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Forums » Looking for RP » Kingdom of Ash OOC - Recruiting (Open) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Kingdom of Ash (Fantasy RP)
"The Legends of Ashendale"

Affiliated with
"Mythardian Myths & Legends"

Welcome to the Kingdom of Ash a dark country over run by corruption, it’s people left in poverty as the village dwells in the mountain shadows. It’s lords charging highest of taxes all the while palace guards pillage the towns for its limited resources beating down anyone who dares voice their opposition. At the center of the Mareshoe Mountains sits the large castle of the king and his many sons. All brutish in nature ruling with iron fists power hungry determined to conquer anyone and everyone. Burning the world so long as they rule the ashes, recently the king has slaughtered out to other countries for their most fierce of warriors as attendants and possibly tutors for his one daughter in hopes to harden her soft nature. But now the king is bedridden, the king's heir and all the king's council have been assassinated, and war is brewing on the horizon. Will the kingdom fall, or will this new servant help crown the rose in this mountain of ashes and save the people? Play to find out.

This is a large scale play-by-post freestyle paraform RPG story that can be either 1-on-1 or group oriented. This story reads like a movie or play; it involves elements of adventure, romance, mystery, horror, action, fantasy, drama and suspense. This is not fan-based fiction, but an original collaborative authorship.

Characters/Players Roster (PCs):
Magnus Ashdown (Lockroach)
Carmen Ashdown (RayneLillac)
Thraen Valour (Gamemaster)
Caspar Blackwood (Lockroach)
Vygoren Calygarn (Gamemaster)
Johanna Mieadov (YumeAiri)
Prince Calvin Kridei (YumeAiri)
Lucifer Errat (Skipbab)
Avery Fellwater (Lockroach)
Grevious Saint (SaintMarcJean)
Two Bit (SaintMarcJean)
Faize (Michael_Rainwater)
Vladimir Topol' (Eli_Broady)

Current Pantheon (NPCs):
Aldafar (God of Gods)
Elena (Goddess of Forgiveness)
Vagtia (Goddess of Mercy)
Fedite (God of Peace)
Bateus (God of Dreams)
Lagarus (God of Water)
Etiri (Goddess of Fertility)
Shalmar (God of Death)
Aldarus (God of Knowledge)
Melkur (God of War)

If anyone's name is not on the roster, please send me a PM with general information about your character so I can add it to the list. If I misspelled your name, or you would like me to edit anything, please let me know. Thanks.

Villages and minor towns are not listed on the map, but many new places have been added to the storyboard. Here are the directions and locations of the "kingdoms/countries" on the macro-map. These places exist on the Continent of Lorendor, on the Planet of Mythardia.
Countries of Lorendor
Far North - Tundra (frozen desert; uninhabitable)
North - Land of Pruvia (varying landscapes; mostly cold) possible homeland of Faize the Mage?
Center - Kingdom of Ash (mountainous; center of the map, temperate climates) currently ruled by King Magnus
East - Kingdom of Ash (sparse woodlands; formerly Kingdom of Estvikt) formerly overseen by Prince Relbregh, currently overseen by Lord Vygoren
Far East - Land of Kulrydale (swamps and plains; rebel camps, villages)
West - Varadycia (land of various types of elves, sprites and magical faefolk)
Far West - Quadoria (land of dwarfs and goblins; caves, mines and shafts, rocky and mountainous)
South - Wilderness (hills, hobbits, valleys and forests; land of outcasts, currently unruled) last known whereabouts of Thraen Valour
Far South - Desert (hot and arid; lifeless and uninhabitable)

Here are the directions and locations of the "places/lands" within the Kingdom of Ash (see Center above) on the mini-map: these places exist in the Land of Ashendale on Lorendor, and fall under the rule of the Ashdowns:
Lands of the Ashdown Kingdom
Far North - Montra (royal graveyard; Queen's Tomb, crypts, the Ashdown Mausoleum)
North - Mareshoe Mountains (goldmines, shafts and quarries)
Center - Castle Ashdown (largest citadel in all the kingdom; center of map)
East - Travellers Inn, Kings Pass (dense hills and forests)
Far East - Relbregh's Tower (largest palace in the kingdom), Castle Estvikt (second largest castle in the kingdom)
West - Queen's Gardens (ponds; flowers; wildlife reserve)
Far West - Mareshoe Mountains (tall peaks; uncrossable)
South - Wilderness (scattered woodlands; valleys, creeks)
Far South - Mareshoe Mountains (uncrossable; tall peaks, no paths)
Miscellaneous - River (runs vertically across the whole kingdom from North to South), Kings Pass (dirt wagon trail; runs horizontally across the whole kingdom from East to West)

