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Forums » Introductions » Hey

Hello people!

I am BookLover02. I love doing roleplays, especially fantasy and sci-fi ones. I may not always have time to roleplay, because I dance almost every day of the week, and may have to babysit my little bro. Anyways, I'm glad to be here, so seeya!
Hey there and welcome! If you like books, is there any in particular that you like to RP? I'm sure you can find plenty of Harry Potter fans and more around the site.

Feel free to ask around for help if you need it! :)
BookLover02 Topic Starter

I love Harry Potter rps, but I would like a PJ or Rangers Apprentice rp.
Welcome, BookLover!

I'm excited to have you here at the RPR! Actually, we all are. :) And don't worry about not being too active; I've known people who take nearly a month the reply. You're not alone. ;) This is a very active, friendly community, and I'm sure that you'll have no problem finding people who share your interests. (It looks like you already have; well done. :D) For instance, I have taken a liking to Ranger's Apprentice books, as well. Friends are also easy to make on this site. Everyone's just so annoyingly helpful. And nice. XD

So, it looks like you've started finding your way around the site. It's a pretty user-friendly place, really. Characters are sort of important in roleplay (Ha, ha, really, Last?) so I'm sure you'll find this article on character profiles pretty helpful, if you haven't already taken a look at it. The Fantasy and Sci-fi forums will also be important in your RPing career, though I can see that you've already discovered them. :) Good job. You're not floundering nearly as much as I was when I first joined.

So that's about it. If you come across any questions that you have, you can always visit (or re-visit) this help article or message anyone on here (including me). The search bar up in the right-hand corner is also very nice, as I'm sure you've found. You can also message one of our moderators, who are always eager to help in any way they can. I hope you enjoy your stay here!
BookLover02 Topic Starter

Thanks LastOfMyKind! That was very helpful. RPR is fairly easy to use, at least to me. It is set up nicely
BookLover02 wrote:
Thanks LastOfMyKind! That was very helpful. RPR is fairly easy to use, at least to me. It is set up nicely
It is, isn't it? Kim and her OP friends have done a great job. :) (Don't tell them I said that...) I'm glad you're finding your way around easily!
BookLover02 wrote:
I love Harry Potter rps, but I would like a PJ or Rangers Apprentice rp.

I haven't seen much of either, but you can always search and find out. Or make your own post if you're ready!

Welcome to RPR! I'm super glad you've joined us here! What are your favorite books and genres of fiction?

I really recommend checking out the Looking For RP boards, and I definitely recommend hitting up the OOC Chat as a place to get to know some of your fellow roleplayers!

Thank you SO MUCH for coming to us and helping us make our community great!

Hi booklover. Hello and welcome to RPR. Welcome to the family.

Heyo booklover, welcome to RPR! I am also a fellow lover of books, but alas, I have not seen many PJ or Ranger's Apprentice rps on here, however they would be a lot of fun to do! Anyway, good luck in your search and I hope you're successful!
Well met, Booklover! Any lover of books is alright with me. Welcome to the RPR Community! Enjoy and have fun!
Hello and Welcome to the RPR Family!


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