Hey, I'm not really sure how this works so I'm just following the directions provided by the writing prompt.
My name is Shea (pronounced Shay not She-uh) and I've been RPing for about five years. I've always been a creative person and was drawn to storytelling at a very young age, I think I started telling my own as soon as I could read, the earliest story I can remember is about nine years ago when I was five. I had a bunch of Transformers and G.I Joe figurines and I constructed this large scale war, with this plot and a techno virus and my bigger transformers as this world conquering race called the Titans. It was really dumb but pretty impressive for someone so young. I continued to play with those toys until I received a Nintendo DS at the age of eight, two years after this first story was conceived. Upon receiving my DS I looked not for the stories the games gave me but the stories I could make, my favorite games were the ones where I had my own character, where I could decide what I wanted to do.
Years later when I was in fifth grade I met a fourth grader named Eli. Eli was my introduction to the world of Role-play and I didn't even know it. We both liked Marvel a lot and started there, injecting our own OCs into stories we made up in the universes we wanted to be in. Most of the time it was the MCU. Eventually when I got an iPod Touch and he got a phone we started to RP there, still not knowing what to call it. Eventually in sixth grade I learned the term from a girl named Gabby, who I RPed with for approximately six months before we had a falling out and ceased our conversation. After the Gabby fallout I met Rebecca, another long term RP partner and coincidentally my seventh grade girlfriend, though I'm not sure a middle school romance counts as a relationship, we would mostly rp after school over text and its a shame things didn't go well in real life because she was a talented writer.
It was really in the winter of eighth grade that I actively started getting into the RP community. See I didn't have anyone to RP with and that need for a story was an itch I couldn't seem to scratch. I knew that I couldn't be the only one who did what I did and I decided that there had to be an app out there for people like me. I scoured the app store until I found it, until I found what I was looking for. Geeking. Geeking was my introduction into the RP community, the first RP I was a part of was a next generation Disney one and I rocked that. I played the son of Tinker Bell and we went on a lot of adventures before that RP went the way of the dodo. Now, three years later, I'm still on Geeking and ready to try something new. Thats why I'm here.
So now that you have a bit of history here's a bit about me. I'm sixteen years of age and I live in California. I love my English class because of how much it pertains to writing and I despise my Science class because we learn nothing. I own four cats and I love them to bits and I have a dog at my mothers house (parents are divorced 50/50 split) and I like him a lot too. I like Marvel and DC amongst a list of a lot of other things. I RP at a competent level and prefer a paragraph structure to action marks. I write a lot and create a lot of original story concepts. I'd love to RP and if you would like to DM me. I'm still learning this system so bear with me.
My name is Shea (pronounced Shay not She-uh) and I've been RPing for about five years. I've always been a creative person and was drawn to storytelling at a very young age, I think I started telling my own as soon as I could read, the earliest story I can remember is about nine years ago when I was five. I had a bunch of Transformers and G.I Joe figurines and I constructed this large scale war, with this plot and a techno virus and my bigger transformers as this world conquering race called the Titans. It was really dumb but pretty impressive for someone so young. I continued to play with those toys until I received a Nintendo DS at the age of eight, two years after this first story was conceived. Upon receiving my DS I looked not for the stories the games gave me but the stories I could make, my favorite games were the ones where I had my own character, where I could decide what I wanted to do.
Years later when I was in fifth grade I met a fourth grader named Eli. Eli was my introduction to the world of Role-play and I didn't even know it. We both liked Marvel a lot and started there, injecting our own OCs into stories we made up in the universes we wanted to be in. Most of the time it was the MCU. Eventually when I got an iPod Touch and he got a phone we started to RP there, still not knowing what to call it. Eventually in sixth grade I learned the term from a girl named Gabby, who I RPed with for approximately six months before we had a falling out and ceased our conversation. After the Gabby fallout I met Rebecca, another long term RP partner and coincidentally my seventh grade girlfriend, though I'm not sure a middle school romance counts as a relationship, we would mostly rp after school over text and its a shame things didn't go well in real life because she was a talented writer.
It was really in the winter of eighth grade that I actively started getting into the RP community. See I didn't have anyone to RP with and that need for a story was an itch I couldn't seem to scratch. I knew that I couldn't be the only one who did what I did and I decided that there had to be an app out there for people like me. I scoured the app store until I found it, until I found what I was looking for. Geeking. Geeking was my introduction into the RP community, the first RP I was a part of was a next generation Disney one and I rocked that. I played the son of Tinker Bell and we went on a lot of adventures before that RP went the way of the dodo. Now, three years later, I'm still on Geeking and ready to try something new. Thats why I'm here.
So now that you have a bit of history here's a bit about me. I'm sixteen years of age and I live in California. I love my English class because of how much it pertains to writing and I despise my Science class because we learn nothing. I own four cats and I love them to bits and I have a dog at my mothers house (parents are divorced 50/50 split) and I like him a lot too. I like Marvel and DC amongst a list of a lot of other things. I RP at a competent level and prefer a paragraph structure to action marks. I write a lot and create a lot of original story concepts. I'd love to RP and if you would like to DM me. I'm still learning this system so bear with me.
Hey welcome to RPR i hope you have a fantastic time and make lots of new friends have a good day and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask bye!!

hey and welcome, hope you have a great time here
Welcome to the site!
Thanks for that detailed intro. Do you have any questions for us?


Welcome to RPR! I'm super glad you've joined us here!
I really recommend checking out the Looking For RP boards, and I definitely recommend hitting up the OOC Chat as a place to get to know some of your fellow roleplayers!
Thank you SO MUCH for coming to us and helping us make our community great!

Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Hello there newbie!

Welcome on this amazing website! I am sure you will soon find a ton of new friends and fellow RPers!

Welcome on this amazing website! I am sure you will soon find a ton of new friends and fellow RPers!

Hello there and welcome to RPR!
I hope you enjoy your stay. It's nice to meet you!
Welcome to the lovely site of RP Repository! Don't be afraid to deep your toes in the water, everyone here is super nice and kind. There are plenty of people looking for new partners to make wonderful adventures with! I hope you come to love the site as much as we all do! ^-^
Welcome to the lovely site of RP Repository! Don't be afraid to deep your toes in the water, everyone here is super nice and kind. There are plenty of people looking for new partners to make wonderful adventures with! I hope you come to love the site as much as we all do! ^-^
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