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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I groan "not going you we'll have to cuff me and drag me to get me to talk to someone" I said getting in the car I sigh
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"again no one is taking you anywhere"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him "look I know I have anger problem yeah" I said kinda happy to let it out
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"yes you do"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh "I guess I can give it a go" I said to him smiling I watch out the window
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"give what a go?"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him therapy for anger" I said to to him smiling I was happy to be talking about feeling to him I look at him "I'm I in trouble for punching that bitch" I ask. Knowing I probably lost my chance of my superise now and more time not allowed outside
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"im not taking you to therapy it was self defense"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him and main knowing it wasn't really when I punch her "what you described self defense" I ask knowing if I tell I can be trouble
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"she started treating you rudly and you protected yourself"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him "she pretty much Pat me like a dog pretty much called me a bitch" I said to him I bunch my fist wanting to punch something now
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"yes i know i was there"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

We we're home I sigh "what if I say I punch her of of jealousy" I said to him
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him "feel bad for lashing out she was pretty and was rich I was fine before you grab me but something come over me I punch her I gave her a black eye" I said feeling upset
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"shh ignore that now"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him "it's not fair I think I should get punish to " I said to him Sternly I was crying
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"no you dont"

((i have to go bye smithie XD))
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter


I look at him I was really sad I though for a second "then I'll run away" I said to opening he door and stepping out I towrard but as I was going beside the house I was taken to the ground I felt my hand in a lock hold
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

((hey im back))

he holds her in a lock hold "fine no you have a reason to be in trouble"

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