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Forums » Introductions » Improved, and finally writing an introduction!


Hey Ya'll! I've had this account for what.. I think a month or two now, but I've finally decided to try and join the community!

I love all types of roleplays, but my favorite is romance, with loads of character development. I also enjoy fantasy, and paranormal, though! I tend to stick to paragraphs when doing roleplays, but I'm extremely flexible! I usually ask other people to do the starter, so I can look at their style, and try to add my own into it, so we can understand each others writing.

I've only been roleplaying for about three years, but I think I've improved greatly! I only started because my best friend thought I'd be good at it, and she always reads my writing prompts.

I have four guinea pigs, a chihuahua, a cat, over 10 fish, two ferrets, three poison dart frogs, two turtles, and 8 siblings! if those count as pets haha. In school, I love creative writing, German, and figure drawing, though I'm terrible at 2/3 of those.

I hope to be a mortician, though everyone tells me the pay is too low, and I should just become a doctor instead. Do any of you guys want to study to be a mortician as well?

Feel free to message me!! The only real reason I decided to post was to make a few new friends, and long term roleplay buddies!

If you're interested at all in reading up a bit on my character, Ingrid Valivon, you can find more on my account! Hope to speak to ya'll soon!!

And if someone wants to walk me through how to use the website as a whole, that would be great ;)
Welcome Welcome to RPR, great to have you here and thanks for that beautiful intro. If you have any questions you can ask the mods (Or anyone or me but I suck at coming up with useful answers >_> ) Still, the best way to make friends is to start talking :D

At one point I wanted to become a mortician, it wasn't the pay that pushed me away for that path but simply that it in my area at the time was a very competitive market. And where I live now there are no job opportunities for that, but if you want to talk about it feel free to ask. It's a great and very respectable career path and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! *Nod*

I hope you find lots of great games and fantastic friends and welcome into the community <3


Hello there and welcome to the site!
I do hope you enjoy your time here, everyone here is very kind and helpful.
If you ever have any questions, or need some help, don't be afraid to ask, there will always be someone ready and waiting.

I hope you have a lovely day!
Wishing you all the best,

Welcome! Welcome!
I hope you enjoy RPR and meet tons of awesome people! And feel free to PM me for question or to chat!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
That's a lot of pets! And a lot of siblings, of course :')
Marinette_Miraculous Topic Starter

Kruhee wrote:
Welcome Welcome to RPR, great to have you here and thanks for that beautiful intro. If you have any questions you can ask the mods (Or anyone or me but I suck at coming up with useful answers >_> ) Still, the best way to make friends is to start talking :D

At one point I wanted to become a mortician, it wasn't the pay that pushed me away for that path but simply that it in my area at the time was a very competitive market. And where I live now there are no job opportunities for that, but if you want to talk about it feel free to ask. It's a great and very respectable career path and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! *Nod*

I hope you find lots of great games and fantastic friends and welcome into the community <3

Hello and thank you!! I’m surprised that someone actually responded to the question of also wanting to become a mortician! I’ve Never meet anyone’s else who wants/wanted to go into the same career choice! Maybe we’ll eventually get to talk about it in pm if I figure out how to use the site haha.
Ingrid Valivon (played by Marinette_Miraculous) Topic Starter

Sprokkelhout wrote:
That's a lot of pets! And a lot of siblings, of course :')

Well, don’t they say it takes a villiage to raise a child? Since we can only fit so many people in one house, we figured we could make a village out of our animal friends ;).

We just love animals haha. Always have, always will. As for the siblings what can I say, you’d have to ask the parents.

My youngest sibling is actually 13 years younger than me! And they want one more I believe.

I’d love to hear a bit about you too if you’ve ever want to chat! <3
Friend! even though you been here for a bit xD but still! You should feel welcome nevertheless. Also awwww you got ferrets? im so jealous of you now^^ what are their names? And hehe i pesonally cant jump on the Mortian train with you, sorry x3 but i think you should presue it no matter what! Not everyone gets the chance of having their dreamjob as a profession and well some dosent even know what their dream job is yet xD Though yea, i can understand that it isnt that easy cause one must live, but well....i personally think that if something makes you happy you should do it. Anyway welcome agian and i hope you find a bunch of friends!^^
Ingrid Valivon wrote:
Sprokkelhout wrote:
That's a lot of pets! And a lot of siblings, of course :')

Well, don’t they say it takes a villiage to raise a child? Since we can only fit so many people in one house, we figured we could make a village out of our animal friends ;).

