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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Kaylea followed stealthily.
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look to see they dump our clothes on ground and search our bags I saw him holding alchool bottle "so who's bottle is this " he ask us I step forward in there yellow suit "it's mine" I mumbled knowing it was better to tell truth
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“’s mine..I hid it in her bag without her knowing..” she crossed her arms and raised a eyebrow at him, “thought I could use it to have fun..” she sounded convincing
Nightmare and Undead (played by GuntherSavage7272)

As he entered the room, he walked in and sat next to the hospital bed. "Hey. How are you doing, brother? I know you can't hear me right now, but I want you to know that I'm almost there. I almost have all the money I need to help you get the medicine that you need to be better! I'll just have to go to the bank and get some more cash and I'll be able to help you!" he said. As he looked over at all of the machines, he sighed and patted his brother on the shoulder and turned around and saw Kaylea. He froze in place and looked at her. "Why are you following me?" he asked. "I haven't done anything that you'll want me for."
Kaylea sighed and stepped out of hiding. "Robbery, that's what. And...." She stepped closer so only he could hear her. ".... Just between you and me, I'd like to help you get your brother better."
Nightmare and Undead (played by GuntherSavage7272)

"But why? Why do you want to help me? You don't know who I am, what I've done, or where I've been." he said. He looked at his brother, then back at the woman. "I can't trust people that easily. That's what got me and him in this position." he said as he looked back at his brother.
"True, but I know a man in need of help when I see one. I used to be a Psychologist."
Nightmare and Undead (played by GuntherSavage7272)

As he listened, he looked back at the woman. "You may know how the brain works, but you can't see the experiences that a person has. You can't see what someone feels like on the inside." he said. He looked at his brother and sighed. "Sometimes there are other reasons that someone is how they are." He stood up and looked out the window and sighed. "I have to go. Maybe I'll see you around." he said as he disappeared in a wisp of forest green smoke.
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I watch her shock as hell "please it's mine" I said to her they both look at each other and grin "seens both of you are saying it's your you both going to run laps around compound 3 time " he said to us I groan and step into the compound it was sunny was little hot I start to walk around the compound
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Hehe..child’s play...” she walked out into the compound and began to run her first lap and sprint her last lap, she was barely out of breath, “is that all you got..?” She said with a raised eyebrow as she finished
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

The boys grin "planks tell your friend done" he said. I made it around my first lap I was in a light log going around
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She smirked and got down and began to plank, “you know you should really try harder, I been through worse some people would say I have been through hell and back”
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

Teeth smirk and added a weight on her back cussing her arm to bend a little "should of keep mouth shut" he said as they see me run my 2nd lap I was in pain and jog half then walk
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She just sits there in a plank smirking, it really wasn’t that bad she thought, oh but they were going to try and take her to hell again...she knew it
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

((I posted a RP and it didn't show up))
Ace (played by A__Girl)

((Lol re-do it))
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I finish my lap tierd as hell I look at her with weight on back holding steady teeth grab me "better say sorry to your friend and help her up" he said to me I nodded taking weight off her back and helping her up "sorry for wait" I said to her. Shark smirk "ok you two time for some hard labour see the shovels you need to dig the hole shovel high to shovel length and width then you can refill it " he said to us I look at her finding this harder I walk to shovel it was little taller then me I hit the ground it was rock no soft spots
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She got up, and walked to the shovels, “it’s fine..” she began to dig slowly but surly, because it was hard rock, “as soon as we get the top layer of rock off, it should be easy from there.” She had barely broke a sweat, she continued to dig
Nightmare and Undead (played by GuntherSavage7272)

As he disappeared, he focused on a particular scene. The one place that made life worse than what it already was. The scene of the crash that almost took his brother's life. As he got there, he got down on one knee and started to transform into his true self: the Nightmare, master elemental and thief. As he looked up, he remembered what the woman had said to him in the hospital. "I'm sorry miss. Some things just take a bit more force." he scowled as he teleported to the bank and pulled out his guns. "Hands in the air! You won't like what happens if you disobey!" he said as he pulled out an EMP and activated it to disable all electronic devices in the building. "Nobody moves, or you'll get shot!" he commanded as he ran to the vault and activated a portal into his secret safe in his hideout. "Don't worry brother." he whispered "I'll get you the help you need."

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