This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
What happens if you were the center of a attention of a ghost you could only see.... Maybe this ghost likes you more than a friend..... Or what happens if you fall for the ghost and then soon wish he was real and it came true! What would you do?
That's really my plot set specifically for romance this could be 1x1 or love triangle. But I prefer M×F or MxMxF or MxFxF please comment down below if interseted so we could discuss more.
That's really my plot set specifically for romance this could be 1x1 or love triangle. But I prefer M×F or MxMxF or MxFxF please comment down below if interseted so we could discuss more.
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.
((This RP sounds pretty interesting! Would you be down to do something with this character?))
Sounds perfect to me
((Glad to hear that! Shall we continue this in PM then?))
I would like to do this!!))
I would love to try this!
You three mind pming. Queen_potato , lydiaxox , theifoflife sorry for the late response been busy with work.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » A Ghost Trying To Connect (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus