(grabs cup of coffee and soaks up the beautiful morning sun - what a perfect way to start this rp!)
LOCATION: Hallway outside of Cafeteria TIME: 10:30am
Drool dripped from her cracked lips and onto the smooth surface that she has claimed as her "dnd" recruitment table. Her face laid horizontal to the empty sign-up sheet sitting upon the stack of 3.5 editions, the monster book and player's handbook spread wide open to show their beautiful souls off to the public that pushed themselves through the hallway she sat in. No one noticed, and she was doing a horrible job at being social - but she didn't care much about it this morning. The recruitment table would be loaned to her all week anyways so she laid still, hoping to grab a few winks of sleep.
On the floor next to her sat her snoozing beloved goblin. A giant historical hat bowed graciously over his fat gubby nose and all but the dim-witted tongue that hung loosely was hidden away. His hiding spot was an obvious one to Milli, but it was hidden enough for the invisible block of goblin meat to not be accidentally stepped or tripped on. The hallway they sat in is located between the cafeteria and the club rooms, and the time right now is about ten-thirty on a Monday morning.
Stormy Community College isn't very known, its dirt cheap and Milli has known people who've gone to this school and took classes much longer than the average 2 year degree required of them. Why? Cause its easy, almost too easy. Milli isn't a bright one, but all but her science class has felt like a challenging high school class and a joke at best. Currently its the spring club week, she hadn't made up her mind for the club by the fall club week of last year. Did I forget to mention she's pretty lazy... The other clubs present in her hallway consists of the Journal Club, also known as the school newspaper peoples, SGA (student government association), the Science Club and some weird people selling baked goods that smell delicious.";
LOCATION: Hallway outside of Cafeteria TIME: 10:30am
Drool dripped from her cracked lips and onto the smooth surface that she has claimed as her "dnd" recruitment table. Her face laid horizontal to the empty sign-up sheet sitting upon the stack of 3.5 editions, the monster book and player's handbook spread wide open to show their beautiful souls off to the public that pushed themselves through the hallway she sat in. No one noticed, and she was doing a horrible job at being social - but she didn't care much about it this morning. The recruitment table would be loaned to her all week anyways so she laid still, hoping to grab a few winks of sleep.
On the floor next to her sat her snoozing beloved goblin. A giant historical hat bowed graciously over his fat gubby nose and all but the dim-witted tongue that hung loosely was hidden away. His hiding spot was an obvious one to Milli, but it was hidden enough for the invisible block of goblin meat to not be accidentally stepped or tripped on. The hallway they sat in is located between the cafeteria and the club rooms, and the time right now is about ten-thirty on a Monday morning.
Stormy Community College isn't very known, its dirt cheap and Milli has known people who've gone to this school and took classes much longer than the average 2 year degree required of them. Why? Cause its easy, almost too easy. Milli isn't a bright one, but all but her science class has felt like a challenging high school class and a joke at best. Currently its the spring club week, she hadn't made up her mind for the club by the fall club week of last year. Did I forget to mention she's pretty lazy... The other clubs present in her hallway consists of the Journal Club, also known as the school newspaper peoples, SGA (student government association), the Science Club and some weird people selling baked goods that smell delicious.";
LOCATION: Hallway outside of Cafeteria TIME: 10:30 AM
A DnD club. He was fond of DnD, and found it to be a great system for organized gaming. The only real problem? It wasn't a game he'd ever been able to play alone. Oh, sure, he'd played Neverwinter Nights and many of the other DnD inspired RPGs, but it wasn't really the same as sitting around a table with a group of like minded people. He nonchalantly leaned against a wall across from the table, seemingly just killing some time and fiddling about on his iPod. A recent model, but not the latest and certainly not the most expensive.
His lack of want for attention and social discomfort grappled with his love of gaming, and he was taking his time making a decision. In the end, he slipped a pre-prepared piece of folded paper from his pocket, alongside a twenty sided die. Moving his iPod back into his pocket, he set off across the hallway, slipping through the crowd without bumping into anyone. Setting the folded paper on the table and using the die as a paperweight, he let the flow of the hallway carry him outside, where Rhys would be waiting. The elf never had gotten used to the completely enclosed stone buildings, and preferred to stay outside where possible.
As he walked under an otherwise unremarkable tree, he looked up to see Rhys stationed there, one hand on the knife at his belt and the other holding his bow. Far from in plain sight, it wasn't completely impossible to spot the creature hiding in the trees, but he wasn't aware of anyone who could see the elf other than himself anyway. Taking a seat on a bench under that very same tree, he pulled a hardcover novel from his bag and flipped it open, beginning to read. He had some time until his next class anyway.
LOCATION: Outside of the Cafeteria TIME: 10:40 AM
A DnD club. He was fond of DnD, and found it to be a great system for organized gaming. The only real problem? It wasn't a game he'd ever been able to play alone. Oh, sure, he'd played Neverwinter Nights and many of the other DnD inspired RPGs, but it wasn't really the same as sitting around a table with a group of like minded people. He nonchalantly leaned against a wall across from the table, seemingly just killing some time and fiddling about on his iPod. A recent model, but not the latest and certainly not the most expensive.
His lack of want for attention and social discomfort grappled with his love of gaming, and he was taking his time making a decision. In the end, he slipped a pre-prepared piece of folded paper from his pocket, alongside a twenty sided die. Moving his iPod back into his pocket, he set off across the hallway, slipping through the crowd without bumping into anyone. Setting the folded paper on the table and using the die as a paperweight, he let the flow of the hallway carry him outside, where Rhys would be waiting. The elf never had gotten used to the completely enclosed stone buildings, and preferred to stay outside where possible.
As he walked under an otherwise unremarkable tree, he looked up to see Rhys stationed there, one hand on the knife at his belt and the other holding his bow. Far from in plain sight, it wasn't completely impossible to spot the creature hiding in the trees, but he wasn't aware of anyone who could see the elf other than himself anyway. Taking a seat on a bench under that very same tree, he pulled a hardcover novel from his bag and flipped it open, beginning to read. He had some time until his next class anyway.
LOCATION: Outside of the Cafeteria TIME: 10:40 AM
Location: Inside the Cafeteria. Time: 10:40.
During the early lunch hours of the cafeteria, a peculiar young miss sat at one of the small tables, alone. Her attire had changed dramatically, since her meeting with the Dean of Students. Today, she adorned a white, long sleeved shirt with small, black buttons down the middle, coupled with black slacks. The wide-brimmed and wavy, three-cornered hat was also worn, being as dirty and as stiff as it ever was. In front of her, an odd dish that resembled stew, in a ceramic bowl. Near her feet, a stack of four, thick books were bound together by a black string, which was tied in a bow. Resting against her chair, there was an antique suitcase, that used to be a different color, but only holds an off-beige between its cracked surfaces and rusted handle.
Crow's left hand stirs her stew with one of the cafeteria's forks. She eventually stabs one of the mushrooms and brings it to her mouth. At the same time, her eyes look up and spot three young men dressed in formal attire. They were smiling. The mushroom suffers a cruel fate between Crow's teeth, but her gaze doesn't waver from the prettiest boy of the group, who was approaching her table.
"So, uh, what's your name?" The dip of the dirty and stiff hat hides one of Crow's eyes, but the other one stares at the fellow. The pretty boy's hand moves upwards and scratches at the back of his neck. "That's an odd dish. Is it...pheasant?" Crow's gaze drops down to her stew, while her left hand starts to separate the meat from the vegetables. Her fork jams itself into an odd shape, and her eyes flick upwards, her fork showing off its skewered piece of meat. "Dormouse." The young man stares at the fur-less piece of meat, and the thin, tail-like structure that was swinging side-to-side. "E-excuse me?" Crow moves the piece of food closer to her mouth, her eyebrows lifting sharply, "It's dormouse." The cooked piece of rodent was then slurped up, the tail disappearing between pursed lips.
The young man covers his agape mouth, and looks to be sick, as well as a few others. These people soon join the traffic outside the cafeteria. Two female students, wearing trendy clothing, walk out of the cafeteria talking to one another. "Like, oh, my, gawd. That was the grossest thing I've seen since...since ever!" Her fingers spread apart and her arms shake, her face forming an expression of disgust. The shorter student, with purple dyed hair, nods as she walks, "Seriously! What is her problem?"
Location: Inside the Cafeteria. Time: 10:50
During the early lunch hours of the cafeteria, a peculiar young miss sat at one of the small tables, alone. Her attire had changed dramatically, since her meeting with the Dean of Students. Today, she adorned a white, long sleeved shirt with small, black buttons down the middle, coupled with black slacks. The wide-brimmed and wavy, three-cornered hat was also worn, being as dirty and as stiff as it ever was. In front of her, an odd dish that resembled stew, in a ceramic bowl. Near her feet, a stack of four, thick books were bound together by a black string, which was tied in a bow. Resting against her chair, there was an antique suitcase, that used to be a different color, but only holds an off-beige between its cracked surfaces and rusted handle.
Crow's left hand stirs her stew with one of the cafeteria's forks. She eventually stabs one of the mushrooms and brings it to her mouth. At the same time, her eyes look up and spot three young men dressed in formal attire. They were smiling. The mushroom suffers a cruel fate between Crow's teeth, but her gaze doesn't waver from the prettiest boy of the group, who was approaching her table.
"So, uh, what's your name?" The dip of the dirty and stiff hat hides one of Crow's eyes, but the other one stares at the fellow. The pretty boy's hand moves upwards and scratches at the back of his neck. "That's an odd dish. Is it...pheasant?" Crow's gaze drops down to her stew, while her left hand starts to separate the meat from the vegetables. Her fork jams itself into an odd shape, and her eyes flick upwards, her fork showing off its skewered piece of meat. "Dormouse." The young man stares at the fur-less piece of meat, and the thin, tail-like structure that was swinging side-to-side. "E-excuse me?" Crow moves the piece of food closer to her mouth, her eyebrows lifting sharply, "It's dormouse." The cooked piece of rodent was then slurped up, the tail disappearing between pursed lips.
The young man covers his agape mouth, and looks to be sick, as well as a few others. These people soon join the traffic outside the cafeteria. Two female students, wearing trendy clothing, walk out of the cafeteria talking to one another. "Like, oh, my, gawd. That was the grossest thing I've seen since...since ever!" Her fingers spread apart and her arms shake, her face forming an expression of disgust. The shorter student, with purple dyed hair, nods as she walks, "Seriously! What is her problem?"
Location: Inside the Cafeteria. Time: 10:50
LOCATION: Hallway outside of cafeteria TIME: 10:42AM
Milli woke as her stomach lurched with envious hunger as the bake sale people walked by with some of their goods, attempting to draw people to their table. "Mrr...." She glanced quickly to her piece of shit flip phone and watched it dance next to her; it was eager for her to pick it up and respond to yet another football awareness ad. She picked it up, flipped it open, rubbed her right eye and stared mouth lazily half-open and read, "Another late night like last night AND YOUR OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" Stormy-cloud spheres rolled back in anguish in attempt to erase the sight of her mother's words. They fixated again back to the dim screen. "Completely unnecessary mum..."
She stared still fixated on her text and thought about her training with Ib last night. Well, it wasn't particularly training as everything she managed to accomplish was a mouth full of fine sewage-tainted dirt, a beautiful collage of a heart shaped bruise on her shoulder and tasting coffee the best its ever tasted the following morning. She smiled at the last part and glanced down at Ib. His tongue waved in the air as though in his goblin dreams he was running after something delicious. She touched the top of his helmet briefly, "I'll be right back little one."
The flaps of the bottom of her simple black jacket jingled as she walked into the cafeteria and towards the kitchen. Girls walked by her, gossiping as usual and she pulled her beanie tighter down on her head not giving them an eye to look at if they happened to glance at her. "Annoying...." she murmured keeping her head down and eyes straight for the food her belly oh begged for was just beyond the upside-down horizon of her beanie's soft brim. She walked into the Kitchen where lunch-ladies hunched over behind an overly organized counter of lunch foods and meats.
"Missed breakfast again Mills?" Beeswax colored spectacles rose and fell with the joyous choppers of misses Cleverfield. The almost-ginger girl pressed her face against the upper warming glass of the buffet line. "How'd you know Marie?" Mrs. Cleverfield just grinned, her spatula dipped into a grease-bathed pan and surfacing with a pair of breakfast sausages. THUMP! Milli's upper half of her body pressed quickly to the glass frame as she lost her footing unintentionally. She looked behind her and down at two partially hidden gaping goblin eyes.
"You ok Mills?" Red cheeks bounced, "Lost my balance tis all." She glanced down again with stern eyes, her goblin grasping the bottom of her legs. "Mrrroood," Ib said between his clenched teeth. Just as he spoke Milli noticed a piece of paper slip out from his mouth. She bent down and it picked it up, wiped it off on her pants in attempt to save its contents from the hungry cells of Ib's saliva. Scarlet bottom up moons rose on Milli's face. "YEEEES!" she exclaimed without second thought or noticing the people around her were staring at her randomness.
LOCATION: Kitchen inside Cafeteria TIME: 10:47AM
Milli woke as her stomach lurched with envious hunger as the bake sale people walked by with some of their goods, attempting to draw people to their table. "Mrr...." She glanced quickly to her piece of shit flip phone and watched it dance next to her; it was eager for her to pick it up and respond to yet another football awareness ad. She picked it up, flipped it open, rubbed her right eye and stared mouth lazily half-open and read, "Another late night like last night AND YOUR OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" Stormy-cloud spheres rolled back in anguish in attempt to erase the sight of her mother's words. They fixated again back to the dim screen. "Completely unnecessary mum..."
She stared still fixated on her text and thought about her training with Ib last night. Well, it wasn't particularly training as everything she managed to accomplish was a mouth full of fine sewage-tainted dirt, a beautiful collage of a heart shaped bruise on her shoulder and tasting coffee the best its ever tasted the following morning. She smiled at the last part and glanced down at Ib. His tongue waved in the air as though in his goblin dreams he was running after something delicious. She touched the top of his helmet briefly, "I'll be right back little one."
The flaps of the bottom of her simple black jacket jingled as she walked into the cafeteria and towards the kitchen. Girls walked by her, gossiping as usual and she pulled her beanie tighter down on her head not giving them an eye to look at if they happened to glance at her. "Annoying...." she murmured keeping her head down and eyes straight for the food her belly oh begged for was just beyond the upside-down horizon of her beanie's soft brim. She walked into the Kitchen where lunch-ladies hunched over behind an overly organized counter of lunch foods and meats.
"Missed breakfast again Mills?" Beeswax colored spectacles rose and fell with the joyous choppers of misses Cleverfield. The almost-ginger girl pressed her face against the upper warming glass of the buffet line. "How'd you know Marie?" Mrs. Cleverfield just grinned, her spatula dipped into a grease-bathed pan and surfacing with a pair of breakfast sausages. THUMP! Milli's upper half of her body pressed quickly to the glass frame as she lost her footing unintentionally. She looked behind her and down at two partially hidden gaping goblin eyes.
"You ok Mills?" Red cheeks bounced, "Lost my balance tis all." She glanced down again with stern eyes, her goblin grasping the bottom of her legs. "Mrrroood," Ib said between his clenched teeth. Just as he spoke Milli noticed a piece of paper slip out from his mouth. She bent down and it picked it up, wiped it off on her pants in attempt to save its contents from the hungry cells of Ib's saliva. Scarlet bottom up moons rose on Milli's face. "YEEEES!" she exclaimed without second thought or noticing the people around her were staring at her randomness.
