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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I moan and sigh "fine bootcamp" I said to him knowing I wasnt ready to be yell and in dirt
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She smirked a little, “dirt and yelling hell ya!!”
Kaylea growled. "Oh, so I don't have the option of BootCamp?"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

The officer growled at kaylea "no your not going I need you actually for a little work for us" he said to her grinning I look at them Wondering who side she on. I look at mty officer "so wwhen we going" I ask him
Kaylea cocked an eyebrow, her arms crossed. "Mmhhmmmm?"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

The officer smiled "when ever pyscho get up you two we'll head out better pack just cloths no make up or phone" he said to us he turn to kaylea "got some work for you someone been robbing places then disappear in trees" he said to her
"Ah. Kill or Capture?"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

The officer grin "capture don't harm him to much he we'll need to stand in court" he said to her
Kaylea smirked slightly. "Aw, you take all the fun out of it."
Ace (played by A__Girl)

((I won’t be on much today but..)
She went upstairs and started to pack clothes
(( Awe.... ))

Kaylea huffed slightly.
Nightmare and Undead (played by GuntherSavage7272)

As he woke up, he surveyed his map of places with maptacks on the places he hit. "Hmm, should we get the bank or the tavern today?" he wondered as he pocketed his pistols. "Maybe we should get the bank." he finally decided and looked outside his door and decided to wander around, with his pistols hidden on the inside of his jacket.
Ace (played by A__Girl)

((I’m back))

She finished packing her clothes and headed downstairs with a backpack slung over her shoulder
Nightmare wrote:
As he woke up, he surveyed his map of places with maptacks on the places he hit. "Hmm, should we get the bank or the tavern today?" he wondered as he pocketed his pistols. "Maybe we should get the bank." he finally decided and looked outside his door and decided to wander around, with his pistols hidden on the inside of his jacket.

Kaylea soon began her mission....
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Ok are we going or not....?” She crossed her arms
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look uncomfortable but nodded get only clothes and hidden bottle of alcohol in secert spot I smiled kinda nervous
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She rolled her eyes and headed out the door, “Stephanie I don’t know how you are going to do it, with your cast and all..”
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I shrug able to put on wieght on foot "I'll have to just toughen it up I guess " I said seating in seat my parole off8cer hop in and grin. "ready for hell girl" he said to us I roll my eyes piss i am even going

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