This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hey, I'm Kidd. I'm looking to join a RP or active RP Group with vampires. Slayers, witches, werewolves, etc. are all fair game, too. I've just been feeling a lot of muse for my vampire characters and I currently have no outlet for them;;
Said characters are on my profile, particularly Flynn, Klaus, and Mira. If you see one that'll fit into your group/RP, please let me know!
And to clarifying, I'm not really looking for a one on one right now. I prefer group RPs.
Said characters are on my profile, particularly Flynn, Klaus, and Mira. If you see one that'll fit into your group/RP, please let me know!
And to clarifying, I'm not really looking for a one on one right now. I prefer group RPs.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Hey! Are you still looking for a group with all forms of monsters in in? Including dare I say it, one dashing Vampire
We are a bit of a slower group, I mean we all got lives and whatnot. But we do have a discord site as well that tends to be faster pace lol.
Anywho here is a link to the group I started, we have a varying number of people in the group.

Anywho here is a link to the group I started, we have a varying number of people in the group.
Thanks! I'll check it out
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for Vampire Group (closed)
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