Here are the places within Castle Ashdown (see Center above) on the mini-mini-map: There is no consensus in-game yet on where every room is located, but we know for a fact that they all exist inside Ash Castle:
Key Places in Castle Ashdown
- The Keep
- The Main Gate
- The Stables
- The Hanging Garden
- The Courtyard
- The Watch Tower
- The Dungeon
- The Latrine
- The Kitchen
- The Dining Hall
- The Ball Room
- The Throne Room
- The Council Chamber
- The Study
- The Museum
- The Statue Garden
- The Chapel
- The Barracks
- The Draw Bridge
- The Archery Range
- The Pond Garden
- The Well
- The Bastions
- The Royal Palace
- The Guest Chambers
- The Wine Cellar
- The Main Hall
- The King's Chamber
- The Queen's Chamber
- The Prince's Chamber
- The Princess's Chamber
- The Servant's Quarters
- The Balcony
- The Bell Tower
- The Moat
- The East Gate
- The West Gate
- The Winding Stairwell
- The Waiting Room
- The Lounge
- The Secret Passages
- The Grainery
- The Water Tower
- The Dog Kennel
- The Lion Den
- The Stockade
- The Torture Chamber
- The Attic
- The Outer Wall
- The Inner Wall
- The Dressing Room
- The Bath House
- The Sewer

Ashendale is located on a vast super-island continent known as Lorendor, the only giant landmass on the planet of Mythardia; it has a sun called Solsken and a moon called Muneon, in an earth-like epic high fantasy setting. There is no consensus in-game yet on where all these places are located, but we know for a fact that they are all associated with Lorendor and Mythardia:
Other Places on the Continent of Lorendor
Greenleaf Village
Gullred Village
Oaknut Forest
Rainfall Tavern
Lorendor (continent)
Heidinniria (westlands)
Skraeliria (eastlands)
Lunaria (underworld)
Aglarond (dwarves)
Pruvia (northlands)
Varadycia (elves)
Quadoria (dwarves)
Blaumiria (southlands)
Estvikt Swamp (drow)
Wynter Haven
Nordiria (northlands)
Solsken (sun)
Muneon (moon)
Mystia Falls
Gobyfel (shire)
Ashendale (westlands)
Kulrydale (eastlands)
Kyanite River
Apatite River
Tourmaline Mountains
Mareshoe Mountains
Drusy Lake
Montra (cemetery)
Peridot Forest
Myrkala Swamp
Athdeyja Marsh
Goldynn Plains
Phlora Hills
Reizens Hotel
Voltairens Cathedral
Camborra (kingdom)
Hogluck Market
Redlock Market
Dodalond (deadlands)
Bessat Woods (haunted)
Roykland Swamp (smokelands)
Mycket Chapel (small)
Lytengard (small land)
Grunkolgard (shallow hills)
Bluthgard (blood land)
Erlendum (foreign country)
Utlandia (foreign land)
Hviturn Shores (white)
Hanglas Gates (padlocked)
Singing Gorge
Mythardia (planet)

The following is a list of some of the more Major races you can find in this story. There are many other Minor races which do not appear on the list, but which may appear in-game as characters explore. Note that the names in the left margin are written in Nordirian, and may have other names in different languages:
Some Common Mythardian Races:
Skogvaettir - woodland faeries
Eldvaettir - fire faeries ; pixies
Vatnavaettir - river faeries; sprites
Irrblossir - river ghosts; wisps
Rissir - goblins
Smafolkir - hobbits
Dvergir - wicked dwarves
Svartalfir - helpful dwarves
Ljosalfir - light elves; high elves
Skogalfir - forest spirits; wood elves
Myrkalfir - grey elves; swamp elves
Dokkalfir - dark elves; drow
Skogrisir - tree giants; ents
Bergrisir - rock giants; mountain kings
Eldjotnir - fire giants; lava monsters
Hrimthir - frost giants
Sjothir - ocean giants; sea kings
Trollir - trolls; ogres
Nissir - friendly gnomes; red-caps
Tomtir - evil gnomes ; blue-caps
Menskir - humans
Nordir - northmen; nords; caucazoids
Blaumir - blue men; moors; southerners; negroids
Skraellir - indians; asiatics; natives; easterners
Valkyrir - angels; female spirits
Einherjir - angels; male warrior spirits
Drekkir - dragons; fire serpents
Lindvyrmir - wingless dragon; acid serpent
Gammir - griffins; giant bird-lions
Naffir - unicorns
Narvatir - water horse; sea unicorn
Draudir - ghost; shade; land spectre
Nair - dishonorable spirits; poltergeists; air spectre
Vendir - demons; incubi spirits
Marair - demonesses; nightmares
Ilvaettir - wraiths; ruling ghosts; graveyard spectre
Vanir - fertility gods; nature
Aesir - war gods; civilization
Draugir - vampires; revenants; corpses
Verulfir - werewolves
Volvair - witches; sorceresses
Godir - wizards; sorcerors
Nixir - mermaidens; sea nymphs
Nakkir - mermen; male mermaids
Lorelir - evil merfolk; female water spirits
Disir - female wraiths; guardian spirits
Krakkir - giant squid; sea monsters
Jormungir - world serpent; sea dragon
Hvitalfir - white elves; syn. light elves
Lyngbakir - giant whales; leviathans
Hamingjir - leprechauns; spirits of luck
Fylgjir - spirit animals; companions; familiars
Hreysir - werecats; wild catfolk
Vifillir - bug spirits; beetlefolk
Ornir - avians; eagles; birdfolk
Heidir - avians; hawks; birdfolk
Heidinnir - heathens; westerners; common folk
Hrossir - wild horse spirits
Melrakkir - snow fox spirits; kitsunes
Hrafnir - avians; crow spirits
Galtir - wild boar spirits
Hreinnir - reindeer spirits
Nornsir - fates; seers; prophetesses
Orcenir - orcs; urukai; maneaters
Sjodrekkir - sea dragons
Bergdrekkir - rock dragons
Dokkdrekkir - black dragons
Vindormir- wind dragons; sky serpents
Eldormir - fire serpents; lava dragons
Landormir - land worms; green dragons
Guttir - satyrs; wild goat spirits
Mosfolkir - mushroom folk; myconids
Fenrir - famed wolf spirits; hellhounds

