Hey, folks! This is just a shot in the dark in case any of you are also regular users of the up-and-coming Nabyn.com . I've recently decided that I'd like to get back into serious art, doing commissions and all of that, but I am severely disenchanted with places like deviantART and, quite honestly, Nabyn has stolen my heart. No other website will do. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. (SITE?)
The catch, however, is that I can't register an account yet without an invitation from someone who is already a member, and that member has to be reasonably active in order to have invitations to give out. I could wait for the beta to end, but I'm impatient to get my arting and eventual moneymaking on the road.
TL;DR WIZARD GET TO THE POINT PLS: If you have an account, have an available invite (or know someone who does), and have no qualms with giving it to me, I will make you... an art. GOLLY!
I will make you a small art for one of your character profiles! It can be either an icon or a transparent png in a simple style and flat colored. If you are not automatically sold by my charisma (+2 bonus granted by bow tie) and excellent taste in hats, here are some examples:
here's one
here's another one
here's a pony
here's an icon
one more
(All arts have been made for other characters on the RPR and are not available for free use, sorry!)
Thanks for looking! As an aside, try not to get eaten by bears.
The catch, however, is that I can't register an account yet without an invitation from someone who is already a member, and that member has to be reasonably active in order to have invitations to give out. I could wait for the beta to end, but I'm impatient to get my arting and eventual moneymaking on the road.
TL;DR WIZARD GET TO THE POINT PLS: If you have an account, have an available invite (or know someone who does), and have no qualms with giving it to me, I will make you... an art. GOLLY!
I will make you a small art for one of your character profiles! It can be either an icon or a transparent png in a simple style and flat colored. If you are not automatically sold by my charisma (+2 bonus granted by bow tie) and excellent taste in hats, here are some examples:
here's one
here's another one
here's a pony
here's an icon
one more
(All arts have been made for other characters on the RPR and are not available for free use, sorry!)
Thanks for looking! As an aside, try not to get eaten by bears.
I found someone who'll give you an invite, a good friend of mine. Only need an email and it's done.
Ffft I need to get involved in subtle sites. Never heard of Nabyn, but ffff your art is glorious as always x3
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