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This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

My apologies to anyone who has already replied to this; I left out extremely importantly details in the first post of this thread and because of this, I have decided to close it. I will be making another plotting thread for my characters soon with all of the details I forgot to include here.

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Hello! I'm looking for plots with my five characters - a pirate, an actor, a rowdy teen, a rich house-husband, and a demon (I will include links to their profiles where they are listed later. I'm looking for advanced roleplaying partners who are up for long-term plots, and who are willing to have in-depth conversations about our characters and plot ideas.

This is just a general plotting thread: feel free to just jump in with plot ideas or state which character you’re interested in plotting with, and if you have a character you think they’d work well with!

I do fantasy plots and modern high school plots, but I prefer to create plots based off of the characters that will be involved and will list types of plots that each of my characters is up to being involved in.

Abraham Padgett Sharpe - the pirate
Abraham is open to...
- romance plots! with other pirates on his ship, with random normal people, with other gifted people, all of it!
- kidnapping plots where somebody wants to use him as a navigator (ask me about the plot I have for this)
- open to suggestions

August McCollough - the rowdy teen
August is open to...
- a babysitter plot (ask me)
- romance plots
- being a bad influence
- hanging out with bad influences
- dating bad influences
- suggestions

Casey Prasad - the actor
Casey is open to...
- the plot they were created for (ask me)
- suggestions

Nolan Mack Travis - the house-husband
Nolan is open to...
- love affairs (his husband isn't bad but he's also really annoying)
- getting involved in illegal stuff (gangs please)
- making reckless friends and doing stuff his husband wouldn't approve of
- suggestions

Ragnar - the demon
Ragnar is open to...
- literally anything he's a complete wildcard, just let me know if you'd like to plot with him or if you have an idea!
Ooh-La-La!! May I please join? ;3
eliwantscake Topic Starter

Sure! Which character would you like to plot with?
May I also join?
eliwantscake Topic Starter

Do you have any plots in mind or a specific character you would prefer to plot with?
Hello, may I join as well if it’s still open? If it’s ok, Abraham and Ragnar seem very interesting :)
eliwantscake Topic Starter

Yeah! Do you have any plot ideas that you’d like, or any characters that you think they would work well with? I don’t have any plots for Ragnar yet, but I have one for Abraham!
eliwantscake wrote:
Yeah! Do you have any plot ideas that you’d like, or any characters that you think they would work well with? I don’t have any plots for Ragnar yet, but I have one for Abraham!

Well right now I have 2 male characters that have been fully made, thy just need an image which I’m working on. Firenwoerc is more of a gentleman and an evil character, while Afol is more adventurous and more of a good guy, though he can also play the role of a more villainous character. And as for plots I do have a couple in mind, but I’d love to hear what you had in mind as well.
eliwantscake Topic Starter

Well, I don’t know if either of your characters would work for it (though they both certainly are interesting), but Abraham’s original plot is about another pirate getting abandoned/stabbed in the back by his crew and kidnapping Abraham to use his GPS skills to track down his former crew members.

If that doesn’t sound interesting then I’d be happy to hear your ideas :)
eliwantscake wrote:
Do you have any plots in mind or a specific character you would prefer to plot with?
Hello there!

I was hoping to dig deep and do a story with August. The only interesting thing about this is that I would have to make up another character to put with him since all of my OCs are anime characters/ looks.

Plus, I'm positive I can make up a guy that could be perfect for him and a potential storyline.
eliwantscake Topic Starter

TheDevilsDetective wrote:
eliwantscake wrote:
Do you have any plots in mind or a specific character you would prefer to plot with?

Cool! I don’t really have any plots for him at the moment, but I’m interested to hear any ideas you might have!

That’s great! I absolutely love writing August. Most storylines I can think of for him involve somebody finding out about him having pica, but if you’ve got any ideas I’d like to hear them first
Ahhh am I able to join in on this RP :0???
eliwantscake Topic Starter

Well, it’s not one rp, it’s a plotting thread for multiple characters, but if you’re interested in plotting with any of my characters then yes!
eliwantscake wrote:
Well, it’s not one rp, it’s a plotting thread for multiple characters, but if you’re interested in plotting with any of my characters then yes!

Ahh! Thats what I meant ahah sorry for the minor confusion c: . But Im actually interested in your Pirate boy Abraham
eliwantscake Topic Starter

Awesome! I love Abraham, he’s my baby. Do you have any specific plot ideas in mind or characters that you think that he would work well with?
eliwantscake wrote:
Awesome! I love Abraham, he’s my baby. Do you have any specific plot ideas in mind or characters that you think that he would work well with?

Hmm I do have a son named Aizen (he isnt really a pirate of any sort baha, but i can always switch him up a little) he's a little angel but he has a bit of a nasty temper though. As for an idea i have one plot let me know what you think c: . maybe two are from rival pirate crews, but while on course at sea, a big storm hits and they up being shipwrecked with none of their crew left(??) on the same island and the two need to actually work together to survive and get off the island (jesus that actually sounds really bad RIP xD)
eliwantscake Topic Starter

Ah, apologies for my late reply, I’ve had a lot of stuff come up.
That actually sounds rather interesting; I’d be interested in trying it out

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