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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him kinda bummed I couldn't talk to her
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"your friend is not in the hospital anymore tomorrow she will be in court after that you can see her"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him sad to here this if she was guilty she would get 4 years at less "guess it's the best" I said feeling down
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he nods
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh flopping on the side of couch "can I at less go visit her if she does" I ask him I was wanting to cry
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I hear a something beeping "this your soup burning" I said to him smiling happy to hear this
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he grabs the soup with pot holders
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh wanted to talk to her wanting to tell her tricks in prison I sigh has I heard bowl coming over "thanks" I mumbled upset scaryed
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at physco "I don't think she know what it like" I said to him sighing. I was scared
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"she will figure it out"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh and smiled "can I please talk to her" I. Ask him knowing. I. Was still grounded
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"yeah after court"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I groan knowing that was probably 24hrs from now "is it ok if I go for swim" I ask him wanting to do something
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"not with your ankle broken and the braclet needs to stay on"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I groan I wanted to do something other then rest
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"shouldn't have ran"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

"should've run faster" I mumbled mad at myself I was lucky I wasn't going to get more time for this "so I can't even read out back on there nice day, really I don't care if I'm chain like a dog" I said to him smiling
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)


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