the superior race. While war after war broke Ostrijan apart people were starting to break away from Jornan traditions and wanted to go across the river. The Council of the High Priests would not let anyone go. This led to a revolution that overthrew the Theocracy before them and established a Democracy. They attacked the Ostrijinians but were repelled. Ostrijinians started to forget their petty rivalries and united to fight the Jornans. They pushed up through the coast and through the mountains massacring as many Jornans and Dumas as possible. The Ostrijinians started their harsh rule over most of modern day Askines. The Ostrijinians closed their borders and stopped expansion and started evoloving without outside influence. The next few centuries the Ostrijinian ways of life were unchallenged and naturally progressing. The Jornans now called Harkaitzins were oppressed by the government. After a few centuries without much war or violence a violent uprising of a race of people in the northern mountains started their campaign against the Ostrijinians. These were the Askinese people. After 12 years of war the Askinese emerged victorious and went to work rebuilding the country but still opportunities were not equal for the Harkaitzins. The country became the Principality of the Askines and the leader, Prince Karl Faeber began reforming the country to fit his vision of a perfect country. His reforms hurt the working class and socialism rose up as the main ideology of the middle and low classes. The socialists rose up in the First Revolution but were crushed then rose up again in the Great Unificaton War and replaced the Prince with a dictator, Reynard Amel. He was of Ostrijinian decent and started the genocide of the Harkaitzins. A decade later he was overthrown by another socialist, Bjarne Belmont. Bjarne still denied the Harkaitzins some rights but opened the economy and country up for the first time in decades. the Socialist government rules over Askines today. (Sorry if the history is confusing)

Current Leader: Minister Artemiy Belmont

Political Landscape:
Democratic Socialism
All citizens are given some freedom. The press is not allowed to print stories that paint the government in a bad light. Protests against the governments somewhat authoritarian policies are put down violently mostly. Most citizens are content with what they have though. As long as you are a citizen you get free healthcare, education, and public transportation across the country, the welfare and retirement plans are extraordinary too. Harkaitzins are denied citizenship so they live in terrible conditions which the government tries to hide. Religion is practiced by nobody except most Harkaitzins because of the government’s “cultural revolution” plan that outlawed religion except for Harksitzins since it’s so rooted in their culture among other things this cultural revolution also brought technology to navy rural and poor areas and some Harkaitzins.

Government Type: constitutional federal representative democracy

Government System: The Minister holds the power to veto any bill or law the 365 man parliament passes. The bills are written by a representative then passed on to the president if the majority of representatives agree. If the president vetos a bill it goes back to parliament to rewrite or scrap the bill. The people vote for a certain amount of representatives depending on the population of the province. This ranges from 1-12representatives per province. In the parliament the party with the most representatives chooses someone who they believe is fit for position of minister. Represenitves are elected every 5 years and the minister serves for 5 years unless his party wins the majority of seats in parliament again. Laws are enforced by a military police force. Representatives can serve an indefinite amount of terms. So can a minister.

Political Parties
Social Democrat Party: Makes up majority of of parliament with 260 represenitives. They advocate for the greater good of the middle class enforce much of what aligns the country with the Social Democratic ideology.

Red Party: Taking up 55 seats the Red Party is a party that wishes to evolve Askines into a Communist state through violence and the uprising of the working class

Neo Ostrijinian Party: Taking up 37 seats the Neo Ostrijinian party is an extremist right wing group who wish to return the the country to its former days of being ruled completely by Ostrijinians and advocates for the rights of Ostrijinians and lower taxes for the poor and higher for the rich

Vine Party: This party taking up 8 seats of parliament believes in a peaceful state where the government runs communes all over the country where people work together to benefit each other and the government is only there to distribute land, crops, and keep order. Unlike the Red Party they don’t believe in a violent rule a revolution

Autocrats of Askines: Taking up 5 seats the Autocrats of Askines wish to install an Autocratic government and expand Askines into all corners of the world. They are very religious and believe in the ancient Ostrijinian religion Leneri and back the Leneri Extremist group, the Black Eagles of Askines

Developed Status: Second World Country

Economic System: The parliament sets a national budget at the start of each year. Most of it goes towards modernizing the country and military while the remaining money goes towards providing healthcare, education, and developing infrastructure

Trade Assests and Valuable Resources:

Imported Resources
Modern Technology

Diplomatic Status: Looking for trading partners to give them more affordable modern technology and allies to provide them with military support. Usually chooses war over peace but if war is unnessacary they will peacefully work things out. Willing to supply troops because of massive army (all able bodied citizens must serve for at least five years after college or during college). Strict immigration laws and to obtain citizenship you must be non-Harkaitzin and have lived in the country leagally for four years and have no criminal record.

