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Forums » Introductions » Hello! I'm new

I mean my names not new, but you get the picture. I'm honestly just looking for some new people to Roleplay with. I really like any kind of plot, and am working on getting more characters up now. If you have any questions or want to start a story, please let me know! I'm always an open book!
Welcome, I think. Well, Yes... welcome! Because you're new to me ;) I hope you find what you are looking for and have a great time with many good games. :)
Welcome to the site! You'll definitely find many people who love to RP around here, so just be sure to take a look around! Good luck and have fun!
Hello and welcome to RPR, hope you will like it here 😄😄😄

With love, Lotus 😊

Hello, welcome to RPR. Hope you enjoy your time here :)!
Hey, welcome to RPR! :)
WELCOME but not exactly to the site. just to the new username. :P
Hello there! :)

Welcome to the RPR forums. If you like long-term group roleplays involving 'medieval darkages' and 'epic high fantasy' in a large world that is semi-organized, with lots of players, a timeline, and many kingdoms to choose from: The Kingdom of Ash (Fantasy RP):

We are a very laid back, friendly group with lots of players. Kingdom of Ash RP is for mature audiences only (not yet rated). It's easy to join, though we are growing now so we'll ask that you have at least some RPing experience before joining (7th grade literacy required). It's a turn-based freestyle paraform collaborative story in the making. So if you like anything magical-- RP's with humans, elves, drow, dwarves, wizards, hobbits, dragons, etc.-- if you are a fan of LoTR, MtG, DnD or GoT and things like that, then come join us!

You won't regret it. :)
Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the site! How have you been enjoying it so far? :)
Welcome to RPR Family! <3



Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.

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