This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Think you can do somthing with Ayelle?
LF to adventure
Think you can do somthing with Ayelle?
LF to adventure
hi can i join in
Hello all! It's been a while but with the flux of people coming in and out, I'm bumping this once again!
Do let me know if you have any questions!
Do let me know if you have any questions!
Is it too late to join? I’ve got characters to use, and a character page with quite a few extras as well.
As of this moment, how many people are participating in the role play?
Edit: Sorry about that! Not a fan of large group role plays. Hope you find more people!
Edit: Sorry about that! Not a fan of large group role plays. Hope you find more people!
Arcol wrote:
Is it too late to join? I’ve got characters to use, and a character page with quite a few extras as well.
Nope, not at all! We're still in the middle of the first trial, which is a maze where everyone is separated into pairs. There are technically 20 contestants but only 6 have been named so far. So there's always room to say that your character(s) were there at the opening ceremony but didn't say anything.
Do tell which of your characters you had in mind, and we can discuss their motivations for the contest entries, backstories and all that other schmuck.
mericosine wrote:
As of this moment, how many people are participating in the role play?
Right now, including myself, there are 4 people playing in the RP.
I might be interested in playing D - H in this if that'd be all right with you. While not an elf, he might just want to join the trials for the fun of it while on his travels. Though, a person like him "arriving" so late could pose questions. (such as how in oblivion did they not notice him earlier?!) And if he wins, meh. He can just give the honors to whoever actually deserves it or just fulfill the duty and be on his way. We could talk about it more in a pm if ye'd like.
Oh that will get Kalkas ticked off, a human who dares win only to shun the glory and duty of the throne... I didn't envision that possible outcome
Xyla Kailani wrote:
We're still in the middle of the first trial, which is a maze where everyone is separated into pairs. There are technically 20 contestants but only 6 have been named so far. So there's always room to say that your character(s) were there at the opening ceremony but didn't say anything.
Which contestants do you have remaining at the moment?
Lionel Kalkas n elves wrote:
Xyla Kailani wrote:
We're still in the middle of the first trial, which is a maze where everyone is separated into pairs. There are technically 20 contestants but only 6 have been named so far. So there's always room to say that your character(s) were there at the opening ceremony but didn't say anything.
Which contestants do you have remaining at the moment?
Amaranthine, Xyla, Liam, Corym, and then Mama has a second character names Valorielle (also human)
Val's was actually originally a half elf, but I'm playing her full elf for the Crown. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I'm assuming no news might be good news? Would D - H acceptable for this?
Is it ok if I put The Ashen One in here I mean he not human nor elf but like a undead of sort. Oh and the reason why he joining this is that he need something new for himself, if he win the i’m just gonna give to the second person in line then.
Aranath should bring an interesting angle. He's a tribal wood elf with a dry, stoic humor. This seems lie a good place to develop his clan and interact with other elves. Fitting into the storyline after a late entry shouldn't be a problem here if you'll have Aranath.
The Ashen One wrote:
Is it ok if I put The Ashen One in here I mean he not human nor elf but like a undead of sort. Oh and the reason why he joining this is that he need something new for himself, if he win the i’m just gonna give to the second person in line then.
D - H wrote:
I'm assuming no news might be good news? Would D - H acceptable for this?
Because of the nature of the competition and the fact that the elven throne is what's on the line, in order for there to be other races in this competition, you'll have to come up with a believable reason. Perhaps something related to the Council attempting to sabotage someone (this is just an idea, but you can't both use it). PM me for more.
Aranath Oakgrove wrote:
Aranath should bring an interesting angle. He's a tribal wood elf with a dry, stoic humor. This seems lie a good place to develop his clan and interact with other elves. Fitting into the storyline after a late entry shouldn't be a problem here if you'll have Aranath.
I agree that it would be interesting. So far as I am aware, existing characters Liam and Xyla are fullblooded High Elves, and the Council are High Elves in sheer majority. Please PM me and we can talk more.
Question, how is the new-people thing coming along? And should I just post or should I wait a bit till we have more people and figure out where their order in the present is?
ReverieCore wrote:
Question, how is the new-people thing coming along? And should I just post or should I wait a bit till we have more people and figure out where their order in the present is?
Reverie, you can go, you don't have to wait. And apologies to everyone else, I've been a bit busy lately and I'll get to all your questions and discussions momentarily.
i'm kinda reworking my characters but,,
when you said humanoids, do anthros count? i'm interested
when you said humanoids, do anthros count? i'm interested
Zevel wrote:
i'm kinda reworking my characters but,,
when you said humanoids, do anthros count? i'm interested
when you said humanoids, do anthros count? i'm interested
As I said before, as the contest of for the elven throne, I would vastly prefer elven characters. You need a very good reason for me to consider another species. If you have a good reason then I can consider.

since i don't know how i'd fit in yet (considering i only had anthros as characters) i'm thinking of making my character support an elf to be the new king/queen if that's alright. if all elves are to themselves, well, that's also fine!
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