We just love animals haha. Always have, always will. As for the siblings what can I say, you’d have to ask the parents.

My youngest sibling is actually 13 years younger than me! And they want one more I believe.

I’d love to hear a bit about you too if you’ve ever want to chat! <3

Haha, very good point. Don't worry, not criticizing; if I had the money, time and room for it, I'd also practically have a zoo :')

Well, when you already have 9 kids, what's one more, right?

I have only one brother (who's two years older) and a cat myself, but I was lucky enough that I got to spend a significant chunk of my childhood at my grandparents' farm. Always made good friends with the calves and kittens.
Ingrid Valivon (played by Marinette_Miraculous) Topic Starter

FantasyDreamer wrote:
Friend! even though you been here for a bit xD but still! You should feel welcome nevertheless. Also awwww you got ferrets? im so jealous of you now^^ what are their names? And hehe i pesonally cant jump on the Mortian train with you, sorry x3 but i think you should presue it no matter what! Not everyone gets the chance of having their dreamjob as a profession and well some dosent even know what their dream job is yet xD Though yea, i can understand that it isnt that easy cause one must live, but well....i personally think that if something makes you happy you should do it. Anyway welcome agian and i hope you find a bunch of friends!^^

Hello and thank you! Everyone I've spoken to here is so warm, and welcoming, it makes me feel great! And yes, we have two like i said previously ;) one boy, and one girl. I know the boy is names James, and I believe they named the girl Sativa, or something along those lines. We just call her Savvy for short, and also because it's easier to say!!

Personally, I would be fine with any carrier in the medical field, or in the fine arts field, though I just feel a connection with helping grieving families. Having a large family and going through hard losses, I think helping others through that would be a great experience.

Since you say, some people don't have their heart set on a carrier, I must assume you don't know what you want to do yet! You'll have to keep me updated on that journey ;).

I hope I make lots of new friends as well! Maybe you can become one of them too. Hope we chat again soon!! <3
Ingrid Valivon (played by Marinette_Miraculous) Topic Starter

Sprokkelhout wrote:
Ingrid Valivon wrote:
Sprokkelhout wrote:
That's a lot of pets! And a lot of siblings, of course :')

Well, don’t they say it takes a villiage to raise a child? Since we can only fit so many people in one house, we figured we could make a village out of our animal friends ;).

We just love animals haha. Always have, always will. As for the siblings what can I say, you’d have to ask the parents.

My youngest sibling is actually 13 years younger than me! And they want one more I believe.

I’d love to hear a bit about you too if you’ve ever want to chat! <3

Haha, very good point. Don't worry, not criticizing; if I had the money, time and room for it, I'd also practically have a zoo :')

Well, when you already have 9 kids, what's one more, right?

I have only one brother (who's two years older) and a cat myself, but I was lucky enough that I got to spend a significant chunk of my childhood at my grandparents' farm. Always made good friends with the calves and kittens.

Ah, don't worry, I didn't see that as criticism at all ;). I think deep down we all kind of wish we had a huge piece of land, filled with animals somewhere.

Oh man, one more would be a lot more than it seems though haha. It may sound like we're all spread out, but I'm the second oldest, and through I'm pretty old my siblings aren't. most of them after me are a year apart. Two of them are only 11 months a part if you can believe that!!

They have terrible attitudes, but we hope they'll grow out of it <3. Just the terrible two's phase if you know what I mean. So, have you ever thought about getting a few animals like your grandparents when you have the time/money for it?
Ingrid Valivon wrote:
Ah, don't worry, I didn't see that as criticism at all ;). I think deep down we all kind of wish we had a huge piece of land, filled with animals somewhere.

Oh man, one more would be a lot more than it seems though haha. It may sound like we're all spread out, but I'm the second oldest, and through I'm pretty old my siblings aren't. most of them after me are a year apart. Two of them are only 11 months a part if you can believe that!!

They have terrible attitudes, but we hope they'll grow out of it <3. Just the terrible two's phase if you know what I mean. So, have you ever thought about getting a few animals like your grandparents when you have the time/money for it?
True, true, just spending your days working from a home office, preferably with a view of the huge piece of land in question, spending the non-working hours looking after the animals. Yeah, does sound like the dream life.

