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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for roleplay partners (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

updated 7.23.18
Hello there!

I'm a 28-year-old writer and roleplayer.
I'm looking for a couple new roleplay partners interested in more long-term stories.
I can range from 'smaller' storylines where you have one character interacting with another to larger plots with multiple secondaries.

I prefer someone who is at least 18 years old for comfort level.
Though I prefer to fade to black, I am uneasy roleplaying romance and I don't want to have to figure out if something I reference is age appropriate or not.

I do all my roleplays via PMs instead of forum as I'm one who likes my privacy. That and if a theme comes up (i.e. referencing something or other), I don't have to worry about completely censoring it for the sake of age. That said - I am respectful of what others do/don't want to see.

I have a wide range of characters and can either tailor or create one pending the scene.
My characters mostly lean toward straight female characters. I can and occasionally do write male characters depending the scene. If there are romance scenes I stick to m/f pairings.
However, I am also one who believes you can have two individuals be very close friends without being romantically involved (take that modern Hollywood!)

I vary depending on my mood: Sci-fi, urban fantasy, low fantasy, adventure, crime, slice-of-life, parent/children relations, etc.

I can provide a writing sample though in honesty what I'm looking for is not massive "advanced" roleplays. But at the same time I don't want free form where you have one sentence. Though not a grammar Nazi, I do expect some care in writing (no text speech please). Otherwise, I'm usually laid back.

If you are interested or would like to discuss more, send me a message.
I'm also open to just chatting if you like.
I am an individual who likes their privacy (so some questions and topics I'm not a fan of) but in most instances, I'm fairly laid back.

I look forward to chatting with you :)

Some possible plot ideas:

- Historical: Europe pre-WWII through it. I have an interesting idea of a character who is Jewish either Germany or Austria. She's smuggled out to Denmark or Poland before the war (during the Racial Laws of the 30s) only to once again have to hidden as the Nazis conquer both. She'll probably be a bit younger but I can/and probably will have adult characters as well for any partners etc.

- Search and Rescue: Slice-of-life almost revolving around a search and rescue team. Could even do a more rural law enforcement group (or park rangers).

- The Magician
Modern that can either be an illusion or actual Urban Fantasy. I have a couple different ideas, just very basic.

And if none of those sound fun - it's just a couple. I'm fully open to brainstorming other ideas.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

A few of my rps with my characters died out, most of my rp style is along the feminine side though I do have the one semi tom boy personality. My writing style is along the lines of semi lit so I do write the paragraphs but im by no means the most perfect at spelling, grammar or punctuation. Though I do try to be creative and descriptive with my posts while attempting to be as clear as possible. I'm open to most genres wither it is using a character I already have or even making new ones.
Oh and I will be 23 on the 7th of August
CreativeImagining Topic Starter

RayneLillac wrote:
A few of my rps with my characters died out, most of my rp style is along the feminine side though I do have the one semi tom boy personality. My writing style is along the lines of semi lit so I do write the paragraphs but im by no means the most perfect at spelling, grammar or punctuation. Though I do try to be creative and descriptive with my posts while attempting to be as clear as possible. I'm open to most genres wither it is using a character I already have or even making new ones.
Oh and I will be 23 on the 7th of August

Thanks for replying. I'm going to send you a PM to discuss :)
CreativeImagining Topic Starter

~ Bump ~
Hello, I'm also writing a book and I'd love to help you with your characters and give them a story of their own! I can use one of the characters I already have such as Nightfrost, where it may end up being more of a friendship. Or I can use a character from the story I myself am writing. I am semi-lit and can do semi-para, or paragraph.
CreativeImagining Topic Starter

Thanks for the interest. It's always great to meet a fellow writer. :)

I'm at work but seeing as I hadn't had time to give you an adequate reply this morning I wanted to drop a quick note to let you know I am interested in discussing something with you.

I'll send you a message this evening to discuss :)

Looking forward to chatting with you
Well, it's always nice to meet another fellow writer! Are you still open to a roleplay partner? Most of mine don't tend to reply so it would be nice to find something fresh.
CreativeImagining Topic Starter


I was a bit surprised to see someone saw this. I hadn't refreshed it recently :)

Yes - I'm most definitely open to discussing roleplay possibilities. :)
Let me send you a PM.
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Looking for one or two more possible partners

Hey I'm interested in doing a RP with you buuuuuuuuuut I'm 17 :/ I know you said you'd prefer 18 but I just thought I'd message anyway
CreativeImagining Topic Starter

LadyOfGondor wrote:
Hey I'm interested in doing a RP with you buuuuuuuuuut I'm 17 :/ I know you said you'd prefer 18 but I just thought I'd message anyway

I do prefer 18 or older but let me message you and we can discuss.
I guess it depends on what you are interested in.
Hi, I'm new here and haven't had that much experience roleplaying but I've had one last almost a year before my partner gave up. I'm really keen on long complex stories with interesting characters.

I've got a character (his the only character I have with a profile atm) who I'd love to rp with someone, but if he's not your cup of tea I'm happy to make a new character if you have an rp in mind.

unfortunately I'm 17 but don't worry about censorship unless your uncomfortable
also, I must warn you I'm pretty dyslexic so my grammar and spelling is terrible but I try my best with spell check
CreativeImagining Topic Starter

Netoey wrote:
Hi, I'm new here and haven't had that much experience roleplaying but I've had one last almost a year before my partner gave up. I'm really keen on long complex stories with interesting characters.

I've got a character (his the only character I have with a profile atm) who I'd love to rp with someone, but if he's not your cup of tea I'm happy to make a new character if you have an rp in mind.

unfortunately I'm 17 but don't worry about censorship unless your uncomfortable
also, I must warn you I'm pretty dyslexic so my grammar and spelling is terrible but I try my best with spell check

Hi - First off:
Welcome to RPR! We're glad you joined us on the awesome forum :)

Second - I will send you a message momentarily regarding your request.
If you're still looking for partners, I would totally be interested in doing something with you. I'm quite bored at the moment, as I have no rps going. I have a bunch of different characters to choose from.
CreativeImagining Topic Starter

Guardian_Girl wrote:
If you're still looking for partners, I would totally be interested in doing something with you. I'm quite bored at the moment, as I have no rps going. I have a bunch of different characters to choose from.

Hi - thanks for messaging me.
Let me send you a PM to follow up with you.

Hi, I'm Fern. I'm 19. I'm mostly into modern, sometimes romantic, adventure, etc. All my characters are female but if you want to, I wouldn't mind making a male character.
CreativeImagining Topic Starter

Fern_Goner011 wrote:
Hi, I'm Fern. I'm 19. I'm mostly into modern, sometimes romantic, adventure, etc. All my characters are female but if you want to, I wouldn't mind making a male character.

Hi - thanks for the interest!
I have to head to work but I'll send you a message later today/tonight.

CreativeImagining wrote:
Fern_Goner011 wrote:
Hi, I'm Fern. I'm 19. I'm mostly into modern, sometimes romantic, adventure, etc. All my characters are female but if you want to, I wouldn't mind making a male character.

Hi - thanks for the interest!
I have to head to work but I'll send you a message later today/tonight.

CreativeImagining Topic Starter

~ La bump ~
CreativeImagining Topic Starter

Still looking.

And added a couple ideas.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for roleplay partners (closed)

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