((Greetings! Is there someone you would like me to play in particular?))
((Yay! Did you want a certain person to be in charge of picking Casa up for the trials?))
Yo anyone here
How does a bastard orphan son of a whore and a virus dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the grasslands providence impoverished and squalor grow up to be a ghost of a brother?
Sup Jeff
I couldn’t find anyone to kill outside of the internet
Well let’s get on with the rp
The $10 evil brother without a mother got a lot farther by working a lot harder by being a lot smarter by being a self-starter by 14 he was on top of his class, first quarter
And every day while kids were being slaughtered and carved up he struggled and kept his guard up. Inside he was longing for something to be a part of. The brother was ready to beg, steal, borrow or barter.
Then a hurricane came and devastation reigned. Our man saw his future drip dripping down the drain. Found a light in a temple, connected it to his brain, and he lit his eye frame, a testament to his pain.
((That was interesting.))
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