LOCATION: Kitchen inside Cafeteria TIME: 10:47AM
Location: Inside the Cafeteria. Time: 10:47.
Crow's stew and light lunch of the day was almost empty. The smaller vegetables and bits of meat were pooled together in the bottom of the bowl, along with the thick broth. Her pale hands cup the bowl's underside and lift it towards her mouth, devouring what was left and setting the bowl back down upon the table. Her pale hands then push off of the table, her chair being slid back. Planting her coarse, leather boots on the ground, Crow stands up and picks up the bowl with one hand, the fork in the other. Depositing the fork inside of the bowl, Crow walks into the kitchen area and sets the bowl back where she found it, besides the clean ones.
Crow's body shifts and she was about to leave the kitchen, when a commotion caused her to cast her eyes upon a smaller, cheery femme, who was excited for some odd reason. Then her eyes flicked to spot the of drool on the floor, and underneath the witch-like hat, a very focused stare centered upon that spot. It was a feeling that fogged Crow's mind, the feeling that something is there, but not. Through her years of experience, she's never been around other beings like Ophelia, or those that controlled them.
Depending on if she can or cannot see what is hidden to most, Crow's position may change. However, she remains in the kitchen, pondering. Staring. Wondering.
Location: Inside the Cafeteria. Time: 10:52.
Crow's stew and light lunch of the day was almost empty. The smaller vegetables and bits of meat were pooled together in the bottom of the bowl, along with the thick broth. Her pale hands cup the bowl's underside and lift it towards her mouth, devouring what was left and setting the bowl back down upon the table. Her pale hands then push off of the table, her chair being slid back. Planting her coarse, leather boots on the ground, Crow stands up and picks up the bowl with one hand, the fork in the other. Depositing the fork inside of the bowl, Crow walks into the kitchen area and sets the bowl back where she found it, besides the clean ones.
Crow's body shifts and she was about to leave the kitchen, when a commotion caused her to cast her eyes upon a smaller, cheery femme, who was excited for some odd reason. Then her eyes flicked to spot the of drool on the floor, and underneath the witch-like hat, a very focused stare centered upon that spot. It was a feeling that fogged Crow's mind, the feeling that something is there, but not. Through her years of experience, she's never been around other beings like Ophelia, or those that controlled them.
Depending on if she can or cannot see what is hidden to most, Crow's position may change. However, she remains in the kitchen, pondering. Staring. Wondering.
Location: Inside the Cafeteria. Time: 10:52.
(Ah yes, the troublesome question of being able to see other Almae who are not your own. Of course, as I should make more clear that once any control artifact has come to be touched, then the human gains the "sight" and is able to see all Almae. Something I have yet to develop uniquely other than its overused general philosophy.
LOCATION: Kitchen inside Cafeteria TIME: 10:53
Milli looked back to the astonished Mrs. Cleveland, "Oh sorry... I just recruited my first club member yet of this spring, hehe..." She patted the back of her head trying to ignore the awkward stares of the other passing students. She reached down with one hand, still maintaining eye contact with the lunch lady, and yanked Ib by the collar and sat him between her feet and the bottom of the counter. He fought her hand off and crossed him arms glaring hungrily up as the Mrs. Cleveland handed Milli a breakfast plate fit for a developing young mind. "That's good honey, but when are you going to pay your piling up food fines eh?" the elderly lady said with a sad gleam in her eyes. "Soon!" Milli exclaimed, giving Ib a push with one hand quickly and holding her plate up with the other. Ib reluctantly followed his Player to the cash register careful as he always was to not touch anybody else. You could see he was tempted though to sit on Milli's feet as he was following so close his own were practically in line with hers.
Milli felt a presence on her shoulders - like anybody feels when they are being watched. She glanced around several times and noticed no one but Mrs. Cleveland and a girl with an odd hat giving her any glances. 'Girl with a witch hat...' Milli bit her lip wondering what about her had her stand out so well... She blinked, lifting a finger. "Aha!" The impatient cash register lady responded with, "That'd be four seventy five dear." Milli frowned and handed over her debit card reluctantly, "And a coffee too. That'd be another dollar, but since you like me so much how bout just fifty cents?"