Oh damn, that would be quite a lot of people in one house at the time.
I don't know your family of course, but they'll probably grow out of those attitudes; if I look at my classmates when I started my study and now we're nearing the end of the second year, it's amazing to see just how much someone grows when either living on their own or when surrounded by people living on their own who see a shitty attitude as weird and abnormal. Sometimes peer pressure isn't so bad after all :')

And yeah, definitely have. Certainty that I'd still have that time and money in several years would be a requirement, however; I wouldn't want to take in an animal without the certainty that it can stay with me.
Ingrid Valivon (played by Marinette_Miraculous) Topic Starter

Sprokkelhout wrote:
Ingrid Valivon wrote:
Ah, don't worry, I didn't see that as criticism at all ;). I think deep down we all kind of wish we had a huge piece of land, filled with animals somewhere.

Oh man, one more would be a lot more than it seems though haha. It may sound like we're all spread out, but I'm the second oldest, and through I'm pretty old my siblings aren't. most of them after me are a year apart. Two of them are only 11 months a part if you can believe that!!

They have terrible attitudes, but we hope they'll grow out of it <3. Just the terrible two's phase if you know what I mean. So, have you ever thought about getting a few animals like your grandparents when you have the time/money for it?
True, true, just spending your days working from a home office, preferably with a view of the huge piece of land in question, spending the non-working hours looking after the animals. Yeah, does sound like the dream life.

Oh damn, that would be quite a lot of people in one house at the time.
I don't know your family of course, but they'll probably grow out of those attitudes; if I look at my classmates when I started my study and now we're nearing the end of the second year, it's amazing to see just how much someone grows when either living on their own or when surrounded by people living on their own who see a shitty attitude as weird and abnormal. Sometimes peer pressure isn't so bad after all :')

And yeah, definitely have. Certainty that I'd still have that time and money in several years would be a requirement, however; I wouldn't want to take in an animal without the certainty that it can stay with me.

Ah yes, that's very understandable.I would hate to take in an animal just to find out we can't care for it/can't keep it. Maybe animals would be a good thing to conciser after retirement then? most people want to just travel around after they retire, but I personally just want to find a partner and live in peace until we pass.

That's not for everyone, of course, but I feel if you're scared you won't have enough time to care for the animal because of work, or other things than to wait until your older, you know?

I'm bad at putting things I think into words, haha, so pardon my terrible speaking ;). But maybe it isn't a day job sort of setting where you work an office job from home, but you do that for a living? Grow produce, sell milk, give horse back riding lessons. Run a pumpkin patch.. Damn, I have a strange mind lol.

I completely agree on the peer pressure thing though, but man. When I say they're bad, I mean it lol. Have you heard a baby cry? now imagine that coming from a two year old, and a one and a half year old together, both screaming at the top of their lungs, and breaking things while they do it.

Oh even better, imagine that one vine of the Grinch, where the yoga instructor tells everyone to release all of the negative energy, and he lets out a terrible high pitched screech. It's like that.

Anyways, how long have you been using this site? What type of roleplays do you enjoy? Getting to know your opinion on this stuff has gotten me a bit curious. <3
Ingrid Valivon wrote:
Ah yes, that's very understandable.I would hate to take in an animal just to find out we can't care for it/can't keep it. Maybe animals would be a good thing to conciser after retirement then? most people want to just travel around after they retire, but I personally just want to find a partner and live in peace until we pass.

That's not for everyone, of course, but I feel if you're scared you won't have enough time to care for the animal because of work, or other things than to wait until your older, you know?

I'm bad at putting things I think into words, haha, so pardon my terrible speaking ;). But maybe it isn't a day job sort of setting where you work an office job from home, but you do that for a living? Grow produce, sell milk, give horse back riding lessons. Run a pumpkin patch.. Damn, I have a strange mind lol.

I completely agree on the peer pressure thing though, but man. When I say they're bad, I mean it lol. Have you heard a baby cry? now imagine that coming from a two year old, and a one and a half year old together, both screaming at the top of their lungs, and breaking things while they do it.

Oh even better, imagine that one vine of the Grinch, where the yoga instructor tells everyone to release all of the negative energy, and he lets out a terrible high pitched screech. It's like that.

