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Forums » Introductions » I hope I've found the one!

Hi, my name is Rose. I used to roleplay all the time in middle school. It has been awhile because, well, I went blind. Sucks, but I've got all the skills now to do anything I really want. Except roleplay. It has been incredibly hard to find a cite that is easy to use and where pictures aren't a big part of everything. I'm still not sure about the whole picture thing, but my fingers are crossed that this cite will be one I can use and feel comfortable with. It might take me awhile to get used to the layout and how it works with my screen reader, so bare with me. I'm very open to any questions. The more you know, the more you can help make this an enjoyable experience for me too!
Claine Moderator

Hi there! Welcome to the site!

Don't worry, I'd guess nearly 100% of the RP here is completely image free. And when you make your Looking for RP ads, you could specifically request for your RP partners to not use any images. I'm sure you'll easily find somebody who meets your needs and style preferences!

I hope you enjoy your time here

Hi rosebud. Welcome to RPR.
Hi, and welcome to RPR! I have a few characters who are especially compatible with fantasy RP, namely Leikn, Sidzla and Whitney, hit me up if any of them catch your interest!

RoseBud098 Topic Starter

Thanks for the warm welcomes. I'm happy to hear pictures aren't a big part of this community and happy to already have someone interested. I'm liking this place already.
Hi Rose and welcome to RPR!

I'm super tickled that RPR is something that is easily accessible and navigable for your blindness. Are you using JAWS, by chance? A good friend of mine is blind as well, however she was born that way, and I was her attendant for college.

Anyhow, I wish you all the best! The community is supremely friendly, most especially in comparison to other roleplay sites, so I am sure you'll have no problems making friends and getting into some awesome RP adventures. :D
Tamamo no Mae (played by Miwi_Sama)

Your Tama-Tama is here! -Snuggles Rosebud-
Welcome to RPR!

The vast majority of the site is, indeed, text. Some folks will use images to add thematic decoration to their Looking For RP posts, but it isn't a super common practice, and the text with the images usually gets the idea across fine. We do have a lot of people who will put images in character profiles instead of descriptions, but most people will have at least a basic description. In both cases, just letting folks know that images are no good for you should pretty much always be enough to get a description. Folks here are super nice, we just don't always remember that different people have different needs. There are also some who use image memes a lot, but again, I'm sure folks would be happy to accommodate you. Hopefully you don't have to remind us too often, so it doesn't become tiresome for you!

And now I'm wondering how properly accessibility has been set up across the site. I know there are a lot of little things that can be done to improve the experience for blind folks, but they get forgotten about or cut from schedules so often...
RoseBud098 Topic Starter

Demilicious wrote:
Hi Rose and welcome to RPR!

I'm super tickled that RPR is something that is easily accessible and navigable for your blindness. Are you using JAWS, by chance? A good friend of mine is blind as well, however she was born that way, and I was her attendant for college.

Anyhow, I wish you all the best! The community is supremely friendly, most especially in comparison to other roleplay sites, so I am sure you'll have no problems making friends and getting into some awesome RP adventures. :D

Yes, I use Jaws. I'm not as techy as a lot of other blind people, but RPR has been so smooth so far for the most part. Thank you for the warm welcome.
RoseBud098 Topic Starter

Novalyyn wrote:
Welcome to RPR!

The vast majority of the site is, indeed, text. Some folks will use images to add thematic decoration to their Looking For RP posts, but it isn't a super common practice, and the text with the images usually gets the idea across fine. We do have a lot of people who will put images in character profiles instead of descriptions, but most people will have at least a basic description. In both cases, just letting folks know that images are no good for you should pretty much always be enough to get a description. Folks here are super nice, we just don't always remember that different people have different needs. There are also some who use image memes a lot, but again, I'm sure folks would be happy to accommodate you. Hopefully you don't have to remind us too often, so it doesn't become tiresome for you!

And now I'm wondering how properly accessibility has been set up across the site. I know there are a lot of little things that can be done to improve the experience for blind folks, but they get forgotten about or cut from schedules so often...

The biggest problem I have noticed is the sliders in the roleplay finder tool. Those aren't accessible at all, and I'm wondering if those same sliders would be used when creating an rp or if they are required when creating one. I already have an rp idea and having to use those sliders would be a problem. Though it is a group thing and I have been reading on the groups which seems to be a different system than the forums? There is so much more I need to explore.

The dice mechanics might also be an issue, but I haven't tried them out yet. Are dice used often in roleplays?
Claine Moderator

Sliders aren't required for making RPs. You are given the option in the 'Looking for RP' forum, but they are not compulsory for starting a thread. In other parts of the site - such as the In Character forums and groups they are completely absent.

Dice are always used in Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop based RPs. I think you'll find they're rarely used outside this niche.
Welcome to RPR! I hope you continue to have a wonderful time here. I'm a big fan of fantasy as well.

If I can help at all, do let me know.
Sanne Moderator

RoseBud098 wrote:
The biggest problem I have noticed is the sliders in the roleplay finder tool. Those aren't accessible at all, and I'm wondering if those same sliders would be used when creating an rp or if they are required when creating one. I already have an rp idea and having to use those sliders would be a problem. Though it is a group thing and I have been reading on the groups which seems to be a different system than the forums? There is so much more I need to explore.

The dice mechanics might also be an issue, but I haven't tried them out yet. Are dice used often in roleplays?


I would argue that the sliders are a vital part of the site that need to be accessible - while it won't stop you from creating a Looking For RP topic, it does impair your ability to be found in searches and to modify your own searches. The Find RP tool is what Kim has been focusing on for people to use, and to transition away from relying on forum pages to find your topic, so this is very important.

In what way does JAWS prevent you from using the sliders? I very strongly recommend that you send a bug report to Kim with all the info you have (JAWS version, browser, browser version and the steps you take to use the features and how they fail) so that she can work on fixing this if possible. Accessibility is very important here, so this would not just help you but many others. :)

From what I read on how JAWS processes websites dice may also not work optimally for you, but you're very welcome to test them out (in this thread if you like!) and see what happens. As mentioned before, dice are optional, but can be very useful in roleplays. We have a dice primer article for more in-depth info on how they are used, if you're curious!

rolled 1d6 and got 6
This is just an example rolled die by clicking the "Add a die roll to this post" link below the textbox.



Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
"The Su in Suwako stands for snuggles!" ~Suwako423~

Suwako greets you with all the lovely FxF RPs(pg13-18) that you may desire or wish to partake in the future!
Welcome to RP's nightbreed.
A melting pot where everything is possible even to one whose eyes are devoid of the light.
While I do upload pics of my charas, they are only there as a sort of flavor that you won't really miss.
I mainly use dice for events with random outcomes, but if you want me to, I won't do that in your case.

Whether you seek fantasy or futurism, we are the Xenoworlds. Are you?

Heh, message me...let's find out.
Hello, hello! Good day to you (or whatever form of day or night it is...)!

I'm KatayokuNoTenshiVII, but, eh...Call me Kata or something, I guess. I'm just a huge Final Fantasy nerd, but, hey, don't let that stop you! I promise I don't bite...'less you ask. Heh.

Welcome, and enjoy your time!
Hello! And welcome to rpr i hope u'll enjoy it here! ^_^

RoseBud098 wrote:
Hi, my name is Rose. I used to roleplay all the time in middle school. It has been awhile because, well, I went blind. Sucks, but I've got all the skills now to do anything I really want. Except roleplay. It has been incredibly hard to find a cite that is easy to use and where pictures aren't a big part of everything. I'm still not sure about the whole picture thing, but my fingers are crossed that this cite will be one I can use and feel comfortable with. It might take me awhile to get used to the layout and how it works with my screen reader, so bare with me. I'm very open to any questions. The more you know, the more you can help make this an enjoyable experience for me too!

It's nice to meet you RoseBud098. Welcome to RPR.

You are on: Forums » Introductions » I hope I've found the one!

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