Inner Threats and the Counters that keep them from Overthrowing the Government:

Black Eagles of Askines: Want to overthrow government and stop the so called corruption in the government. Do not have big enough following to actually take violent action

Flurerdon (Flurer’s Children): Leneri extremists that want the destruction of races they deem inferior beings and want a Theocratic Dictatorship where everybody follows Leneri and there are no degenerates left. Not enough support from Ostrijinians

Jornan-Ostrijinian League: A group of Harkaitzins and Ostrijinians that wish to overthrow government and revert Askines back to the Ostrijinian and Jornan empires. Need outside help because they are poorly equipped and usually Lower class

Flag: Black canton with seal of country (white shield with a black lion and vines twisting around shield) and horizontal tricolor of black on the top, white in middle, and orange on bottom on rest of flag

Most common language is Askinese followed by Ostrijinian (both taught at schools) and the Harksitzin minority speaks Harksitzin

National Anthem titled “To the Sun we Sing”

(I'm not participating.)

I would just like to let you know that I'm totally awestruck by how someone can devote so much time to a nation sheet. If I had time for this, I would participate with all of my heart.

By writing up such well-developed sheets, kudos. You have shown me that people aren't totally boring and that inspiration can still be found in many things. You guys are freakin' awesome.
Thanks, I’m happy to see someone who takes the time to acknowledge the amount of time and effort people like us put into things like this 😁
Vodok Topic Starter

Matteo_Rossi wrote:
Country: Askines

Official Country Name: Social
Republic of the Askines

Capital: Divi, sprawling trade city divided into the old and new quarters. Lower class people mainly of the Harkaitzin ethnic group live in the old quarter. Many of the old quarters buildings are from the days of Ostrijinian rule. The new quarter is inhabited by the high class, officials, and business executives of Askines. The architecture is very modern and clean compared to the jumbled alleyways and streets of the old quarter.

Population: 1,456,738,094

Territory Layout: Neighbored by countries to the west and north and bordered by the ocean to the east and south.

Land Type: Large country with a large mountain range in the north and west regions. Fertile, mineral rich soil in the central regions. Forests consume most of the east and the south is mostly a flat grassland. Beaches on the south and east coasts.

History: Askines was first inhabited by the nomadic tribes of the Jorna and Dumas in the north and east respectively. The Jorna developed their first settlement about 150 years later at the base of the largest mountain in present day Askines, Jorna Mountain (named after the tribe who settled there) but the the Jornans it was “Zeni Holt” or Holy Mountain. They believed that their god lived at the top of this mountain and he provided them with the water they needed to grow crops and sustain life. Meanwhile the Dumas were still a wandering tribe. The Jornans started to advance at a rapid pace throughout 200 years and were creating steel weapons while the Dumas were still stuck in their version of the Bronze Age. The Jornans had started building an empire spanning most of modern day north Askines, conquering minor tribes throughout the mountains. When scholars first wrote of the Dumas they described them as “brutes” and “savages”. The Jornans began a slow campaign against the Dumas. After a long two years of fighting the Dumas were conquered. Since the Jornans did not know the land as well as the Dumas it took them a while to conquer them. The Dumas were put to work as slaves for the Jornans. The Jornans prospered for many years, not exploring the south and west regions of modern day Askines because they did not believe they had the right to pass over the river that cuts modern day Askines in two. For they believed that it was their god who layed that there as if to say they could not go further. Across the river a civilization had started on the river called the Ostrijinians. The Ostrijinians knew of the Jornans and wished to conquer them but we’re dealing with warring clans within their empire that took up most of southern and eastern modern day Askines. The Ostrijinians called the Jornans land “Harkitz” which meant hell land and called the Jornans “Gevled” which meant disgusting people. The Ostrijinians believed they were the superior race. While war after war broke Ostrijan apart people were starting to break away from Jornan traditions and wanted to go across the river. The Council of the High Priests would not let anyone go. This led to a revolution that overthrew the Theocracy before them and established a Democracy. They attacked the Ostrijinians but were repelled. Ostrijinians started to forget their petty rivalries and united to fight the Jornans. They pushed up through the coast and through the mountains massacring as many Jornans and Dumas as possible. The Ostrijinians started their harsh rule over most of modern day Askines. The Ostrijinians closed their borders and stopped expansion and started evoloving without outside influence. The next few centuries the Ostrijinian ways of life were unchallenged and naturally progressing. The Jornans now called Harkaitzins were oppressed by the government. After a few centuries without much war or violence a violent uprising of a race of people in the northern mountains started their campaign against the Ostrijinians. These were the Askinese people. After 12 years of war the Askinese emerged victorious and went to work rebuilding the country but still opportunities were not equal for the Harkaitzins. The country became the Principality of the Askines and the leader, Prince Karl Faeber began reforming the country to fit his vision of a perfect country. His reforms hurt the working class and socialism rose up as the main ideology of the middle and low classes. The socialists rose up in the First Revolution but were crushed then rose up again in the Great Unificaton War and replaced the Prince with a dictator, Reynard Amel. He was of Ostrijinian decent and started the genocide of the Harkaitzins. A decade later he was overthrown by another socialist, Bjarne Belmont. Bjarne still denied the Harkaitzins some rights but opened the economy and country up for the first time in decades. the Socialist government rules over Askines today. (Sorry if the history is confusing)