Anyways, how long have you been using this site? What type of roleplays do you enjoy? Getting to know your opinion on this stuff has gotten me a bit curious. <3

Yeah, exactly. I also wouldn't mind simply retiring in a more rural area with some animals around me. I'm from a pretty green part of my country, so I'm guessing that by the time I reach retiring age I'll eventually get that itch to move back home :')

Haha damn, yeah that does sound bad. I already get a little annoyed when I'm in the same train compartment as a crying kid

Been here for about four days now, though I've been RPing much longer, so I simply ported some characters over to get started. I like urban fantasy a lot, crime plots, lots of character development and plots where the characters really need to up their game if they want to be properly equipped to deal with the problems they're facing.
Well welcome to the community! I guarantee you will make alot of friends (including myself ^^) and we are happy to have you. I only have one sibling so I can't imagine the stress they put you in. I only have one so i have no room to complain, but the animals sound like a blast! What type of fish are they? Do you have all goldfish or some betas? Welcome again to the community and I shall see you around my friend!
Ingrid Valivon (played by Marinette_Miraculous) Topic Starter

Sprokkelhout wrote:
Ingrid Valivon wrote:
Ah yes, that's very understandable.I would hate to take in an animal just to find out we can't care for it/can't keep it. Maybe animals would be a good thing to conciser after retirement then? most people want to just travel around after they retire, but I personally just want to find a partner and live in peace until we pass.

That's not for everyone, of course, but I feel if you're scared you won't have enough time to care for the animal because of work, or other things than to wait until your older, you know?

I'm bad at putting things I think into words, haha, so pardon my terrible speaking ;). But maybe it isn't a day job sort of setting where you work an office job from home, but you do that for a living? Grow produce, sell milk, give horse back riding lessons. Run a pumpkin patch.. Damn, I have a strange mind lol.

I completely agree on the peer pressure thing though, but man. When I say they're bad, I mean it lol. Have you heard a baby cry? now imagine that coming from a two year old, and a one and a half year old together, both screaming at the top of their lungs, and breaking things while they do it.

Oh even better, imagine that one vine of the Grinch, where the yoga instructor tells everyone to release all of the negative energy, and he lets out a terrible high pitched screech. It's like that.

Anyways, how long have you been using this site? What type of roleplays do you enjoy? Getting to know your opinion on this stuff has gotten me a bit curious. <3

Yeah, exactly. I also wouldn't mind simply retiring in a more rural area with some animals around me. I'm from a pretty green part of my country, so I'm guessing that by the time I reach retiring age I'll eventually get that itch to move back home :')

Haha damn, yeah that does sound bad. I already get a little annoyed when I'm in the same train compartment as a crying kid

Been here for about four days now, though I've been RPing much longer, so I simply ported some characters over to get started. I like urban fantasy a lot, crime plots, lots of character development and plots where the characters really need to up their game if they want to be properly equipped to deal with the problems they're facing.

Ah, I have quite similar interests it seems! Fantasy is always a fun one, as is crime, but Character development has to be one of my favorite things in roleplays.

Though it seems like some characters are extremely average, when using character development, you can find someone who looks innocent, and sweet at first glance is actually someone sadistic, and cruel. But I especially love when it ties into romance. <3

Some people will read what the characters being used are like personality wise, and think they're a perfect match, basing a whole roleplay over them getting together.. But to really know if those two characters are compatible you'd have to roleplay on a different basis for a while, have each party get to know the other persons character, and decide for them self if they think their character could fall for someone who is like the other person character.

I think apocalypse roleplays are quite fun as well. Not just you know the usual 'zombie outbreak!!' or 'Alien Invasion!!', but something that is more likely to happen in the future. Like, the world coming to an end as a horrible war starts, or the yellow stone volcano erupting, and everyone trying to find a way to survive with what they have. Though, when done right, plots involving the undead rising, and extra terrestrials visiting Earth can be quite interesting.
Ingrid Valivon (played by Marinette_Miraculous) Topic Starter

jazzys_kind_of_alone wrote:
Well welcome to the community! I guarantee you will make alot of friends (including myself ^^) and we are happy to have you. I only have one sibling so I can't imagine the stress they put you in. I only have one so i have no room to complain, but the animals sound like a blast! What type of fish are they? Do you have all goldfish or some betas? Welcome again to the community and I shall see you around my friend!
Thank you!! I'm glad to be one of your new friends ;).

Though the sibling thing is a bit overwhelming at the moment, I'm sure it will be a lot more enjoyable once they're all older.

The animals are hard to take care of, thinking of remembering to feed all of them everyday, and refilling water bowls of those who need it, and change all of their water/litter. But in the end, it's all worth it! They're all amazing pets, especially my two guinea pigs (The other two belong to my sister) , Ivring, and Moroni <3 .

We have a mix of both! I know we have 6 beta fish, but I'm not sure how many gold fish we have. I think it's around 8-9.

Do you have any pets? Can't wait to hear more from you!


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.

I'm late but welcome to RPR. There are tons of people to talk to and you'll be able to make many friends. This community is kinda cool.
Kim Site Admin

Welcome welcome! Thank you for this lovely intro; I'm so glad you've decided to step into the community :)

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