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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at my hands "I'm guessing being shackled is my punishment for how ever long" I said looking my feet I drink some more water
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"most likley and you lost your surprise again"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I groan hating this. I stand up and try to walk normal but fell and main in pain "can you at least give it space" I ask crawling to couch and sitting on it my ankle was hurting I groan in pain
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"you can't extend cuffs silly"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him "barley walk in this" I said kinda finding funny due to reason there on
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I stand up again this time finding balance I shuffle my feet to kitchen I notice my ankle was hurting but ingore it not wanting doctor visit again
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he stretches
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I grab some cookies before looking at the stairs "how the ****" I said I groan holding on the rail tight I hop up the stair I scream in pain my ankle was bad I continue up to my room once in my room I tried to help pain with towel around it tight
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he walks to her room
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I heard a knock on my door less room I quickly put my covers over my ankle "come in" I said to him
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he opens the door "let me see your ankle"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him "it's fine just stumbled a little on the stairs hit it" I said to him smiling trying to hide pain
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"come on give me your ankles imma unlock the cuffs"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh. Taking my cover off you could tell it was Puff the cuffs were loose and didn't hurt
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he takes off the cuffs "they are swollen you need an ice pack stay here"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh looking at the ankle hoping it wasn't broken I tryed to wiggle the toes but nothing I groan in pain
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he comes back with ice packs
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

The went on I scream "do you think it's broken" I ask him try fighting pain the ice pack soothe it alot

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