I'm Veezly. Since it crashed the first time. But I'm real cool and collective. My old spot is missing and now I'm all ALONE!! But I'm more then happy to try here with new faces!
Hello and welcome! I hope you have a wonderful time here and find everything you're looking for.
Heidi wrote:
Hello and welcome! I hope you have a wonderful time here and find everything you're looking for.
Thank you Heidi
Sexysultrybabe wrote:
Hello and welcome to RPR. Welcome to the family.
And thank you too!
Hellow and welcome to RPR~
I honestly hope that you'll like it here, the community is so varied and friendly; no doubt that you will fit in!
And if you're tired of being all alone, you can always add me! I love to chat, so don't be shy!
Love and unicorns~
I honestly hope that you'll like it here, the community is so varied and friendly; no doubt that you will fit in!
And if you're tired of being all alone, you can always add me! I love to chat, so don't be shy!
Love and unicorns~
Waffleseagreens wrote:
Welcome Veezly! If you ever wanna chat. Just send me a PM!
Gladly. Though what is a PM I see it allot here and I must have missed something when readying trough all the rules and guides.
Jence wrote:
Hellow and welcome to RPR~
I honestly hope that you'll like it here, the community is so varied and friendly; no doubt that you will fit in!
And if you're tired of being all alone, you can always add me! I love to chat, so don't be shy!
Love and unicorns~
I honestly hope that you'll like it here, the community is so varied and friendly; no doubt that you will fit in!
And if you're tired of being all alone, you can always add me! I love to chat, so don't be shy!
Love and unicorns~
Thank you. I'll surely take you up on that offer as more pals are always better to grow with.
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