As Aidan thought that the doors to the room burst open with me running through as five guards chase after me. I flip them off before jumping onto the throne and catapulting myself onto the chandelier, laughing the whole time.
Aidan looked up at the crazy person that just ran in. He didn’t like the feeling of this at all...
The guards all started storming around Alister like he was in peril now and the whole army was there as the assassin was on an above chandelier. Alister got up off of his throne and sighed. “Why can’t you deal with this simple person yourselves! Never trust guards to do the dirty work for you.” Alister says as he summoned a long sword again and jumped up onto the chandelier like it was nothing. “You think this is funny well let’s see you try and assassinate me!” He yelled at the assassin as fire started engulfing his body.
Aidan watched with no expression on his face. “ holy shit I better not get in his bad side...” he mumbled while he pushed his hands into his pockets, still watching and and chewing in his plump pink lips.
((Good night everyone pick this up again tomorrow Alright?))
// night, have sweet dreams
I chuckle at Alister. "I'm not here to kill you, fool of a king. I'm just doing my job." I jump down and land on the throne, walking off and looking up at him. "It's some of your guards that i'm after. Seems that you- if i'm correct- hired," I pull out a piece of paper and read the list. "One killer, an angry drunk who beat his family half to death, a man neck deep in sin, and a man who owes many debts."
Alister looked at her. “Of course I would because you know what it doesn’t matter what background they’ve come from. I just want you to stop! If you want money I can give you more than the rest of your list if you kill the person giving you these targets.” Alister says jumping down beside her as all of his soldiers had swarmed around her and pointing their weapons at her. ‘Now I dare say someone with talent. But in the least I’ll maybe get her off my back for a while.’ Alister thought as he made his deal out of thin air. “I can pay you ten times the amount that you will get paid with everyone on that list if you just follow up on your end, but of course you would have to accept or die on this spot because I’m not going to let you kill anymore of my soldiers.”
I put the list away and look at Alister with my white eyes, the only thing showing through my mask. "Although money does sound nice i'm doing to have to decline." I click my tongue. "Sorry. But hey, I didn't kill your girlfriend even though she's on my list. Just be glad about that." I say as I walk past your men, going towards the doors.
Aidan smiled and laughed softly. " for an assassin you really suck at your job... considering you just put your back to us meaning i could have thrown a 'leadna' ( made up word for a poison I use in RPs) covered knife.... one prick and your heart would have stop as you died in less then a minute... " after he said that he pushed his hands into his pockets. " but again i really know little to nothing... continue your day... "
Raven was about to reply when things got hectic real fast. She turned to the Assassin she had met at the front door then back to Alister jumping on a chandelier than a red haired man who seemed extremely smart with the Assassin. Not sure of her place in the whole scenario and backed up pulling out her pocket knife for protection . Sure it amateur compared to all these things these people were talking about but it was the best she got. She stood in a ready position eyeing those around her. This day just got stranger and stranger.
((Is it okay with someone if my girl knows them beforehand? I know the original post said a group was coming to the castle.))
“Just stop attacking me and my men.” Alister says as he threw his long sword embedding it into the doors. The sword went half way through before stopping. The guards all stepped aside in rows and columns out of the way of the assassin. “Please don’t come back I ask you for the last time since you don’t seem keen on keeping your life.” Alister says now going back to his throne and sat down.
Aidan rubbed the back of his neck as he watched all this go down. It was... different to what he was used to seeing and he knew he really didn’t like it... he didn’t want to see this anymore. He glares up at this king, lord, weird person that he still didn’t know much about and studied him and looked over every detail.
((Um sorry currently no longer accepting anymore requests unless you wanna play as extras.))
Clarissa wrote:
((Is it okay with someone if my girl knows them beforehand? I know the original post said a group was coming to the castle.))
((Le bump))
Nala awoke. She was onto ground in the middle of a long dark corridor. Her eyes widened in shock as she couldn't move. Her breathing was almost gone and she felt like her lungs were being pushed against her rib cage to collapse. She opened her mouth to breath in more air,but nothing came and she felt her mind become fuzzy. Her eyes blurred. She felt like hands were now around her neck and causing her to choke to death. These hands had the same icy fingers as before. A tear slipped down her cheek as she felt littl by little, her dying from lack of air.
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