Current Leader: Minister Artemiy Belmont

Political Landscape:
Democratic Socialism
All citizens are given some freedom. The press is not allowed to print stories that paint the government in a bad light. Protests against the governments somewhat authoritarian policies are put down violently mostly. Most citizens are content with what they have though. As long as you are a citizen you get free healthcare, education, and public transportation across the country, the welfare and retirement plans are extraordinary too. Harkaitzins are denied citizenship so they live in terrible conditions which the government tries to hide. Religion is practiced by nobody except most Harkaitzins because of the government’s “cultural revolution” plan that outlawed religion except for Harksitzins since it’s so rooted in their culture among other things this cultural revolution also brought technology to navy rural and poor areas and some Harkaitzins.

Government Type: constitutional federal representative democracy

Government System: The Minister holds the power to veto any bill or law the 365 man parliament passes. The bills are written by a representative then passed on to the president if the majority of representatives agree. If the president vetos a bill it goes back to parliament to rewrite or scrap the bill. The people vote for a certain amount of representatives depending on the population of the province. This ranges from 1-12representatives per province. In the parliament the party with the most representatives chooses someone who they believe is fit for position of minister. Represenitves are elected every 5 years and the minister serves for 5 years unless his party wins the majority of seats in parliament again. Laws are enforced by a military police force. Representatives can serve an indefinite amount of terms. So can a minister.

Political Parties
Social Democrat Party: Makes up majority of of parliament with 260 represenitives. They advocate for the greater good of the middle class enforce much of what aligns the country with the Social Democratic ideology.

Red Party: Taking up 55 seats the Red Party is a party that wishes to evolve Askines into a Communist state through violence and the uprising of the working class

Neo Ostrijinian Party: Taking up 37 seats the Neo Ostrijinian party is an extremist right wing group who wish to return the the country to its former days of being ruled completely by Ostrijinians and advocates for the rights of Ostrijinians and lower taxes for the poor and higher for the rich

Vine Party: This party taking up 8 seats of parliament believes in a peaceful state where the government runs communes all over the country where people work together to benefit each other and the government is only there to distribute land, crops, and keep order. Unlike the Red Party they don’t believe in a violent rule a revolution

Autocrats of Askines: Taking up 5 seats the Autocrats of Askines wish to install an Autocratic government and expand Askines into all corners of the world. They are very religious and believe in the ancient Ostrijinian religion Leneri and back the Leneri Extremist group, the Black Eagles of Askines

Developed Status: Second World Country

Economic System: The parliament sets a national budget at the start of each year. Most of it goes towards modernizing the country and military while the remaining money goes towards providing healthcare, education, and developing infrastructure

Trade Assests and Valuable Resources:

Imported Resources
Modern Technology

Diplomatic Status: Looking for trading partners to give them more affordable modern technology and allies to provide them with military support. Usually chooses war over peace but if war is unnessacary they will peacefully work things out. Willing to supply troops because of massive army (all able bodied citizens must serve for at least five years after college or during college). Strict immigration laws and to obtain citizenship you must be non-Harkaitzin and have lived in the country leagally for four years and have no criminal record.

