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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The vampire and the travelers

Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon)

Alister is awaiting the day that human kind besieges his castle and has been ever vigilant creating machines ahead of the era man lives in. This machinery would be considered witchcraft and so is alchemy and astronomy. Alister wanted to make the fight more or less amusing to him so that he wouldn’t be bored anymore. His robotic army patrols the kingdom like soldiers would when they used to be human. Alister waited for the day he would have to fight humans but non have dared to do so yet. Then one day a group of travelers entered his kingdom. This group was a band of misfits of an assortment of races. One of them(female) broke off from the group and ventured into Alister’s castle unaware of what the lord is like. The rest of the group found a note it said: “I’m going to go introduce ourselves to the lord of this kingdom and see what he is like...if I’m gone for more than 5 days come get me.”
Hello! Do you mind if I join? this sounds so interesting! : )
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

Micah Lancaster wrote:
Hello! Do you mind if I join? this sounds so interesting! : )
((Yes but first you need to find a character and please not trying to be harsh but use double parentheses when you talk OOC))
((Oh! Right, my bad, I'm new to this site, would you mind helping me out?))
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

((Sure thing I’m always happy to help.))
Mariona Vakas (played anonymously)

((I'd like to join.))
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

((Ok find the request forum first and then request from now on pls and thank you.))
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

((And yes you are in.))
Mariona Vakas (played anonymously)

((Okay. So who starts?))
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

((Well I guess your next to start and we need to wait for the others though because we need two more.))((pls read my post up above at the beginning.))
((I'm still here ready whenever))
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

((Just need one more member that’s joining us and you’ll meet the fifth one later on in the roleplay. Heh heh. Maniacal laughter begins. But seriously can’t spoil it about the fifth one because they join up later on.))
Alex (played by StarHope)

((Here! :) is that what you wanted? XD))
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

((Lol good enough.))
Alex (played by StarHope)

Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

((Everyone we are ready to begin but please read my most recent post on here first and discuss it on that forum.The vampire and the travelers ))
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

A lister was in his laboratory at the time. *sigh* “Well I might as well read some more about chemistry.” Alister says to himself as he walked over to a book in the laboratory. “Or should I go visit the rest of the castle...” Alister walked away from the book and went out of his lab to a hallway with antique armor that was shiny and sleek. “I should see how my army is doing or maybe not since they control the citizens rather quite well.” Alister walked off to his throne room and sat in the throne summoning a knife and throwing it up in the air playing with it as though it was merely a toy to him.
Nala (played by StarHope)

Nala growled at th man who was beating up her father because of the over due debt. "Stop hurting him!" She hissed. The man stopped and looked at her and she whimpered as he walked up to her and looked into her eyes. "I will repay the debt if you allow me to work at the castle as a warrior.. okay?" She asked quietly, afraid of the man. The man grunted and gripped her arm and pulled her along, "we will have to ask out mast first, get th at bitch?!" The man snapped.
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon) Topic Starter

Alister noticed a bleep on his throne and pressed a button and a magical mirror showed that his army was bringing a girl to him at this very moment. “Well well Well it seems I have a guest coming.” Alister says as a smile crept on his face for once in over 300 years. Alister ran through his castle and tidyed everything along with setting up a table with red silk cloth covering the table. He put two chairs one on each end in the dinning room/ballroom. Then after that small task was done he had run down over to the front doors and opened one just a small crack and ran away back to his throne.
Nala (played by StarHope)

Nala and the guard or man, made it to the castle and walked into the throne room. She sighed as she saw all the delicate spices of furniture and how everything was tidy and clean, unlike her small hut that was in shambles. She bent her head down and looked at the floor as she stood before the one she supposed to be in charge. The guard beside her elbowed her and forced he to look up at the king, Lord, master, whatever he was.

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