"Five dollars and seventy five cents dear." Milli didn't have a chance to say no as her card was swiped through the machine. "Dangit..."
LOCATION: Kitchen inside Cafeteria TIME: 10:56AM
Edited: 8:27pm 2/19 Sorry!
![^_^ ^_^](https://static.rprepository.com/imgs/emoticons/anime.gif)
LOCATION: Kitchen inside Cafeteria TIME: 10:53
Milli looked back to the astonished Mrs. Cleveland, "Oh sorry... I just recruited my first club member yet of this spring, hehe..." She patted the back of her head trying to ignore the awkward stares of the other passing students. She reached down with one hand, still maintaining eye contact with the lunch lady, and yanked Ib by the collar and sat him between her feet and the bottom of the counter. He fought her hand off and crossed him arms glaring hungrily up as the Mrs. Cleveland handed Milli a breakfast plate fit for a developing young mind. "That's good honey, but when are you going to pay your piling up food fines eh?" the elderly lady said with a sad gleam in her eyes. "Soon!" Milli exclaimed, giving Ib a push with one hand quickly and holding her plate up with the other. Ib reluctantly followed his Player to the cash register careful as he always was to not touch anybody else. You could see he was tempted though to sit on Milli's feet as he was following so close his own were practically in line with hers.
Milli felt a presence on her shoulders - like anybody feels when they are being watched. She glanced around several times and noticed no one but Mrs. Cleveland and a girl with an odd hat giving her any glances. 'Girl with a witch hat...' Milli bit her lip wondering what about her had her stand out so well... She blinked, lifting a finger. "Aha!" The impatient cash register lady responded with, "That'd be four seventy five dear." Milli frowned and handed over her debit card reluctantly, "And a coffee too. That'd be another dollar, but since you like me so much how bout just fifty cents?"
"Five dollars and seventy five cents dear." Milli didn't have a chance to say no as her card was swiped through the machine. "Dangit..."
LOCATION: Kitchen inside Cafeteria TIME: 10:56AM
Edited: 8:27pm 2/19 Sorry!
Location: Outside Time: 10:50
Hm...The novel in his hands was shut. Slipping the book back into his bag, he got up and looked up towards his partner, still lounging in the tree. There was little for the elf to do during the day, and for all that they got along well enough, neither of them was particularly outgoing with their friendliness. Without a word, he started towards the cafeteria. He didn't normally get regular meals, but he suppoesd he should at least grab a snack from one of the vending machines. With his headphones on and his music going strong, he made his way back into the cafeteria. On the way through, he noticed that the woman who'd been napping at the recruitment table was missing, as was the piece of paper he'd left behind.
Apparently, she'd gotten the note. A rather crude way to go about doing things, maybe, but he'd never been the best at being social. Besides, it would've been equally rude to wake up a complete stranger just to say hello, right? Moving towards the cafeteria's vending machines, he started to slide a dollar from his pocket while looking around. Nothing much of any real interest going on...He saw a few familiar faces, of course, but no one that he would call a friend. Not that there were many, or for that matter any, that could really fall into that category. Stopping in front of the vending machine, he fed a dollar into the machine and took a moment to consider his options.
While he was doing so, his attention was pulled away by the sight of a rather out of place hat floating atop the crowd of people though the constantly shifting doors to the kitchen. Too far away for him to actually identify who was wearing the hat, the sight brought a smile to his face. Certainly nothing he'd ever be caught dead wearing in public if only for his selfconciousness, he had to admit to himself that it was a nice hat. Turning back to the vending machine, he blindly stabbed at a couple number options to surprise himself, and ended up being rewarded with some off brand crunchy granola bar. Ahh, well. It would do for a quick snack. Leaning down to retrieve the packaged food, he turned to see an odd creature through the crowd, one that was far too short and far too out of place to not draw attention. The constantly shifting crowd was quick to hide the creature again, quickly enough that he wondered if he saw it at all. The granola bar was unwrapped and idly munched on as he started towards the kitchen, hoping to catch another glance.
