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Forums » Introductions » H-hewwo?

I'm new here, obviously, and I'm rather glad I found this place. I've been looking for a good RP site for a while now and this one seems perfect. I'm not the greatest roleplayer but I like to think I'm good, maybe a little better than good. All the same I'm happy to have found this site. I'm not very good at introductions either, but I'll try my best. Let's see here.....I suppose I can start with things I like. I like video games, reading, nature, fantasy creatures, animals, writing, and generally just anything considered creative I suppose. I'm in a few fandoms, including TES, Fallout, a few animes, Warrior Cats, and a few others. As for things I dislike, that depends. I, in general, don't like the human races, just as a whole, but individual people are different. I could love or hate you, it all depends on what you do and say, to me and other people. Other things I dislike I guess are how over the top people get about their fandoms. I mean sure, I'm a pretty big fangirl sometimes, but like, I don't take it NEARLY as are as some people. Most things that I don't like involve the way people act about things. Anyway, on to things about roleplay. The types of RP I like vary, but to be honest the ones I'm most used to and the ones that are easiest for me are romance rp's. However, I will not do SRP, it's just not something I'm interested in, nor will it ever be. I'll do most RP's, maybe, I don't know. I've never really been exposed to many other than for a few minutes before my roleplay partner left me. Anyway, that about raps up everything you need to know about me. This introduction thing may make me seem kinda like the serious type, but trust me, you get to know me and I'm anything but.

Hello and welcome to RPR. Welcome to the family.

Welcome here.
*notices your introduction*

0w0 whats this?

forreal tho welcome avacado!
Hello and Welcome to the RPR Family! <3

TheGreatAvocado wrote:
I'm new here, obviously, and I'm rather glad I found this place. I've been looking for a good RP site for a while now and this one seems perfect. I'm not the greatest roleplayer but I like to think I'm good, maybe a little better than good. All the same I'm happy to have found this site. I'm not very good at introductions either, but I'll try my best. Let's see here.....I suppose I can start with things I like. I like video games, reading, nature, fantasy creatures, animals, writing, and generally just anything considered creative I suppose. I'm in a few fandoms, including TES, Fallout, a few animes, Warrior Cats, and a few others. As for things I dislike, that depends. I, in general, don't like the human races, just as a whole, but individual people are different. I could love or hate you, it all depends on what you do and say, to me and other people. Other things I dislike I guess are how over the top people get about their fandoms. I mean sure, I'm a pretty big fangirl sometimes, but like, I don't take it NEARLY as are as some people. Most things that I don't like involve the way people act about things. Anyway, on to things about roleplay. The types of RP I like vary, but to be honest the ones I'm most used to and the ones that are easiest for me are romance rp's. However, I will not do SRP, it's just not something I'm interested in, nor will it ever be. I'll do most RP's, maybe, I don't know. I've never really been exposed to many other than for a few minutes before my roleplay partner left me. Anyway, that about raps up everything you need to know about me. This introduction thing may make me seem kinda like the serious type, but trust me, you get to know me and I'm anything but.

hey welcome nice to meet you I would like to rp pm if interested


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