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Forums » Introductions » hey,,


So I have no idea what I’m doing but I’ve been RPing for about four years, which doesn’t seem like a lot in the grand scheme of things but it feels like it’s been a long time! My writing has definitely improved, but it’s far from perfect I’m sure.

At any rate, I’m really hoping I can start up some RPs with people and get to know my character a little better! That might sound stupid, but it’s always interesting to see how they may react if put in different situations, I find!

If we’re talking about me as a person, I currently have a job but I’m hoping I can get good grades so I can meet my conditions for university! I’ve just left school, in case that wasn’t obvious haha. I have five dogs as well which I feel like can be considered my defining trait seeing as it’s what most people are most interested in.

I enjoy writing, listening to music and watching different tv series! Honestly, my taste can be kind of weird because one minute I can be watching Brooklyn Nine Nine and the next I’ll be watching Louis Theroux as he chills with the Westboro Baptist Church or something.

At any rate, hopefully we can start some new RPs! Thank you for reading my very long winded and not very organised intro!

Hello and welcome to RPR. You're among the best freinds and roleplayers ever here. Enjoy your stay here.

Yeah hello, I also improved my writing considering when I started, Also I've two dog's one pure breed and one normal dog
hope we will get along
Hello and welcome to RPR, RP is a great way of improving writing.
Depending on the types of stories you involved yourself in -- a single month of fluid, and intense writing can seem far longer than it actually is!

So, it makes perfect sense.

Four years is also a long time to improve your writing, especially if you dedicate even a little bit of time to it each day. I'm actually trying to improve, myself.

Despite where I feel I'm at at any given time, there's always room for improvement -- and that's the reason why I like RP so much. So many different interactions (even if it's just one RP with one char) give you so much room for improvement.

I got kinda long winded there, too! Oops.

I've got 3 dogs myself, and before I go on endlessly... welcome! If you ever want to chat or trade some story ideas -- send me a message! Enjoy yourself here!

Heya. Hope you enjoy your time on RPR!
Welcome to RP Repository. I hope that you enjoy it here! I wouldn't mind seeing if perhaps we could make good roleplay partners and trying to make up a story to write with you. Let me know if you think things would work out between us and our characters :)
Welcome to RPR! Hope you find lots of great games fantastic friends and all in all enjoy your time here. Happy gaming! :D


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to RPR! :)

Nah, it's not at all stupid to be learning more about your character. If a character never surprises you, you're probably not doing it right. XD

If you need any help with anything, feel free to ask. You can also look through the Help documentation, which is actually pretty easy to read, or see if maybe someone else had your same question in the Help forum. ^^

hello and welcome! the character you have up, victor, seems really interesting, so if you'd ever like to plot something out or just talk feel free to PM me. i understand the grind to meet the grade qualifications for a university lmao, i'm about to be a senior in high school and i'm s t r e s s e d. anyways, hope you have fun here, everyone i've met here has been very friendly so don't be afraid to ask anyone for help or ask if they'd like to roleplay :)

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