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Forums » Introductions » 'allo 'allo

Kim Site Admin

Hey Jenn, which dream is it that you help run at the moment? Maybe I know it!

I applaud you for putting in the research. In my opinion it's way more exciting than it is scary. ;)
Jenn Topic Starter

Kim Site Admin

In that case, I absolutely know it! Although I thought Urraim had shut down, and wasn't being policed anymore even though the dream was still up.
Jenn Topic Starter

Kim Site Admin

Interesting. The last time I heard an announcement from Urraim, it was being closed down in favor of a new dream that was going to be set 15 years in the future.
Jenn Topic Starter

Kim Site Admin

Darn, I was hoping the 15 year time jump was one of the things that wasn't being done, since it effectively bars all of my characters from participating ever again. :P

Oh well! I'm sure the new dream will at least be gorgeous.
Jenn Topic Starter

Kim Site Admin

Good to hear! It's not only that I don't want to age my characters (although I don't! Going from 4 to 19 is kind of a doozy of a thing) it's that losing that much time would break their continuities in all the other dreams they participate in. If Urraim got all disjointed by fairy magic and people who weren't there didn't get launched forward, that could work for me. :D
Jenn Topic Starter


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