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Forums » Looking for RP » Something like FLCL (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Kamui Amui (played anonymously)

I want to do something like it. Not exactly the themes of maturity and what have you that the show actually focuses on, but an RP deriving the general feel and tone of the show. The laid back vibe despite giant robots and nonsensical abilities and evil space corporations which seem present but never appear to be the main focus. Stuff like that, you dig?
Mostly looking for normal humans, but also quirky humanoid-types work. Androids, animal-eared people. Stuff that primarily appear to be human but aren't, stuff like that. Just don't go too far. Proper mechas or anthros won't fly with me without discussion beforehand.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Kamui Amui (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Siegfried (played by XrosHeartless)

While I have a character that was pretty much designed to fit into something like this, he does take a more supernatural twist than sci-fi, being a "CyberDemon"
Kamui Amui (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I mean with the name and lack of details I'd assume a 'cyberdemon' fits fine into the science fantasy theme.
With the finale of Progressive done and gone, can't say it wouldn't be interesting to try and replicate that feel (the original specifically). Are you looking for a Group thing or 1x1's? I think Siegfried checks off all the required otherworldly/insane backstory needed, so I'd play one of the more normal kids getting vored by mechanical do-dads that pop out.
Kamui Amui (played anonymously) Topic Starter

A group thing would be quite fun I think.
Cool, let's see if anyone else wants to hop on and I'll be whipping up a character to show.
Kamui Amui (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I guess nobody else wants to.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Something like FLCL (closed)

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