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Forums » General Roleplay » The return

Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him nervous "many" I said kinda wondering if he was going to
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him nervous "maybe" I said kinda wondering if he was going to
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"why should i?"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

If you love me we can be together and you won't lose your job I'll get a officer to do my community service again and you get a new clients" I said to him
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he starts the car
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look out the window and sigh knowing this is going to be long day
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he turns on the radio
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh hearing news of shooting again I just stare out of. Window I saw the police station coming on
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

he turns it off not wanting to hear it anymore
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sighed pulling in parking lot i didn't get out not waning to stay here
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"lets go"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh ingoreing him
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I look at him "it's fine not your fault" i said opening the door of car
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

"ik but still"
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I. Look at him "it's your choose to be my gaurdain" I said walking to police station doors not using crutches
Lucus (played by DevinGardner)

He walks in grabbing thepapers
Stephanie (played by Smithie) Topic Starter

I sigh as a officer walk over "drop off" he ask psycho I put my head down "we need her in some kind of restaintts hands or ankle" he said I groan steping back

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