Inner Threats and the Counters that keep them from Overthrowing the Government:

Black Eagles of Askines: Want to overthrow government and stop the so called corruption in the government. Do not have big enough following to actually take violent action

Flurerdon (Flurer’s Children): Leneri extremists that want the destruction of races they deem inferior beings and want a Theocratic Dictatorship where everybody follows Leneri and there are no degenerates left. Not enough support from Ostrijinians

Jornan-Ostrijinian League: A group of Harkaitzins and Ostrijinians that wish to overthrow government and revert Askines back to the Ostrijinian and Jornan empires. Need outside help because they are poorly equipped and usually Lower class

Flag: Black canton with seal of country (white shield with a black lion and vines twisting around shield) and horizontal tricolor of black on the top, white in middle, and orange on bottom on rest of flag

Most common language is Askinese followed by Ostrijinian (both taught at schools) and the Harksitzin minority speaks Harksitzin

National Anthem titled “To the Sun we Sing”
Excellent country. The history is rich, detailed and perfectly explains why the inner threats to the country exist. Yulgra and Askines would definitely make perfect trading partners.
Vodok Topic Starter

Cyril_ wrote:
(I'm not participating.)

I would just like to let you know that I'm totally awestruck by how someone can devote so much time to a nation sheet. If I had time for this, I would participate with all of my heart.

By writing up such well-developed sheets, kudos. You have shown me that people aren't totally boring and that inspiration can still be found in many things. You guys are freakin' awesome.
Thank you. I appreciate the praise.
Thank you, I do believe that Yulgra and Askines will be great allies as well due to Yukgta being able to provide Askines with the more modern technology they need
Vodok Topic Starter

Matteo_Rossi wrote:
Thank you, I do believe that Yulgra and Askines will be great allies as well due to Yukgta being able to provide Askines with the more modern technology they need
((You're welcome. I think to start off, Askines trying to hide their lower classes from the visiting diplomat of Yulgra would be good.))

Councillor Hylux had agreed with the rest of Parliament to seek out an alliance with a country known commonly as Askines. In preparation, the diplomat was provided with a headset that had the languages of the nation that directly translated spoken language into Inyeu as well as recording her own Inyeu into their language. A electronic based lens was even provided to help her with any written text. To avoid forming an alliance with possibly fascist nations or dictatorships diplomats were often encouraged to explore the nation on their own and deviate from the tour set up by the officials. For security reasons a squadron of peace keeper robots and drones were also packed into the jet diplomats traveled on. Sarah Quinn, the diplomat in question arrived happily, so far impressed with the sight of the well made capital of Divi she could see even from the airport. Therefore took notes on her tablet device of the observation.
Vodok wrote:
Matteo_Rossi wrote:
Thank you, I do believe that Yulgra and Askines will be great allies as well due to Yukgta being able to provide Askines with the more modern technology they need
((You're welcome. I think to start off, Askines trying to hide their lower classes from the visiting diplomat of Yulgra would be good.))

Councillor Hylux had agreed with the rest of Parliament to seek out an alliance with a country known commonly as Askines. In preparation, the diplomat was provided with a headset that had the languages of the nation that directly translated spoken language into Inyeu as well as recording her own Inyeu into their language. A electronic based lens was even provided to help her with any written text. To avoid forming an alliance with possibly fascist nations or dictatorships diplomats were often encouraged to explore the nation on their own and deviate from the tour set up by the officials. For security reasons a squadron of peace keeper robots and drones were also packed into the jet diplomats traveled on. Sarah Quinn, the diplomat in question arrived happily, so far impressed with the sight of the well made capital of Divi she could see even from the airport. Therefore took notes on her tablet device of the observation.

The a crowd of people have gathered at the airport to welcome the diplomat. The old quarter of Divi is closed for the remainder of the diplomats stay. Nobody is allowed in or out. Minister Artiemy Belmont arrives at the airport escorted by a group of heavily armed guards to greet the diplomat personally.
Vodok Topic Starter

"Greetings Minister Belmont. I am diplomat Sarah Quinn, and I am grateful to be welcomed to your nation." she greeted with an extended hand to the country's leader. The armed guard did definitely put her off a little, but she figured it would always be good for Yulgra to have military allies as well while the rest of the world still had armed conflicts occurring. The main goal to strive for in this case was to set up a peace treaty and trade deal.
“Hello Miss Quinn welcome to our glorious homeland.” He shook her extended hand. “Was the flight over here alright?” He asked. Belmont ran things over in his mind. He had to get on the good side of Yulgra. He was intimidated by level of technology and didn’t want to end up fighting with them. He also had to figure out the Harkaitzin problem. He didn’t know if he should mention it or lie about it all together. He’d think of it later. For now he had to focus on securing a trade deal with Yulgra and making sure the diplomat’s first day in Askines was as pleasant as possible.
Vodok Topic Starter

