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Forums » Introductions » Whew hello.

So like, I guess you can call me Saturn, or Maleficarum if you want. (Pronounced mal-far-kum)

I often enjoy horror and interesting roleplays. And I think I've been roleplaying for a little over 4 years, so I've got quite a bit of experience with it and such.

A lot of my characters are kinda dark, but I guess that's just my type of style lmao.

Uhh.. I dont know what else to say.. I'm a little bit bad at introducing myself, I guess you gotta get to know me honestly.
Hello and welcome to RPR, hope you like it here 😄😄😄

With love, Lotus 😊
Welcome to RPR, if you have any questions about the site or anything the community here is super nice so don't be afraid to ask. I hope you find lots of great games, fantastic friends and all on all enjoy your time here. Happy gaming! :D
So the door to the RPR site finally creaked opened... you took a step and plunged into the unknown hoping to find horror riddled roleplays?


I could not have chosen a better site myself if I say so and I have been here under a year but I assure you, there are so many good writers, you are bound to have a fantastic time in your roleplay endevours.

Good luck and welcome!

Hey, dark characters and storylines are welcome here! Browsing around the forums, I feel sure you'll be able to find something that hits your interests straight on. Under the Community tab up top, you can browse through different characters that users have made pages for. It's always cycling; if you keep an eye on it or just do some clicking, you can find characters that might click with yours off the bat.

I hope you'll hang out on RPR for a while at least! There's a lot to do here and a ton of people to talk to.
Cass Moderator

Heya and welcome!

I'm on board with what others have said. You'll definitely fit-in and find something that's your RP-style! I hope you enjoy your time with us. Please feel free to send me a message anytime you have a question / concern, or just wanna say hello. :)


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Hey Saturn and welcome to RPR!

Horror is always a delight, and I wish you the best in finding copious amounts of dark and terrible roleplays. I'm certain you'll have no problems. Be sure to not only check out the forums but the groups as well! There's even a Villian's R Us forum where all the badies hang out. :)
welcome to the site im j if my
characters interest you give me a
Kim Site Admin

Hi! Glad to meet you. :D Have you been having a good time here these last few days? :) Have you been getting around the site okay? Have any questions? :)

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Whew hello.

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus