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Morlag (played by Vozhad)

'hmm, a manifestation of light, spirit of spring,' you are. The undead death knight addressed the beautiful female.
Mia Chen (played anonymously)

"Hmmm..." Mia looked him over and thought. "How about 'Flirty Blade'?
"You remind me of a girl I went to pre-med with me, and I called her 'Ziggy'. You remind me so much that I'm gonna call you 'Ziggy' too"
Miquella -AU- (played anonymously)

"Son of Sword." Miquella said with a bit of a smile.
"Manipulative bastard." Blaidd said bitterly. "You kidnapped my Tarnished companion for your sick idea of an age of compassion."
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari backed away from the wolf, his instincts of living in the woods where wild animals roamed kicking in.
"Uhh, please don't eat me, talking....metal...wolf.. sir!" Michari squeaked, clearly scared of Blaidd.
Tjut Hyle (played anonymously)

"Oh, scared of wolves? You'd be scared of me! Ha!" Tjut grinned mischievously. "Coward!" Tjut bared his teeth to further scare the boy.
The mysterious undead had such a shockingly beautiful frame, he was one of the rarest undead that belonged to the top tier class of undead monsters, on par with the liches he only knelt before the mighty Vampire Overlord he severed and he was carrying out a secret mission when he saw the young beastman, I seemed that he wanted to follow his ambitions rather than following the ideals of a system so he called him, ''The individualist!"

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