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Forums » Looking for RP » The Windsor Awakening (Original RP Promp (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The Windsor Awakening
Drama | Vintage | Action | Adventure/Quest | (Optional) - Romance


Optional Pairing(s): Optional (Something we can discuss)
Keywords: (vintage-esque) (suicide squad) (dictatorship) (original) (drama) (multiple OCs) (supernatural)

The small country of Ghanivia has just closed a bloody chapter in their history - a civil war between their centuries old monarchy and a fledging multiple party union. With the throws of war over, the winning monarchy sought to rebuild this small republic back to it’s former glory. But that was before a radical fascist party known as The Black Mamba seized control when Ghanivia was at it’s weakest point and still recovering from war. Their leader Josef Windsor is cruel and ruthless and, after overseeing the assassination the the royal family, initiates the construction of a new nation state where their fascism can fester.

giphy.gif Medical institutes are established to 'rehabilitate' those who cannot conform. Prison camps are on the rise and fascist tabloids spin rumors to blind the public to the true sinister nature of the Black Mamba. Those who still support the monarchy are executed. Those who cannot conform are condemned as criminals. On this war path, Ghanivia will become a totalitarian state.

But two years after the Black Mamba rose to power, rumors have begun to spread of a child from a backwater mountain town who is said to possess the the fire of life and is believed to have the power to bring the dead back to the land of the living. And now, she's been captured by the Black Mamba, who is trying to bring the assassinated Josef Windsor back to life so that the fascist that solidify their hold permanently.

The country's sole surviving monarch, who now runs a successful underground gambling ring to fund an uprising against the dictatorship, assembles a team of outcasts (mercenaries, criminals, spies, ex-military, supporters, etc.) and will pay them by whatever means to find the girl. The task is simple. Smuggle the girl out of the country and in the process, ensure that one of the century's most bloodthirsty dictators stays six feet under.

Story/Author Notes:

- For this one, I'm looking for a partner who is alright with playing multiple characters (I plan to play multiple characters as well) as well as alright with doing some world building. This prompt is very story/lore rich, so we should probably set some things up together before we jump in!

- I don't think I'd call this alternate history/historical fiction because while it is definitely inspired by our own history in the 1930s/1940s, it doesn't relay exact history. I purposely left it like that so that we can create the world however we like!

RP Guidelines: Although I do consider myself to be a pretty lax writing when it comes to writing with other people involved, I do have a few general rules that I like to follow when it comes to roleplaying.

- The most important rule for me when it comes to roleplay is having fun! If you or I aren’t excited about the roleplay, then it’s going to be a real downer for not only me but for you as well. So all I ask is for a partner who is invested. Please contribute to the roleplay, please be open about rules you have and most importantly, please be friendly! If I feel like I have to step on eggshells around you, you're probably not the person I am looking for.

- My writing style is novella, meaning that I will write on average anywhere from four to eight paragraphs at a time. I’ve been known to write even more if I feel so inspired! Yes, my response times do take longer but it is because you will get a longer, quality response. If this scares you, I’m sorry! I just love to write but I do realize that this isn’t for everyone so I don’t want this to hinder you from wanting to roleplay with me. Please let me know your writing length and preference and I will definitely work something out that flows best.

- I mentioned that my emphasis is English studies, but I am by no means a grammar nazi. I make plenty of spelling mistakes, so you don’t have to worry about me correcting you! All I ask is that you roleplay in third person and that you are trying your best when it comes to grammar.

- As a general rule, I don’t ever play canon characters (these are characters that are franchised and owned under a company). Fan characters might be an exception, but just to be on the safe side I ask that you use original characters. - We can talk about fan characters though, if you're loathed to part with them.

- In regards to romance, it doesn't have to me a must for me. While I do enjoy the cute fluff that comes with it, I also crave platonic relationships! I rather see the relationships (romantic or otherwise) grow naturally.

- This one isn’t really important... but I am an artist on the side so be prepared to be spammed with our characters in doodles and pictures!

And that's about it! PM me or respond to this thread if you're interested!
I just want to say... Welcome baaack!! Woot!
WillowRue Topic Starter

BreezyDawn wrote:
I just want to say... Welcome baaack!! Woot!

Aaaaah! Thank you so much! It's great to be back! ^-^

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » The Windsor Awakening (Original RP Promp (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus