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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Ace (played by A__Girl)

Sooner or later her and Stephanie has finished digging the hole, and filled it back up. She was covered in dirt and she looked at shark and teeth with a eyebrow raised, “what now..?”
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I was tierd and though about nice shoer I was cover in dirt shark lead us to bunks I sat on bed as we we're handed out ration food I groan knowing this stuff is horrible they look at us "you gotta find a way to cook it you have a hour to cook and eat if you don't you well.go straving tell dinner " shark said leaving us in barrack I look at ace and shrug I start looking around "we need water and heat and a pot" I said to her
Nightmare wrote:
As he disappeared, he focused on a particular scene. The one place that made life worse than what it already was. The scene of the crash that almost took his brother's life. As he got there, he got down on one knee and started to transform into his true self: the Nightmare, master elemental and thief. As he looked up, he remembered what the woman had said to him in the hospital. "I'm sorry miss. Some things just take a bit more force." he scowled as he teleported to the bank and pulled out his guns. "Hands in the air! You won't like what happens if you disobey!" he said as he pulled out an EMP and activated it to disable all electronic devices in the building. "Nobody moves, or you'll get shot!" he commanded as he ran to the vault and activated a portal into his secret safe in his hideout. "Don't worry brother." he whispered "I'll get you the help you need."

There was a shout and the sound of a gunshot rang through the air. There was a yowl, and another gunshot.
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She nodded and looked around, “um I always keep a liter in my bra... I hold it their Incase someone needs me to light a cigarette....or other things...” she pulled a zippo liter out of her bra, “now we need water and a pot...”
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I found a bucket probably used for dirty clothes I went to bathroom sink it drip water when I turn it on "dam going to take hour just to get water to boil " I said to her letting it drip I look around "must be better water source" I said to her
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Well you see if you just open up the pipe in the sink then close it back up we should get enough water..” she walked over to the sink and bent down opening up the cabinet the was connected to it, she unscrewed one of the pipes and grabbed the bucket getting more water, she placed the bucket to the side and closed up the pipe, she walked over to the bet and grabbed som of the cloth off the bed, she lit it on fire and balanced the bucket on top, “ we just wait..”
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look around he room as our fire burn more I look out he window I can see teeth and shark eating at mess hall I groan "they have human food and we're here eating rations" I. Said to her I look at my ration pack it was meduim size it had hot soup cheese and crackers and a juice packet. I went to sink and drip water into my packet
Ace (played by A__Girl)

“Ya but we are in ‘trouble’..” she emphasizes the word trouble as she watches the water begin to boil
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I groan knowing that was true I put my soup packet in to cook
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She watched her then walked to the window and looked outside, she sighed
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

Once they boil for 5 minutes I stop he fire and grab hot pqcket
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She walks over to help with the food she put Stephanie’s on her tray and hers on her own, “ up..” she said looking at Stephanie
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I grab the corner and open it it was hot and sip slowly it taste werid but was edible I finish and went on crackers and cheese. ,
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She slowly ate it, but she finished and went to the juice box
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I drink slowly the crackers was dry and cheese was rubber
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She ate the crackers and left the cheese, she set it to the side and brought her knees to her chest, “they are jackasses...”
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I laugh "what you expect soft handsome man" I said to her passing her a pack of my crackers
Ace (played by A__Girl)

She raised a eyebrow, “soft handsome man?” She looked at her and laughed a little
Nightmare and Undead (played by GuntherSavage7272)

As he finished his work, he walked out of the bank and teleported to his hideout. As he counted his money, he learned that he had enough to get his brother out. He sighed with relief and went into his normal disguise and walked to the hospital with the money in his bag.
Kaylea silently followed, putting her gun away and limping as the blood dripped from the bullet-wound she had taken for him.

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