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Forums » Looking for RP » mxm/mxnb modern and fantasy plots (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hello! My name is eliwantscake, although any shortened version of that should be fine. I've been rolelplaying for almost six years, but am extremely new to this website, and I'm looking for roleplaying partners to do plots ranging from modern high school to fantasy. I have a few plots already lined out with characters designed for them. However, I am also open to hearing other people's ideas and creating new characters.

some notes/rules:
- I'm willing to roleplay in third person, but if you are okay with or prefer writing in first person, please let me know! I prefer first person writing purely because I feel like my writing is better in first POV, but I can write a decent amount either way and I'm willing to let my partner make the final decision
- I'm not flexible on this: I only have an interest in MxM (male identifying, at least, not just cis) or MxNB plots
- I'm an advanced roleplayer and would prefer a partner who can write at least 300-500 words per post. I can almost always manage to do the same, and if you're having an off day, just let me know. I won't get mad
- I love ooc plotting through private messages! And I love getting to know my roleplaying partners! So if you do a plot with my, I'd love to get to talk to you about it, or about anything

what I'm interested in:
- medieval fantasy but with modern technology
- gay high school drama
- supernatural stuff - not the fandom, just, like, demons and angels and people selling their souls
- I might do some Camp Halfblood or Hogwarts roleplays as long as it's oc only and there's a really good plot?
- I'm open to reasonable suggestions

i do not want to do:
- anything extremely dark. I'm open to some angst and sadness but not a plot based entirely on it
- apocalypse/post-apocalyptic survival situations (a non-survival plot based in a post-apocalyptic world, maybe)

plots that I already have
plot one - realistic
My character (muse a) was born with several impulse control issues, including Tourette’s syndrome, pica, and several more that have not been diagnosed. He hides his pica well-enough, and all of his other unfortunate disorders are disguised as nothing more than him being an average, hyper teenage boy. He’s managed to make plenty of friends, and nobody really suspects that he has anything worse than ADHD.

Unfortunately, his parents are not so clueless about his disorders (they had him diagnosed and rediagnosed several times, and it’s not hard to notice whenever he tries to eat paint chips). For most of his life, one of the two has been around to keep him safe. However, with his father going back to work, and a promotion for his mother meaning plenty of late nights and business trips keeping her busy, they’ve decided to hire a babysitter - a rather uncool thing for a seventeen year old to have.

The worst part of it all is when they hire muse b, a classmate of muse a’s. Also fairly popular, muse b is much more put together than muse a, striving to get into a good college, talented at everything he tries. The two know each other to an extent, but while muse b goes to plenty of parties and hangs out with a similar crowd to muse a, he’s always found the hyperactive teen a little too much for him. With both of them trying to make the most out of this awkward situation, and muse b trying to understand the full extent of muse a’s mental issues, they end up starting to become closer than just friends, but it’s only made more complicated by muse a always living in fear that muse b might reveal his problems to the rest of the world.

plot two - fantasy
In this universe, there are two types of people: normal people, who are destined to have normal careers and normal lives, and gifted people, who are destined to have adventures, and what are considered 'adventure' careers, things that range from things like dragon riders and knights to pirates - anything that we would consider part of a fairy tale in our universe.

Abraham Padgett Sharp was a special kind of gifted. He had three powers: the ability to speak to animals, the ability to breathe underwater, and the equivalent of a built-in GPS system. All of these making him the perfect candidate to be a pirate, ignoring the fact that he's also clumsy, weak, and would be more at home if he were a college professor.

your character was a star pirate, with the ability to control an entire army that couldn't be fought: he could control spirits, both inside of the living and the spirits of the dead. One night, his crew took everything from him, except for his ship, and disappeared. Outraged, he decided to track them all down and get his revenge. The only problem being his awful sense of direction, his one flaw. After hearing tales of Abraham, the perfect navigator, your character decided that he knew how he was going to find his former crew. He was going to kidnap Abraham.

plot three - realistic
muse a (my character) was raised in an open, accepting family by their dfab transgender mother and his music loving, creative type father. They were brought up believing that the most important thing in the world was loving others and loving oneself, which a had done their entire life. They considered everyone a potential friend, even those who, before they knew it, would be willing to harm them due to their 'lifestyle' - openly gay and agender, a was an easy target for ridicule outside of their diverse city and liberal private school. However, in a world where there were still multitudes working against their freedom to be themself, a found happiness in their friends and family, their loving, if somewhat controlling, boyfriend, and the performing arts - singing, dancing, and, their absolute favorite, acting.

muse b was not taught to be so accepting. He was raised in a harshly religious houshold, taught to believe that non-Christians were demons, that same-sex marriage was an abomination and that the only true way to happiness was through devout faith and following God. He trusted and respected his parents and accepted what he was taught, with some hesitation that was never voiced, as he truly believed that they knew best. However, when he was fifteen, both of his parents were arrested for first degree murder. He spent a year bouncing from foster home to foster home before being adopted by a single woman, who allowed him to continue practicing his religion, but detested his discriminatory attitude and enrolled him in a diverse private school where he would spend his last two years of high school learning to accept people whose beliefs were different than his own. He would also be assigned another student, someone who'd been going to the school longer than he had, to be his guide: that guide was a.

As if none of this was bad enough, b was soon met with another problem. He had auditioned to be in the school's production of Frozen. He got the part of Kristoff; however, the actress playing Anna broke her leg during the first rehearsal... and a, whose mere existence conflicted with every one of b's beliefs, was the understudy. a was absolutely ecstatic, but b was going to have to take some time to accept it, and, in the process, learn that not everything he had been raised to believe was true.

characters that I have with no plots
Nolan Mack Travis: A Yale law school graduate turned rich trophy husband to a famous movie star.

Ragnar: A child of Lust and Gluttony banished from Hell for being a wuss - but that's by demon standards. (slight tw: he eats people, but I won’t describe this in great detail and it doesn’t have to happen in any threads with him)

Cecil the "angel": A winged controversy kept as the property of the New York City zoo

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » mxm/mxnb modern and fantasy plots (closed)

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