"Oh it was excellent, no delays or anything that was a particular inconvenience." she answered. Standing where she was, Sarah expected the official tour, reception or both start as soon as possible. After the introductions, she had a series of questions to ask the Minister in order to assess their honesty since she would survey the nation herself as well. If they were honest about any problems she would integrate a plan for helping Askines with said problem into the treaty.
Vodok wrote:
"Oh it was excellent, no delays or anything that was a particular inconvenience." she answered. Standing where she was, Sarah expected the official tour, reception or both start as soon as possible. After the introductions, she had a series of questions to ask the Minister in order to assess their honesty since she would survey the nation herself as well. If they were honest about any problems she would integrate a plan for helping Askines with said problem into the treaty.

Belmont ushered the diplomat forward. "Right this way, I'll accompany you on a tour through our beautiful capital city, we can perhaps discuss any deals you'd like to make.". Belmont wouldn't lie about the Harkaitzin problem. Yulgra either accepted them as they were or didn't accept them at all.
Vodok Topic Starter

Quinn started looking around at the city, taking note of the surroundings. Hearing the Minister wanting to establish the trade deal as soon as possible. "Well like out other allies our primary export we offer is our advanced technology which you requested in the invitations, and I would like to go over the specifics. In exchange for exports of supplies of your wheat, vegetables, and nickel." she said.
Belmont thought of this offer. "Yes I do believe we could work this out, we do have a surplus of wheat and vegetables and our nickel supply is running strong so we can provide you with it." Belmont stopped and pointed out a huge building, very sleek and modern looking that sat a the center of the city. "I know this is off topic but that there is the Parliament, my office is also there, we moved it from the old quarter a decade back because of complaints from the representatives, we are actually going to board a train heading for the Old Quarter soon". Belmont lead Quinn out of the airport to a dark limousine with tinted windows and a chaffeur opened the door for them to get in.
Vodok Topic Starter

"That sounds like an excellent offer for us to obtain. We have plenty of selections to offer, and even have a catalog for everything we have to offer. Robots for labor, exploration, technology, computers. I believe this translation device I am using to communicate with you right now is a proper demonstration of our capabilities." Quinn said. Looking at the building that housed the Parliament she reflected on her own nation's equivalent and how dedicated both countries seemed to be to reflect their progress. Getting inside the limousine with the Minister she regarded the prospect with open interest.
"Well, it will be good prospects to assess your public transportation system and more historical areas of your city." she said.
“I’d like to see the catalogues as soon as possible if that’s the case.” Belmont decides he has to bring up the Harkaitzins. “You see we segregate people of our country based on ethinicity, because of laws and tradition from old times Harksitzins are seen as unequal to the Ostrijinians and Askinese. The Old Quarter is heavily populated by Harkaitzins and I’m sorry to say that they live in terrible conditions due to the years of persecution from the government. I’ve tried setting up laws to advance their rights but all have been rejected by the parliament and I have no choice but to rewrite them to make sure they accept. My position as Minister doesn’t give me the ability to overrule the parliament if it’s my own law or bill. I have many enemies because I try to help the Harkaitzins. I’m surprised I haven’t been sacked from office yet. I’ll continue to slowly advance Harkaitzin rights however. I was wondering if your country could perhaps sign a deal giving all Harkaitzins the right to immigrate to your country and gain partial citizenship status in case of genocide or time of strife for them. I fear they don’t have much longer here in Askines.”
Vodok Topic Starter

Sarah e-mailed Belmont one of the technology catalogs of Yulgra's Science and Technology Development Center. Listening to Belmont when he was explaining the situation with the Harkaitzins she became worried due to the hint of fascism that kind of discrimination presented. However, it seemed at the very least that Belmont was looking to improve the conditions for his citizens.
"Very well, so long a leader such as you who is advocating for the improvement of the status of your lower class citizens is advocating for the equalization of your lower class citizens then we shall maintain the alliance. Yulgra has always held an open border policy, and many new citizens gain their status within the first day or two. Any of your citizens who wish to become citizens of our nation are welcomed with open arms and will be integrated with the rest of our varied culture. That will be the terms of that deal. However, to help improve the state of the Harksitzins who wish to remain here we would like our embassy to be located in the Old Quarter, in order to provide security and resources for the oppressed class of your country. As well as furthering the agenda of yours and others like you to improve their rights as a kind of extension of goodwill." she said.

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