Last updated 04-10-18.

Clockwork and Calendar:
TIMELINE - The current year is 860 C.E. now one month after the death of King Estvikt and Prince Relbregh, the week of the Council Massacre.

560ce Cornilus the Conqueror
808ce Magnus is born
812ce Celia is born
834ce Magnus turns 26
834ce Celia turns 22
834ce Magnus marries Celia
835ce Relbregh is born
844ce Calvin is born
845ce Carmen is born
848ce Celia dies at 36
860ce Estvikt dies at 42
860ce Magnus turns 52
860ce Relbregh dies at 25

Ashendale uses a common lunasolar calendar with perfect calculations. Every lunar month has 5 weeks, each with 5 days. Every twelfth night is a full moon. Every sixth night is a half moon. Every first of the month is a blue moon. Every last of the month is a red moon. Every 150 days, no moon appears at all and darkness covers the land. There are 25 days in each lunar month. There are 12 months equalling 300 days per solar year. There are 12 solar hours per day, and exactly 12 lunar hours per night equalling 24 hours altogether.

Time is not linear in-game, and fluctuates with intros at the top of each player's posts stating the time, date and location with intros such as "Previously," "Meanwhile," and "Later that day," etc. The actual clock started when Rayne started advertising the RP, est. March 1st, (860 C.E. in this case) and since then notable events have occurred in-game. March 1st therefore marks the first day of the first month - the day of Prince Relbregh's death. The current time in-game is April 10th, 860 CE the day of the Council Massacre.

Human Races in Ashendale:
Nordir or pale skinned northern peoples
Blaumir or dark skinned southern peoples
Skraelir or red skinned eastern peoples
Heidinnir or pink skinned western peoples.

Resolving IC Battles:
There is no ruleset for resolving conflicts in this game. We prefer a more traditional freeform/paraform approach which stresses good conduct, appropriate netiquette and communication between players. We don't care what happens as long as you have fun and keep it fair to all players in-game. Please no metagaming, godmoding or autoing. But again, we follow an unwritten code of honor here so some things need not be explained.

Last updated 04-10-18.

In-Game/In-Character (IC):

BBcode style your texts:

Disclaimer (Un-Rated):
The Kingdom of Ash (Fantasy RP) is not yet rated. This story contains action, adventure, comedy, mystery, horror, drama, fantasy, and a potential for romance. While most of it is PG-13, there may be some scenes involving mild nudity, mild swearing, blood, gore and in some cases, extreme violence. The Kingdom of Ash (Fantasy RP) is intended for mature audiences only. Viewer discretion is advised.

Special Thanks:
Additional credit for The Kingdom of Ash (Fantasy RP) is awarded to RayneLillac the gamemaster (GM) and 1st loremaker (LM1), Gamemaster the mapmaker (MM) and 2nd loremaker (LM2), Skipbab the beastmaster (BM) and 3rd loremaker (LM3), to Lockroach the storyteller (ST), YumeAiri the storyteller (ST), SaintMarcJean the storyteller (ST), and to the entire OOC team who made this story possible.

