I've taken a long break from RP; I used to be very active on avidgamers back in the day (anyone remember that!?) and was hoping to get back in to role-playing. I'm rusty as hell since my day job doesn't allow me to be very creative, but I'm keen to get back into it. Unfortunately I'm also a bit time restricted (also due to my job) - are there any boards that allow for relatively long times between posts (eg. 1-2 days, with a post being significant enough to warrant the delay?)?
I'm keen to dive right in - in the past I mainly did medieval/fantasy RP but I'm keen to explore more areas, especially considering I've recently got into a lot of HP Lovecraft which I assume could make for some fantastic roleplay. Can anyone give me some pointers of where to get started?
Looking forward to having fun and making some friends.
I've taken a long break from RP; I used to be very active on avidgamers back in the day (anyone remember that!?) and was hoping to get back in to role-playing. I'm rusty as hell since my day job doesn't allow me to be very creative, but I'm keen to get back into it. Unfortunately I'm also a bit time restricted (also due to my job) - are there any boards that allow for relatively long times between posts (eg. 1-2 days, with a post being significant enough to warrant the delay?)?
I'm keen to dive right in - in the past I mainly did medieval/fantasy RP but I'm keen to explore more areas, especially considering I've recently got into a lot of HP Lovecraft which I assume could make for some fantastic roleplay. Can anyone give me some pointers of where to get started?
Looking forward to having fun and making some friends.
Welcome welcome to RPR, hope you find lots of fantastic friends, plenty of great games, and all around enjoy your time here! Happy gaming!
Hello and welcome! I've found some great people here, I hope you do too.
Hello! i hope you like it here
I took a break for several years due to RL and nursing school, so I know what you mean about feeling rusty. You'll feel like your posts are a bit clunky at first but as you feel more inspired and get back into practice your skills will improve.
I hope you have a great time here on RPR! I really can't say much about group roleplays being tolerant of people who have delays, it depends on the game master and the other players. But a lot of 1x1 roleplay through PM's takes place here as well, and roleplay often progresses at a more leisurely pace since many of us are students, have families, have to work, have other hobbies, etc. I'd highly advise personal roleplays if you tend to have delays, and as always, communicate with your partner as much as you can concerning an absence or concerns you have.
I hope you have a great time here on RPR! I really can't say much about group roleplays being tolerant of people who have delays, it depends on the game master and the other players. But a lot of 1x1 roleplay through PM's takes place here as well, and roleplay often progresses at a more leisurely pace since many of us are students, have families, have to work, have other hobbies, etc. I'd highly advise personal roleplays if you tend to have delays, and as always, communicate with your partner as much as you can concerning an absence or concerns you have.
I don't really mind RP's that can last anywhere from one to three months.
Oh and welcome to RPR! lol I hope you enjoy your return. I'm interested in taking up on your offer if you are looking to build up on extensive plotlines. Do feel free to DM if that's the case.
Oh and welcome to RPR! lol I hope you enjoy your return. I'm interested in taking up on your offer if you are looking to build up on extensive plotlines. Do feel free to DM if that's the case.
Hello And welcome to RPP. You'll make a lot of freinds and have fun role-playing.
Wishing you a lovely time here. I hope you find everything you want and make lots of friends!
It's a fantastic community! You'll make friends in no time!
Welcome to the site! I think you'll find your preferred genres are very popular.
Welcome to RPR! I'm super glad you've joined us here!
I really recommend checking out the Looking For RP boards, and I definitely continue to recommend hitting up the OOC Chat as a place to get to know some of your fellow roleplayers! I know I saw you there the other day and it was great!
Thank you SO MUCH for coming to us and helping us make our community great!
Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Hello there newbie!
Welcome on this amazing website! I am sure you will soon find a ton of new friends and fellow RPers!
Welcome on this amazing website! I am sure you will soon find a ton of new friends and fellow RPers!
Hello there new person. I'm sure you will get back into the swing of things very quickly
Hello there and welcome to RPR!
I hope you enjoy your stay. It's nice to meet you!
You are on: Forums » Introductions » 10 years since last RP - help me get back into it!
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