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Forums » Introductions » I'm new and stuff

Hey not looking for RP just yet but I wanted to say hello to everyone... and stuff... nailed it.
Hello, welcome to RPR! :)
Hello! I hope you like it at RPR. I've found myself to enjoy it quite a lot, actually... :)
Hi new and stuff! I'm Star! XD dad jokes

Hello there and welcome to RPR.
Please do enjoy your stay. It's nice to meet you!
Hello and welcome to RPR, hope you will like it here 😄😄😄

With love, Lotus 😊
Hey, welcome to this amazing community :)

Hey buddy, welcome to the site! :)

You've arrived at a great time, RPR's annual birthday event, Epic Week, is starting today! To celebrate there will be contests and a site-wide plot packed with fun teamwork focused activities! It can be a great way to jump into the community and make new friends. :D

If you want a place to relax with other users, we also have a chat thread which can be made auto-refreshing (all threads can!) by clicking the Launch Chat button.

If you'd just like to focus on finding RP, that's totally fine too! I hope you have fun here!
Welcome! If you feel like taking some time to familiarize yourself with things first, that's totally fine. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have, or check out the Help pages if you want to see what you can dig up, first.

Rat mentioned Epic Week, and indeed, there will be a lot going on! It might seem intimidating and chaotic, but everyone is always super happy to help out. If you look, you'll even notice that all the guides and stuff that pop up to help everyone get organized are maintained just by members volunteering to help out!
You really nailed it, lmao. Welcome!
Great job! Nailed it~



Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.

You are on: Forums » Introductions » I'm new and stuff

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