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Forums » Introductions » New Player - Hey Folks!

Hi everyone!

I'm new here (obviously). I've been parts of groups running a few different RPs for over a decade. We've played Call of Cthulhu, GURPs, D&D 3.5e, and my personal favorite, Pathfinder!

I moved away from my group for work recently and have been feeling that itch again.

I tend to like Fantasy (I like low fantasy campaigns even in high fantasy worlds) a lot, and I like Lovecraftian elements, horror, grimdark type settings, but I'm really flexible with what I like. So much depends on the vibe of the group and characters. I'm not super into steampunk or cyberpunk but with the right setting it can be fun.

When I'm not RPing I like to read, play video games (PC only - not a PC elitist, just don't have any consoles). Some favorites at the moment are Darkest Dungeon, Age of Decadence, Battle Brothers, Tyranny, and Crusader Kings II.

I like soccer, too.

Anyways - excited to see what this community has to offer!

E: thank you to everyone for the kind words of welcome!

Welcome to RPR
KingCoriander Topic Starter

Raven666 wrote:
Welcome to RPR

Thank you!

Hi and welcome to RPR. I am new here also. You're among freinds and the best roleplayers ever.
Hi welcome.. I'm new to the site as well!
Welcome welcome! I'd absolutely advise poking around all the different features the site has to offer. There are a bunch of fiddly organizational things you can do for your own convenience, and lots of different search functions for different purposes (groups, characters, RPs), and groups and forums besides for the whole, y'know, "communication" aspect of the RP site thing. XD

I hope you find exactly the kind of thing you're after while you're here!


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Hello and welcome to RPR, hope you like it here 😄😄😄

With love, Lotus 😊
Welcome! I hope you have a wonderful time here and find everything that you're looking for! :)
Welcome to RPR. I hope you find lots of great games, fantastic friends and all on all enjoy your time here. Happy gaming! :D
KingCoriander Topic Starter

Thanks everyone!
Welcome to the website! You can use the forums "Looking For RP" to help find partners to write with. This site is filled with plenty of nice people!
Hey there! Welcome to RPR!
Welcome! This is a great website for fantasy genre RP. I'm sure you'll find a ton. I first got into the genre here.
welcome to the site im j if my
characters interest you give me a
Hi there and
to RPR new friend!^^ We are happy to have you here and ooh? another Fantasy fan hu? We got plenty of thoese here, me inculded so you'll have no problems at all to find any to play with.^^ I am a gamer myself but i tend to roleplay more then game really. However due to the heat lately, i've been slighty less active but that wont stop me for long. x3 I simply love roleplaying so much. But annywwaaayyy i hope you will enjoy your stay and if you have any questions or need help with anything then feel free to ask me or well pretty much anyone here, people are very friendly and helpful here.^^
Also here; some lemonade for you in case you are as warm as me in this heat xD
Welcome to rpr I hope you have the best time!

JELLO! ÔwÔ welcome to the site!
Welcome to RPR! I'd love to roleplay sometime :)

Welcome, welcome, welcome!

I'm sure you'll make tons of new buddies here!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » New Player - Hey Folks!

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