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Forums » Art & Creativity » Undying's art

Samples of my artwork.

The_Undying Topic Starter

Wait, character art you say? Not a general art thread?
I wouldn't worry too much about it unless one of the mods says something.

Anyways, I'm jealous
Oh god, that next to last planet REALLY makes me think of the one in my RP...jeezus I'm jelly right now
*Drools over incredible art*



Might I ask what heavenly realm you descended from?


The_Undying Topic Starter

Merry Christmas!

The key to drawing like this is practice. I'm at the point now where I can naturally draw without planning, in perspective.
The_Undying Topic Starter

Sweetie Bot (played by Bonebag)

Objects of creative expression detected.
Initiating compliment sequence:

These pieces are awesome! Creativity levels at 100%!! Do you use a tablet?
The_Undying Topic Starter

Pah, tablets are too jittery. ;D I use a 2-year old mouse.
cool art bro, needs moar ponies

The_Undying Topic Starter

Elven words.

"cool art bro, needs moar ponies"
HA friggin awesome
The_Undying Topic Starter

All his cool art and he still hasn't finished his drawing of a Terelain.

In fact... isn't that the Aunyijmar... sigh... thingy drawing you started halfway in the middle of drawing my Terelain!? Is it done now, so you can go back to drawing my Terelain!?

If not, it's cool...

I'll just have to send the Night-Walkers on a little covert ops mission to... 'persuade' you to finish the drawing.
The_Undying Topic Starter

I will write their names in Infernal and sear the words into their fur, damning them to the underworld. ;D

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus