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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Sure...” she hops in neck to Stephanie, glaring at the parole officer
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

As we roll out I sigh I went into my bag and grab my book knowing I would have little time to finish it when there I nug Ace and show her the top of alchool bottle and smirk and put my finger to my lips I zip it back up. I look outside we're in country
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She nodded smirking, she pulled out headphones and a iPod, she put them in and began to listen to music
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I continue to read noticing some fence wire fence I look out and saw the prison I sigh kinda feeling that would be better
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She listens to her music loudly, blasting it, she looked out the window seeing the prison and only shruggged
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look to see we turn torwards to prison I look at my parole officer kinda Wondering what this was about we got in the gates and was wave by
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She took a head phone out, “what are we doing...?” She raised a eyebrow at him
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

He grin as we pass the yard and buildings we hit a old road pasting the prison "ok so in 2006 they made made a bootcamp for the younger generation to stop from getting trouble with law some kid burned it down then they desided to build it behind prison walls and make the kids do community service in the prison to show them now it's run by couple inmate and a few gaurd" he said to us I groan finding the idea tough
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Awesome...”she put her headphone in and listened to music, for what little time she had left
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

There was a fence wall high and few buildings now I look at the front to see organe suits watching us in in "ok get out" he said to us I groan and set out with bag
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She jumps out of the car and slings her bag over her shoulder, she still had her headphones in, but she had turned them down to hear the guy
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

Two inmates came out and guard "welcome to bootcamp I'm shark he's teeth were going to be your main instructor plus Cpl fits here now come inside " he said to us I follwow in looking at Ace Wondering what was going to happen
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She raised a eyebrow at the names then followed, she sighed looking around
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

The office was decent size and had air conditioning I sigh feeling it shark and teeth smiled "ok drop your items hand over any contraband any mp3 plays head phone any makeup or other items but clothes" he said to us I open my bag and hand over my mp3 player and book and a lip gloss he pass me a stub outfit "go shower then pay down I well be check bag for anything else " he said to us I groan stripping and step in Luke warm shower
(( -_- ))
Nightmare and Undead (played by GuntherSavage7272)

As he walked closer to the bank, he walked inside and began to scan his surroundings. Gettimg a feel for the area, he began to make a plan on what he would do. "Might have to attack at night. That way, I'll have more cover to escape into." he thought to himself as he walked out of the bank and went over to a nearby hospital.
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She gave him the iPod and headphones, she didn’t wear make up so she didn’t have any, she got undressed and stepped in another shower
Nightmare wrote:
As he walked closer to the bank, he walked inside and began to scan his surroundings. Gettimg a feel for the area, he began to make a plan on what he would do. "Might have to attack at night. That way, I'll have more cover to escape into." he thought to himself as he walked out of the bank and went over to a nearby hospital.

Kaylea soon saw him, knowing minds very well.
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She washed herself and stepped out of the shower, she put on the stub outfit
Nightmare and Undead (played by GuntherSavage7272)

As he arrived at the hospital, he went to the elevator and went to the 8th floor and headed over to the 2nd room and visited its resident.

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