Location: Kitchen Entrance Time: 10:55
Hm...The novel in his hands was shut. Slipping the book back into his bag, he got up and looked up towards his partner, still lounging in the tree. There was little for the elf to do during the day, and for all that they got along well enough, neither of them was particularly outgoing with their friendliness. Without a word, he started towards the cafeteria. He didn't normally get regular meals, but he suppoesd he should at least grab a snack from one of the vending machines. With his headphones on and his music going strong, he made his way back into the cafeteria. On the way through, he noticed that the woman who'd been napping at the recruitment table was missing, as was the piece of paper he'd left behind.
Apparently, she'd gotten the note. A rather crude way to go about doing things, maybe, but he'd never been the best at being social. Besides, it would've been equally rude to wake up a complete stranger just to say hello, right? Moving towards the cafeteria's vending machines, he started to slide a dollar from his pocket while looking around. Nothing much of any real interest going on...He saw a few familiar faces, of course, but no one that he would call a friend. Not that there were many, or for that matter any, that could really fall into that category. Stopping in front of the vending machine, he fed a dollar into the machine and took a moment to consider his options.
While he was doing so, his attention was pulled away by the sight of a rather out of place hat floating atop the crowd of people though the constantly shifting doors to the kitchen. Too far away for him to actually identify who was wearing the hat, the sight brought a smile to his face. Certainly nothing he'd ever be caught dead wearing in public if only for his selfconciousness, he had to admit to himself that it was a nice hat. Turning back to the vending machine, he blindly stabbed at a couple number options to surprise himself, and ended up being rewarded with some off brand crunchy granola bar. Ahh, well. It would do for a quick snack. Leaning down to retrieve the packaged food, he turned to see an odd creature through the crowd, one that was far too short and far too out of place to not draw attention. The constantly shifting crowd was quick to hide the creature again, quickly enough that he wondered if he saw it at all. The granola bar was unwrapped and idly munched on as he started towards the kitchen, hoping to catch another glance.
Location: Kitchen Entrance Time: 10:55
Location: Inside the Cafeteria Time: 10:56.
Crow's yellows eyes found nothing amiss in the kitchen, then. Turning on her heel, the colorless clothed femme strode past the cash register, and those around it. Crow's coarse leather boots tread upon the carpet, her traveling form bringing her back to her table. The chair wasn't pushed in and ignored. Her black slacks bending at the knee as her pale fingers wrap around the rustic handle of her suitcase. Crow stands up and walks around the chair again, leaning down to hook a finger underneath the black ribbon that held her books together. Lifting them up, Crow's teetering form swayed to the weight of each object, and her legs started to move towards the cafeteria's exit.
Once outside the cafeteria, Crow's form bends, her left hand releasing the suitcase upon the ground. Her hand then moved upwards and pressed down upon her hat, firmly situating it upon her head. Then her hand picks up the suitcase again and she walks across the campus, greeting no one, traveling towards the library.
Location: Outside on Campus Time: 10:50
Crow's yellows eyes found nothing amiss in the kitchen, then. Turning on her heel, the colorless clothed femme strode past the cash register, and those around it. Crow's coarse leather boots tread upon the carpet, her traveling form bringing her back to her table. The chair wasn't pushed in and ignored. Her black slacks bending at the knee as her pale fingers wrap around the rustic handle of her suitcase. Crow stands up and walks around the chair again, leaning down to hook a finger underneath the black ribbon that held her books together. Lifting them up, Crow's teetering form swayed to the weight of each object, and her legs started to move towards the cafeteria's exit.
Once outside the cafeteria, Crow's form bends, her left hand releasing the suitcase upon the ground. Her hand then moved upwards and pressed down upon her hat, firmly situating it upon her head. Then her hand picks up the suitcase again and she walks across the campus, greeting no one, traveling towards the library.
Location: Outside on Campus Time: 10:50
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