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Forums » General Roleplay » Highschool rp

Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"Its about my parents and my sister..."
Winter (played by StormDestroyer)

"Oh," Winter said, knowing that family was a touchy topic for her as well.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"My family has a gene in us that makes the first born be a yandere and the second born is only partiallly yandere so my sister got so unstable at one time she killed my mom and dad and forced me to kill her because she was about to go after me... I was only 14 then..." She said about to cry
Winter (played by StormDestroyer)

Winter hesitated, then put his hand on her shoulder.
Winter (played by StormDestroyer)

((Sorry I have to go))
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

((Aww)) "yea and at night I usually go kill crazy because of that..."
Sylvie (played by Varia)

She raced to the courtyard praying she wasn't late. "Yasuyoshi!" She called.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"Your finally here" she said looking up "you can call me yasoi for short
Sylvie (played by Varia)

She nodded. "I'm sorry I was late, what do you need to talk about?" She asked.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"Its bout my family and what happened to them..."
Sylvie (played by Varia)

"Oh...." She said, suddenly thinking of her family.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"My family has a gene in us that makes the first born be a yandere and the second born is only partiallly yandere so my sister got so unstable at one time she killed my mom and dad and forced me to kill her because she was about to go after me... I was only 14 then..." She repeated
Sylvie (played by Varia)

"I...I'm so sorry Yasoi."she looked to her feet. "I had no idea.... When I turned I to a werewolf my family practically disowned me.....but you have it worse....I'm sorry" Sylvie rested her hand on Yasois shoulder. "I'm here if you need me"
Leanne (played anonymously)

When school was over, Leanne was making his way outside when he spotted Sylvie and the new kitsune girl in the courtyard. He sighed. So many shape shifters. Catching a bunch of half-beasts would be difficult. Not to mention that Allec boy.

Leanne thought for a moment, then looked at the school clock. Allec had told Sylvie to meet him at his studio at 7. It was now five minutes until that appointed time. Sylvie would be heading there soon. Leanne turned in the direction he'd seen Allec go.

"Travel." A minute later, he found the art studio.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"Its okay and the cost of it was that my yandere gene activates at night" then she heard something and the magic being cast "we have to go to allecs art studio now!" She said getting up
Sylvie (played by Varia)

"Are you coming too?" She asked Yasoi. She saw Leanne headed towards the art studio. "Do you have Allec's number?" Sha asked Yasoi.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I don't know what time it is but I didn't want to go home or to class. Anything. I groaned and headed to the upstairs art studio, with more of the equipment I preferred. I set my bag down and closed the door. I turned the lights on and headed to the paint section. I retied my hair into a tight low ponytail. I rolled my sleeves and got out a canvas, setting it on a easel. I got out black, white, red, yellow, and blue acrylic paint to mix for certain colors, wondering what I should make.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I decided I would make a figurative version of my drawing of the boy with a TV head. I sketched him out ahead of time, slowly painting with pastel warm colors, and some dark colors. I turn on music on the left over radio, blasting Cavetown, The Neighbourhood, and etc. on the radio.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"No but I can get us there fast!" She said as a pentagram opened up Infront of her on the ground and a portal opened up above it
Sylvie (played by Varia)

"Wow!" She cried as they were transported. She run ahead and found Allec. "Allec," she cried. "Leanne....he's coming here. I don't know why.....can we do this somewhere else?"

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