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Forums » Forum Games » Give the CHARACTER above a nickname!

What can I name a sober dwarf, that hangs around blue creatures... that is better then the name you already have? How about tone deaf. Well not my most ingenious ideas but shall do
Winter Darkfrost (played by Vozhad)

Wise one
Lord Blackadder (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Oh, goddamnit, i hate rats, carrying all the problems in a smaller stature..

It’ll be.. Fleasbag."
"Temu Shakespeare"
(I love black adder) my mommy use to call me plague bearer... how about I call you fancy pants
Lord Blackadder (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Whatever float your fur, i guess, no matter how boring it is, i’ll take it."
IJN Yamato (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"If you proclaim yourself as a lord, little rat, then that is your nickname. Lord, as it should be."
Y'all post too fast for me lmao

"I suppose you'd still be call Lord, though I have no interest in calling you as such."
Lord Blackadder (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"And what are you exact- Ah, a fox.. Thing..

Pfff, great, i can only think of fox-lady, yes, it’s unironiginal, but it’s call i can find..

For now."
Sophia (played anonymously)

“Hmmm…. Lord Light-Weight? I’m sure I could drink you under the table.” XD
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)


I’m sorry.."
Sophia (played anonymously)

XD “You shouldn’t miss being akward-here. You’re doing good 👍”

Sophia laughs before sipping her beer. “So how about your nickname be Sir Akward?”
"Hey I know and Jane act just alike....I'll call her Sunny, and you can be Sunshine"
Sophia (played anonymously)

“We act alike? We’re sooo different though. It is one of many reasons we became such good friends.” XD

I bet you have a lot of nicknames in the Marines. Is ‘Thorn’ one of them?” :D
Winter Darkfrost (played by Vozhad)

Beer drnker
"Cosmic Fabio" He said with a chuckle
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Sir hot-dog."

He said with a serious expression.
Red Hood (played anonymously)

"Temu Austin Powers"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"The knight of the red realm, it’s an.. Almost endless desert, and it got a big temple and lighthouse too."
The courts Royal Jester
Asterix (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"A nickname? Hum.. Give me a second.. Alright, the warriors of the plains, it’s more of a title, but, it’s all i could find.."

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