Status Update - King Magnus is still bedridden. Prince Relbregh is dead, assassinated by Thraen Valour at his own palace. Vygoren Calygarn, leader of the Savage Knights (of which Thraen was a lord and member) who had once served Prince Relbregh, was appointed by Caspar Blackwood (the King's steward) to go 'rescue' Princess Carmen from Montra, where she secretly formed an alliance with Lord Grevious and his Pruvian army, attempting to save her father's kingdom. They were accompanied in Montra by Faize the warlock or war-mage. Faedkyn Hyllora, half-drow commander of the Night Watchers (drowish guards and assassins at Relbregh's Tower), reported news of Prince Relbregh's death to Lord Caspar, and is now secretly guarding Ashdown Castle and the royal family while preparing to go to war with Lord Grevious and the Pruvian army. As a plot twist, Faize placed a magic runestone (now in Drizzt the Drow's pocket) which cursed the Night Watchers, causing Faedkyn to delay his journey. Avery Fellwater, the King's private physician, has been secretly experimenting on King Magnus while he's been bedridden (but a spying Faedkyn would previously witness Avery's treachery as she ordered Bethesda to poison the princess). Meanwhile, Lucifer Errat the potion-maker appears in a comical scene with a chicken-like foul stuck to his head, while Baltimore the dwarf tries to help him get it removed. A young Prince Calvin got stuck in a tree, and was rescued by Johanna Mieadov the royal castle guard. After returning to the castle, Calvin and Lady Mieadov part ways (neither one realizing that they are being watched by a drow). Johanna, who turns out to be from a peasant family with husband and kids, humbly returns to her abode. Bethesda, one of the castle maids, slips poison into Carmen's wine. She fails to assassinate the princess, and instead poisons the council. At the same time, a drow (disguised as a kitchen maid) poisons Bethesda, counter-assassinating her. Bethesda dies in the king's chamber. Luciel Carjak has discovered vast amounts of gold(?) in Gullred Village and is building a mining company to gather its fortune. Carmen, Caspar and Vygoren are together when the council leaders fall over dead. All of them immediately suspect foul play, but they all have different opinions as to who the assassin is. Lord Caspar summons Dr. Avery, while Vygoren summons the maids after sterilizing the situation. Princess Carmen goes to the King's chamber to console her father King Magnus, who is still bedridden. Bethesda the maid has risen from the dead and is now wandering around the unsuspecting castle somewhere as a zombie. Vygoren calls for Faize the magician. 200 miles away in Kulrydale, the hero Thraen Valour has just reached Golden Village, but is suddenly knocked out by a group of farmers holding a wanted poster... And now you're up-to-date on what all has been happening IC in-game. We are still recruiting players so if anyone wants to join, feel free. If you're just joining or returning from hiatus, there ya go! You're all caught up.
Magic 60%
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Technology 30%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Destiny (played anonymously)

Gamemaster Topic Starter

Hi! :)
((uh.. hey im new to this platform so i may screw up

I kinda wanna join. But I don't know if I can hold up to this master piece.
I want to use my Character Rick. He's a half Draugir. (Half vampire) Is it too late to join?
MitsuHarp wrote:
I kinda wanna join. But I don't know if I can hold up to this master piece.
I want to use my Character Rick. He's a half Draugir. (Half vampire) Is it too late to join?

Hello! While Gamemaster is currently on a short hiatus, I suppose I can help fill in for this recruiting form.

As of currently, I still recall how we were searching for new members, so I suppose it's not too late to join. While RayneLilac is the one leading the roleplay, I'll be happy to inform her that we have another person who's willing to join (that's if she's actually not secretly reading in on this xD)

I personally don't feel like we're too far in to so much intensity for this, so this could also be a perfect time to join in!
Are modern time-travelling characters allowed?
Surprise I'm sneaky, it is still open it's a long term rp so picking up a few extra people along the way is expected. Mythical type creatures are fine and will fit in I'm not so sure about time travel I don't thick modern technologies would be something I want added into the mix of it all with it being a medevil fantasy
RayneLillac wrote:
Surprise I'm sneaky, it is still open it's a long term rp so picking up a few extra people along the way is expected. Mythical type creatures are fine and will fit in I'm not so sure about time travel I don't thick modern technologies would be something I want added into the mix of it all with it being a medevil fantasy

That's fine. The character I want to bring in is Isaiah Lim. Sort of like the Doctor if the Doctor bothered tofit in and hide his advanced tech. But he comes with a host of other things attached like being unable to age, hop between dimensions (with tech), control over his own cells and plenty ofnlife experience.
long as hes not waving around modern items about, in those ages people would probably hang him for sorcery
Gamemaster Topic Starter

New group RPG... :)

Click on the link to sign up.
I would like to join, is there anything special that I have to do?
Gamemaster Topic Starter

SirMenard wrote:
I would like to join, is there anything special that I have to do?
Yes. You have to join here: :)
Kid Boy (played by Kidroleplayer)

i will join
Hi, i see i might be a little late, could i still join?

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