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Forums » Introductions » Hello There. ^^

Hello all, I've just gotten the basic framework of a few of my characters up but I thought I ought to get introductions out of the way first before really editing them.

I'm Set Three! :D

Or rather, this is my account for set three. I separate my groups of characters by sets.

Anywho. Hello all.

Welcome :D
SetThree wrote:
Hello all, I've just gotten the basic framework of a few of my characters up but I thought I ought to get introductions out of the way first before really editing them.

I'm Set Three! :D

Or rather, this is my account for set three. I separate my groups of characters by sets.

Anywho. Hello all.
Sanne Moderator

Hi there!! Welcome to RPR. :D I hope you'll have fun around here, don't be afraid to give us a holler if you need anything. :)

What sort of roleplay do you usually do? Any specific time settings you're into?
Welcome to RPR! I hope you'll find it to your liking.

(Just a heads up though, you may want to check the policy on making multiple accounts here if you are going by sets.)

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hello There. ^^

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus