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Forums » Forum Games » Give the CHARACTER above a nickname!

Brittney Gorman (played anonymously)

"I'd have to say *Deleted Asterisk* would fit." :D
Jev Cipriano (played by Roueg)

“A nickname..? Uh, probably blondie or Barbie.”
Malachi (played by Vozhad)

The Lost one among notes.
Kumotori (played by SoulHeart57)

The curse tilts his head slightly before speaking. "I dub thee the Crimson King"
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

He looks at the inexplicable entity for a moment, and finally comes up with an answer—“Chimei.”
Count Demolgan (played by Vozhad)

Vampire overlord's darkness possessed, crept and haunted the entire area.
His eye sockets are void filled with the abyssal darkness, illuminated with the crimson glowing... piercing and tearing the time space itself, he looked at into the soul of the young man...with a voice so demonic and nightmarish he addressed him: "seeker of freedom, change bringer"
So this was what her vampiric peers looked like in other worlds. Perched up in the darkness of cyberspace, Withertooth regarded the porcelain-skinned man, her bitter amber eyes scanning the mysterious 'youngster'.
⠀⠀He likely was immortal, like she and her fellow Ktantas were, yet it appeared that he had been able to retain his humanoid features. Had he not hunted enough, in the name of their patron? Shameful.
⠀⠀"I will put upon you the name of Corpse Flower, untainted one," Zakla spoke, at last approaching Count Demolgan head-on. She was taller than him, but recognized the weight of his magickal aura. Puzzling. "You are of my kind, yet your skin does not carry the scars of our hunt. It confuses me. Tell me of your ways."
⠀⠀Whether that was a demand or an awkward invitation to introduce himself properly, Zakla's cold monotone voice left open to interpretation.
Smokey Dalespin (played anonymously)

Smokey stared up at the tall figure before him, pondering what ‘nickname’ he should give her. “Gosh, you’re about as tall as a tower, miss.” He muttered, obviously exaggerating, but still wanting to remain somewhat polite. “Eh.. I suppose that’s what your ‘nickname’ is?” He added, honestly unsure what he was doing.
Necraal (played by Vozhad)

The incubus Necraal was taking a walk, he always liked to walk around after dusk, and enjoy the peaceful night, it was in one of these nightly patrols around his abode that he saw a very beautiful male, walk passing him he addressed him, "How's it going beautiful one?"
"Punching bag. Stay away from my family" He snarled.
Necraal (played by Vozhad)

Hearing the voice addressing him to stay away from the beautiful one, Necraal turns around and sees the Paladin, his face is as cold as ever untouched by the title he was addressed with. He walks past the new comer, there is malice and evil in his eyes, but he smiles at the newcomer and says, " Metal wreck full of rust!"
He would smirk a bit. A YouTube animated series came to mind just as he blurted out "Fernando!" He quickly pulled his phone out and showed the incubus this video. It was obvious that the Marine was coming from a place of lighthearted humor and respect.

"Now go teach the world what true allure really is"
Missouri (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"For you, young Marine, I would call you by your rank as a nickname....But simply calling you Marine works for me and you, but that doesn't mean I couldn't think up something else."
Crepito (played anonymously)

"Miss might not be creative, but I think it would work for you." Crepito warmly smiled at her.
Juliette (played by Berrystar)

A soft gaze wavered over what she had assumed was a child, though she was sure that he may have been something else. He did rather shine brightly, like the sun in some way. "Celestial," Juliette hummed, thinking that it fit well for the shining star.
Casey Marks (played anonymously)

"Oh my... you have nice hair... Goldilocks!"
ZER0. (played anonymously)

The robot narrowed his eyes as he started at the male before him. He noticed his relaxed expression before anything else. “I suppose.. I’ll call you.. sleepy.” He slowly spoke, his expression blank.
Alkaran (played by Vozhad)

The necromancer looked around, he had come to buy some new books, of course, he was not wearing his robes for this meant that he would be exposed as the necromancer, instead he was wearing some blue robes normal wizards and mages wear to blend in with the rest of so-called normality. He himself was a writer and had his way with words, especially dark poetry, he loved books so much and whenever he could he would visit the town to buy new books, all of a sudden his eyes saw a young and beautiful man whose facial features somehow resembled his own, his inner sadness was apparent to the necromancer and since it seemed it's an inhearnt one all necromancer and dark ones have, he slowly said, "Greetings, lonely one"
Rebecca Kennedy (played anonymously)

“Hmm….” Rebecca eyed the mysterious man in dark clothes…
Mysterian would fit you I believe.”
With her eyes lingering over the confident woman, a small smirk tugged her lips as she thought of a few nicknames but one stood out the most. "Lioness," indicating that she was a girl boss.

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