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Forums » General Roleplay » Highschool rp

Jason (played by AGirlWithManyNames)

1) PLEASE no 18+ content.
2) don't be a jerk to each other unless in rp.
3) romance is allowed.
4) fantasy characters are allowed. (Elves, werewolves, etc.)
5) you don't have to ask before joining.
6) you're allowed to be the principal or a teacher. For that role, you do have to ask.
7) Bullies are allowed. (You don't have to ask to be one)
It was the first day of school. Jason's alarm clock went off. "Five more minutes..." He groaned and eventually got up to get ready. Once he was ready, he grabbed his book bag and walked out of the house. He took a book out of it and began to read it on his way to school.
"It will be fine, Lex. No one will know the difference on the first day!"

His twin sister's words echoed in Lex's mind as he walked the last block to the school's entrance from where she'd dropped him off, trying to discrete so no one could see her face next to him. In truth, no one in the school school knew that Ritz had a brother, not really anyway. As alike as they looked, the two siblings couldn't be more different. The heir to Paine business empire, Lex alone was ushered from elite parties, private tutoring, and work prep classes while Ritz ditched the first week of school to go to a music festival with friends. Yet another thing Lex didn't have. He wanted to live the life that his sister had though, so really, it should be a win win.

Dressed in a knee length skirt and tights, his lack of a chest was hidden by a loose sweater thrown over a white glitzy top. A win win, and yet he felt like a complete idiot on his way to his first day of public schooling ever. And not as Lex Paine, but as his sister Ritz.
Morgan woke up to her alarm clock and drug herself out of bed and to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. "Today's gonna be a good day, just have to get through school," She groaned and continued to get ready for school putting some clothes on and heading downstairs. Morgan went to her parent's room and kissed her mother on the forehead before heading out the front door.

She walked up the stairs to her high school, looking up at it she sighed and walked through the doors. Morgan maneuvered through the crowds of people muttering a low sorry. Not paying attention Morgan bumped into someone, she could feel her face heat up, "I'm sorry," she immediately started walking faster not wanting to see who she bumped into and finally reached her locker.
Miss Prince Charming (played by jpdelta)

Mag sits up her phones alarm blaring, she huffs a stiff glare at the approaching dawn. "Let's roll I guess." She gets up quickly grabbing her sweat pants and hoody. She pulls her hair back as tight as she can then leaves her house straight towards the school. Her head phones barred a little rock as she made her way through the early dawn.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I woke up very early, as usual. I moved here about 5 days ago, mostly just unpacking, painting, and sleeping. So I don't really know how the people are here. I ate a little breakfast and fed my Wolf Hybrid, Gryff, some dog food. I went and took a quick shower, tying my hair up in a messy bun, getting dressed in a cropped baby blue hoodie that shows my side stomach tattoo, black ripped skinny jeans, and grey high top sneakers. I groan as I throw on my black drawstring backpack, walking out the door. I put my earbuds on and shove my phone in my pocket as I listen to some soft music. "First day.." I whisper to myself as I showed up in the school's parking lot.
The school's halls were crowded and more than once, Lex found himself jostled and nearly fell, unused to this kind of treatment. It didn't help that his heart beat like a caged bird inside his chest. By the time he reached the science corridor, he needed to lean back against the wall for steadying breaths. Sure he pulled out the slip of creased paper with his class schedule written on it so he could make sure he found the right room, but he knew he must have looked like an idiot. This entire situation was idiotic, but it didn't stop him from refolding the piece of paper before finally, finally entering the room where his first period Biology would be held.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I sigh and take my stuff out of my backpack, putting my stuff in my locker. I grab a book, a pencil, my biology book, and my sketch book and put it in my bag. I walked to biology, first class, and passed by someone I didn't know, sitting alone in the back. I take out my sketchbook and starting sketching random realistic animals.
Morgan entered the Biology classroom walking to one of the desks near the back and next to the window. She dropped her back next to the seat and pulled out a notebook with doodles covering the front cover. She pulled her pencil out from behind her ear and propped her elbow up on the desk leaning her hand against her head and began taking notes as the teacher started the lecture.
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Scarlett awoke to her mother yelling. Rolling over on her bed she saw her clock and jolted upright in bed. She was late to her first day of school. Quickly slipping on black jeans and a black star wars shirt she ran through the house grabbing her backpack and sweater as she barreled through the door. She knew she couldnt make the first bell but she ran into the school; almost knocking over a passing student. After apologizing repeatedly she hurried to the biology cassroom and soundlessy slipped through the door to the first unoccupied seat. Reaching into her navy blue drawstring backpack she pulled out a notebook and flipped it open to write notes on the lecture.
Sylvie (played by Varia)

Sylvie groaned at her alarm clock. She was going to press the snooze button when she realized it was her first day of high school! "Dress to impress," she muttrred. She ate a healthy breakfast and brushed her teeth. After her calming shower, she pulled on her ripped jeans and coral crop top. She grabbed her bag and ran out the door, praying she wasn't late
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

He'd wake up groaning and turning off his alarm clock. He walked out of his room and said hi to his dad. He ate some breakfast and put on his clothes as he walked back up to his room to get his backpack he looked at the spell book deciding if he should take it or not... ``Eh what could go wrong.`` He grabbed the book and would put it in his backpack. ``Bye dad!`` He'd say as he walked out of the door. As he entered the school he walked to his classroom and would walk in and would take a seat.
Leanne (played anonymously)

When Leanne walked into Biology class, furred hoodie over his blue haired head, he was slightly annoyed by the fact that all the back seats were taken. Leanne pulled down his hood and scanned his ice blue gaze over the back row, frowning the entire time, before taking a seat near the window. He put his chin in his hand and stared longingly outside.
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

``Hi I'm James`` He'd say to Leanne while he walked over and sat down next to him.
Leanne (played anonymously)

Leanne's eyes slid towards the skinny boy with glasses, then slid back to the window again. He was probably a typical nerd. Leanne leaned back and yawned, trunk-stretching his arms out in front of him.
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

``Rude...`` He got bored so he looked at a pencil deciding to make it levitate a small bit.
Leanne (played anonymously)

The pencil caught Leanne's attention. He looked at it, then at the boy, then back again. Leanne's heart began to quicken. This boy had powers. Abilities. Which meant Leanne needed to capture him, and then take him back to base. The bosses would take care of the boy from there. But first, Leanne had to figure out exactly what James could do. He looked at him. "That's a nice trick."
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

He'd quickly drop the pencil ``Thanks... listen you can't tell anyone else about this`` He whispered to him.
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

((Is anyone here))

He'd go back to listening to the Teacher hoping that Leanne wouldn't let anyone know.
Lex didn't realize how distracting it would be to sit in a class full of other people. He was used to being one on one with a private tutor, so the fact that other kids talked and wrote and doodled in their notebooks made it hard to pay attention. Finally, he just gave up and set his head down on top of his paper full of very neat and precise notes--probably better than anything Ritz would have done. He closed his eyes, willing the class to end soon. The unfamiliar kids in the seats next to him probably thought he looked ridiculous, but at least he was in the last row and no one could stare at his back. He didn't think he could take that. Being dressed as he was and all.
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

He'd notice the two twins and would slightly smile and would wave at them

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