This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the puzzle11 symbol in Epic Week 2018. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people noodling together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help.
I wonder which video or comic this clue refers to
The second clue can only be revealed to someone whose username starts with a e. You unlocked this clue!
The Sphynx's second clue is: A key in fire
The Sphynx's second clue is: A key in fire
Great, thank you!! Maybe at some point there is a keyword hidden in fire during an attack somewhere, during an attack--and maybe the keyword will translate the elusive mkab ptk way tfck
The corsair caught fire during the fight. If we could access the images again, maybe we could find a clue hiding in there.
Not seeing anything clearly in there! But there's fire in plenty of other places too.
Heimdall wrote:
*tips party hat*
Looks like someone beat me to it, Heim! Lol
Thanks for checking it out anyway Enkeli! ^^
"A sudden assault makes details go unnoticed" might be referring just to the tiny text underneath the Corsair: mkab ptk way tfck
Hmm I ran a keyword and vigenere decryption on that phrase using the keyword "fire." Just in case "a key in fire" is more literal ;P
I'm looking for something on screen when the princess says "fire" in this video: Can't see anything, or hear anything in the background
Heimdall wrote:
I'm looking for something on screen when the princess says "fire" in this video: Can't see anything, or hear anything in the background
When she says FIRE! (I just watched this part on a loop for a few minutes but I'm blind as a bat and there's too much action in the video for me to focus my sight quickly enough.) I think there might be a sign/some code in the smoke that resulted from the blasts of the ships cannons and maybe again in the brief birds eye view afterwards?
Or maybe it has something to do with the specific coding on the ships steering wheel at the exact moment she says that??
A few ideas...
Or perhaps "A sudden assault makes details go unnoticed" refers to right when the goblins attack? Perhaps we are to ignore the goblin attack and instead focus on the background? Idk, just the first thing I thought of when I read that clue...
AshAngg2000 wrote:
Or perhaps "A sudden assault makes details go unnoticed" refers to right when the goblins attack? Perhaps we are to ignore the goblin attack and instead focus on the background? Idk, just the first thing I thought of when I read that clue...
That's what I was thinking...
Maybe the code on the ships steering wheel that is visible mere seconds before she said FIRE! has some info?
Did we already translate the code from that specific moment earlier? Like maybe for a previous riddle?? If not then what's the translation there???
I think the ships wheel symbols were determined to be numbers that were already used for another riddle's answer.
Yep, the ship's wheel has numbers from 0 to 350 (aka the number of degrees in a circle) and this was used to figure out another riddle. I have been looking for symbols in the background, smoke, etc but to no avail.
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