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Forums » Looking for RP » New Windermere (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

New Windermere is the kind of city that has several rumours shrouded in mystery, and isolated "incidents" with no true, logical explanation. Reality warping buildings and structures, a forest guarded by ghosts, a secret underground club for demons and monsters, and a murderer that tears hearts out of their victims, but eludes the police due to many different, far too realistic disguises as other innocent people.

But there are places where normalcy rules. Nestled in the quiet heart of downtown New Windermere is a café, a bar situated a block or so down and a flower shop across the street. Walk along with the people here, and you wouldn't expect all these incidents to be true. Maybe getting to know these people more would allow more clarity for this unusual city.

Hello! My proposal here is a small group RP of characters, both normal and supernatural, that may have moved in or simply came to visit the city of New Windermere for whatever reason makes sense for your characters. Here's the guidelines:
- If characters are moving into the city, they will end up in the apartment building where Luce Raesworth lives alone in her own apartment.
- I would prefer a group of 3-4 RPers, including myself, simply because I rarely RP outside of PMs here.
- I will be switching out characters constantly due to setting up the city, but I will primarily use Luce Raesworth.
- You guys will be allowed a limit of 2 characters active in the RP at once, if you prefer that. If you would rather use a singular character for the RP then that is fine too!
- Please at least be able to write a paragraph for a reply. Nothing against script RPers, but I prefer some detail in RPs.
- I'd like everyone to be civil with each other OOC. No rude comments or any that may hurt another person, let's keep this drama free alright?
- This RP may include very mild gore. I'll be sure to hide it from sight though.
- Overall, have fun! I hope my world is interesting!
Magic 40%
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Cysgod (played by Riik)

Would this little guy be too conspicuous for this setting? I wanna get them into more RPs, and whilst I dunno if they fit what you're looking for, mention of supernatural and monsters made me figure I should at least check to see.
JosieDearly Topic Starter

They probably are a bit too conspicuous but I see that Cysgod is curious and doesn't understand human concepts just yet, so I think it may be fitting for him to be drawn to New Windermere. Yes, I do have monsters here and there, but normally they hide, knowing humans are afraid of them or are killed off on sight, but they can work.
Will a mage character be okay?
Cysgod (played by Riik)

JosieDearly wrote:
They probably are a bit too conspicuous but I see that Cysgod is curious and doesn't understand human concepts just yet, so I think it may be fitting for him to be drawn to New Windermere. Yes, I do have monsters here and there, but normally they hide, knowing humans are afraid of them or are killed off on sight, but they can work.

I figure maybe they could be caught routing through someone's trash or something, and maybe get involved through there. Or if it's easier, I could throw in one of my background characters as someone to look after them... I have quite a few characters who lack profiles who could fit for that. Honestly, I'd prefer to play Cysgod solo, but I'm not against a second character if you think that'd be better.
JosieDearly Topic Starter

William Cynebil Crayton wrote:
Will a mage character be okay?
Yes! Citizens are unaware of magic however, but there are a few magic users. They simply hide, but they can sense other magic users as well.
JosieDearly Topic Starter

Cysgod wrote:
JosieDearly wrote:
They probably are a bit too conspicuous but I see that Cysgod is curious and doesn't understand human concepts just yet, so I think it may be fitting for him to be drawn to New Windermere. Yes, I do have monsters here and there, but normally they hide, knowing humans are afraid of them or are killed off on sight, but they can work.

I figure maybe they could be caught routing through someone's trash or something, and maybe get involved through there. Or if it's easier, I could throw in one of my background characters as someone to look after them... I have quite a few characters who lack profiles who could fit for that. Honestly, I'd prefer to play Cysgod solo, but I'm not against a second character if you think that'd be better.
What if one of my characters find them doing the first scenario? I can probably do that.
Cysgod (played by Riik)

JosieDearly wrote:
Cysgod wrote:
I figure maybe they could be caught routing through someone's trash or something, and maybe get involved through there. Or if it's easier, I could throw in one of my background characters as someone to look after them... I have quite a few characters who lack profiles who could fit for that. Honestly, I'd prefer to play Cysgod solo, but I'm not against a second character if you think that'd be better.
What if one of my characters find them doing the first scenario? I can probably do that.

Yeah, that works for me.
My character guards an artifact that can double monsters' powers, is it okay if I go by that plotline thingy or you want me to go with something else?
JosieDearly Topic Starter

William Cynebil Crayton wrote:
My character guards an artifact that can double monsters' powers, is it okay if I go by that plotline thingy or you want me to go with something else?
Oooooo, yeah go for it! It sounds like a fun little thing!

I haven't been able to try Witley out in a setting like this ever since I made her, so if you don't mind, I'm a tad interested in this, and am willing to join as her. It might be interesting seeing how they would try to live their lives in a city like this. If that's okay with you of course. (she's more weird, low, and high fantasy than modern, but due to one of her items, "Eye of The Boundary", she can technically be played anywhere.)
JosieDearly Topic Starter

Draken901 wrote:
I haven't been able to try Witley out in a setting like this ever since I made her, so if you don't mind, I'm a tad interested in this, and am willing to join as her. It might be interesting seeing how they would try to live their lives in a city like this. If that's okay with you of course. (she's more weird, low, and high fantasy than modern, but due to one of her items, "Eye of The Boundary", she can technically be played anywhere.)
Hmmm, Witley's really interesting. I'm honestly interested in seeing her in the modern fantasy setting.

Great to hear!
JosieDearly Topic Starter

I'll wait a day to see if anyone else wants to join, then I'll invite everyone to the group alright?
Now this has caught my interest. If you're okay with Sarquine following rolywhateva's plotline there involving the artifact. What do you think?
Emma Fox (played by zombie_shiva)

Would there be room for a vampire, or nah? Also, am I too late to get in on this in general?
JosieDearly Topic Starter

Sarquine Heshtaer wrote:
Now this has caught my interest. If you're okay with Sarquine following rolywhateva's plotline there involving the artifact. What do you think?
May I ask what kind of artifact it is?
JosieDearly Topic Starter

Emma Fox wrote:
Would there be room for a vampire, or nah? Also, am I too late to get in on this in general?
Oh no, you're fine. I can include a vampire yes.
You know, prior to William's birth, there was a civial war between the wizards on the artifact, since it's able to double any monster's power. Should it be destroyed or be kept as a token of what ancient magic can accomplish?That question broke the community of wizards into two teams, so William's parents, fellow order mages, were given the task of guarding against whoever .. or whatever decided to own it.No monster or wizard should ever be able to put its hands on it(Why don't they?Because they oathed not to.)
However, for some mysterious reasons, they turned on their task, and instead of protecting the artifact, they decided to destroy it.
Let me see..
it's one fragment of the eye of essence.
Edit: Of course, William's parents died in the process, and when Will discovered his powers he was also tasked with guarding the relic.It's considered as his "legacy".

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