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Forums » Introductions » Greetings!

Hello, I'm Mundanity and this site looked rather interesting, so I figured I'd swing by to see what things were like here. I'm not new to RPing, in and of itself, but I have been looking for a new place to create stories in. My interests are more directed towards modern Sci-fi RPs (think Static Shock) and I'm eager to toss my hat in the ring and have fun with whoever would like to do stuff with me.

If anyone would like to show me the ropes and let me know how things work on this site, I'd appreciate it greatly!

Thanks in advance and I hope to have a blast!
Static Shock was an underrated cartoon, if you're talking about the superhero. I recognize there are other uses for the phrase.

Regardless, welcome to RPR.
Mundanity Topic Starter

Corinthi wrote:
Static Shock was an underrated cartoon, if you're talking about the superhero. I recognize there are other uses for the phrase.

Regardless, welcome to RPR.

Thank you!

And yes, you're correct. I'm talking about the cartoon. I love the vibe of superhumans/mages/mutants/etc. in an urban/modern setting. Playing around with what it would be like to have powers in our world and how they'd affect one's life has always fascinated me. Granted, that might only be my favorite setting because it's the one that I'm most used to, but still.
There's a Tabletop Roleplaying Game I adore called Masks: A New Generation. It's designed to tell Teen Superhero stories, complete with all the pressures about figuring out who you're going to be versus who the people in your life want you to be. It's /great/.

There another game called Amp: Year One, which is an emerging superhero game. People started developing superpowers in the current year, and it's about how the world reacts to it.

Finally, Mutant City Blues is a roleplaying game that's a police procedural in a world with superpowers. It's pretty genius.
Kaija (played by Mundanity) Topic Starter

Corinthi wrote:
There's a Tabletop Roleplaying Game I adore called Masks: A New Generation. It's designed to tell Teen Superhero stories, complete with all the pressures about figuring out who you're going to be versus who the people in your life want you to be. It's /great/.

There another game called Amp: Year One, which is an emerging superhero game. People started developing superpowers in the current year, and it's about how the world reacts to it.

Finally, Mutant City Blues is a roleplaying game that's a police procedural in a world with superpowers. It's pretty genius.

Excellent! If you could provide me with links to some of those, I'd be more than happy to look into them.

Also, I kinda wanna find a place to use this character, as well. She's not a new character or anything, just the first one that I've written who I've really fallen in love with over time. If she doesn't fit anywhere here, I'd understand, but you know how it is when you fall in love with a creation of yours XD.

Also, thanks for the help! Really appreciate it.
Hello hello! Static Shock was rad, but Masks bored me. I would run a superhero game in FATE.

I don't do a whole lot of modern, I prefer fantasy, but I completely understand the appeal.

Welcome to the Repository!
Kaija (played by Mundanity) Topic Starter

Kolas wrote:
Hello hello! Static Shock was rad, but Masks bored me. I would run a superhero game in FATE.

I don't do a whole lot of modern, I prefer fantasy, but I completely understand the appeal.

Welcome to the Repository!

Thanks! I can give fantasy a try. Admittedly not my flavor, and I don't know how well I could really write medieval stuff (given my lack of experience living in that era), but it's the people that you RP with that make stuff fun in the end, lol.

I'm still feeling the site out, myself, tbh
I'm curious at to what you found boring about Masks. I've run it with at least a 1/2 dozen different groups and everyone loved it.
Hi, welcome to RPR! :)
Hello and welcome to RPR, hope you like it here 😄😄😄

With love, Lotus 😊

Hi there, welcome to the site.
I hope you enjoy your time here, I'm new as well, but so far everyone's been so lovely and welcoming


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Hey! Welcome to RPR! I hope you're loving it here so far!

I think you'll come to see that many people here are interested in science fiction as a genre. It's one of my interests, actually!

If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to message me!
Hello and welcome to the RPR Family! :D


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